Penis, Porn, Muscles, and Money: The new worth of a man

Penis, Porn, Muscles, and Money:
The new worth of a man


The men today measure and are now measured by their sexual prowess , physical appearance and material worth. They have become objectified as centers of pleasure by women and increasingly by other men as well (homosexuality). all these qualities appeal to a persons vanity and base characteristics. 

The Penis : The penis is a man's center of power. If used properly for godly procreation it begets nations and civilizations. In these last days however the penis has been denigrated to a pleasure center for women and homosexual men. It has been objectified and has been spiritually severed from the man's body. Instead of being reserved for ones wife it is now available for any and all "cummers"! The modern man, whether black or white has been defiled by his own lusts. I know this personally because my battle is with sexual lusts as well. I have also succumbed to the over sexed culture that exists in America, so I speak this in order to enlighten others and not solely to condemn. Major proof of this phenomena is the sale of penis enlargement products and surgical procedures. Men are made to feel inadequate when it comes to satisfying women. This is no accident. The powers that be want to cause men to feel impotent (no pun intended here) when it comes to their relationships with women.
It is not necessary to have a gargantuan penis in order to make a woman have a pleasurable sexual experience. The link below discusses that.

Playboy magazineMaxim Magazine

Porn : Pornography is the primary weapon of choice in creating a spirit of inadequacy in the hearts and minds of men, and women as well, in the sexual realm. Men with above average penis sizes are displayed and perform what seems to be superhuman sexual feats on a bevy of voluptuous and sexy women. The message pornography sends is clear, these women are off limits to "small" men. These beautiful women with perfect breasts and big behinds are for the "Sexual Elite" the men who can seemingly perform like sexual supermen and create exploding orgasms in their women. Men with small appendages need not apply to this club for you will be left by the woman who will seek out a man with a 10 to 12 inch penis, that can perform for hours without having an ejaculation. All of this of course is an act, a fantasy, displayed by editing and by the use of drugs by the actors and actresses as well to cause the man or women watching to feel like their sex lives are lacking. They equate sexual bliss purely on the physical and forget that 90 percent of good sex is emotional and spiritual.  

Muscles : The use of muscle enhancement drugs is well known in American society. There is nothing inherently wrong with a man having muscles of course. The problem arises when having muscles become an individual and national obsession. Muscles represent power, and power tends to corrupt spiritually. Nations that obsess over muscles tend also to be the most blood thirsty and warlike.
Men and increasingly women seek greater muscle mass. This desire is based primarily on vanity. We all want to look like movie stars, we all want to be desired like porn stars. This desire has created dysmorphism or Body dysmorphic disorder in many men and women today. Dysmorphism is a relative unrecognized yet severe psychiatric disorder that consists of an unhealthy preoccupation with ones appearance . Men who suffer from this often feel that their body is "puny" despite having great muscle mass, they may also be overly obsessed with their skin and get distressed over a pimple or some other blemish. Once again the central theme is that the person feels inadequate and unworthy of love.

Money: The love of money is the root of all evils. This is a very well known biblical scripture. Money is the one area that is not limited by ones biology. A man can only gain so much muscle and of course he cannot control the size of his penis. Money on the other hand offers almost unlimited potential for gain, if one is willing to do what it takes to attain it. Money is the most corrupting element of all the ones listed in this article. The love of the Dollar has caused black people to sell drugs, murder, lie, steal and destroy themselves in order to gain more. Money runs America and America right now runs the world. And the black Americans are running to and fro in order to get more of those greenbacks in their own pockets. We don't care what is being done to create this false wealth, whether wars against weaker nations are fought, or banks creating fiat currency and debt brought it about or whether we have to sell our souls to get some, African-America is obsessed with the dollar. Because of this inordinate love of corrupt riches black America is now in a state of implosion. We are at war with ourselves in the fight to get the financial scraps that this evil monetary system produces. 

The biggest threat to the African American community is the African American community. The only thing preventing us from degenerating into full scale civil war and self inflicted genocide is our subjugation within the American political and military system. We may not be Rwanda or the Congo, but all the elements are there. What is missing is the military might that would be needed for such atrocities to be carried out.

Planners vs players.

Black Americans lack national vision in these last days. It was not always the case. Just generation ago our leaders created schools , businesses, inventions, crafts, valued hard work, and most of all they valued their God and family. They were not perfect, but their efforts sustained us and. Allowed us to grow. They had a vision tailored to our particular circumstances and worked to create that vision.

Now we have no vision. This is do to us being grafted into the American economic and political system and no longer a separate nation within a nation. We now share a corrupt vision of white supremacy. We as a nation have become schizophrenic. We have become corrupted by the wine of Babylon and we are drunk spiritually.

Vanity has now colored our national vision. We are now a hedonistic pleasure loving people. We like to play. We now allow other people to envision OUR future while we play in the yard like children, the adults are in the house handling the nations business. We accept the America world vision of conquest and subjugation of other nations of color. The exploitation and theft of other peoples wealth are brought home by the master and laid out on the ground. We as a child lust after the master,s ill gotten gain. We want to partake of his spoils so we can play again oblivious to the curse this wealth brings.

Our biggest moneymaking occupations are sports, rap music, mainstream music such as R&B, Jazz, etc. , and acting. & talk shows, be it radio or TV. Now some of these are good occupations. But none of them necessarily build a nation or sustain one for long term development. We are too content with just being passengers We must overcome our self inflicted inadequacies and take hold of the ship and right our paths toward God and our ultimate salvation

K.L. Stubblefield is the Author of American Reprobate:
God's curse and Restoration of the African American

You can order my book on
Or go to Trafford publishing .com and type in the title


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