
Showing posts from July 1, 2012

Wearing Saggy Pants Linked to Erectile Dysfunction & Other Health Issues | Davey D-Hip Hop Culture-Hip Hop Politics

Post-genderism - The Artificial Womb [Brave New World] [Video]

Clinton: Russia and China will 'pay price' for supporting Assad — RT

Social Phobia ≠ Shyness | Psychology Today

Henrietta Lacks’ ‘Immortal’ Cells | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine

Florida vies to be America's drone capital — RT

Satan's Marketing Strategy for his Elite followers

Zombie apocalypse hits China with new face-eating attack

When will the U.S. stop mass incarceration? -

Pedophiles Demand Social Acceptance Gays Got -

Ralph Nader: Corporate socialism runs US government - YouTube

Libyan tribal clashes: 47 dead in three days — RT

How To Love A Black Woman | Candy Diaries