
Showing posts from June 24, 2012

Skin Bleaching Epidemic In Jamaica Short Documentary

Activist Post: UN Asks: How Many People Could Live on Planet Earth?

Change your gut flora and lose weight Africa: Israel/Africa - Denying Refugee Rights

German parliament approves EU bailout fund - Yahoo! News

Suga Mamas

15 Reasons Why The Obamacare Decision Is A Mind Blowing Disaster For America -

Dr Amos Wilson - How White Society promotes Violence in the Afrikan Community

Black Women and Depression: What You Should Know | For Colored Gurls

How to Lose Weight with Probiotics |

Man Bites Dog, Eats Dog While High on 'Spice' - ABC News

Black Men and Marriage: They Do Want to Walk Down the Aisle

Are Black Women Choosing Gay Men?

Moving testimony of a brotha who was supposed to be aborted

Planned Parenthood clinics kill more Blacks than the Ku Klux Klan

The American Dream Is Now a Myth: Joseph Stiglitz - Asia Business News - CNBC

Summit scepticism hits Spain, Italy costs | Video |

Treating vitamin D deficiency may improve depression

Nigel Farage on the "EU Titanic" and the "Rebirth of National Socialism in Europe" - YouTube

PressTV - Middle age unemployment rate unprecedented in modern US history

BBC News - Turkey calls Nato meeting on warplane downed by Syria

Black Mentacide - Bobby Wright - YouTube

Want to Live to 100? Sleep - Yahoo! Finance