Contrary to the popular opinions generated in mass media outlets, such as Oprah Winfrey, or ABC news, a lot of black women, I believe do not want to get married. My personal experience as well as observation of the behavior of many black women leads me to believe that she is not as interested in matrimony as she conveys when in the public eye. Take away the camera, or the microphone and watch the sisters day to day lives and you will see a systematic desire, whether conscious or un-conscious to remain single or to be in a relationship where the authority of the institution of marriage does not bear sway on her so-called freedoms and independence. There are many reasons for this behavior I have listed some below. 

 1) Spirit of rebellion against the will of YAH 

She does not want to submit to the true God so she instinctively and subconsciously flees righteous God loving black men or if she does consent to be his helpmeet she in turn commits subterfuge or open rebellion to his leadership and then tries to usurp his legacy and heritage through Divorce or family court systems. She has the spirit of Lucifer who stated in Heaven (That I will not serve). 

2) She dates and gravitates toward thugs: 

The black women knows that marriage is in the Order of God and his precepts. She knows that there is a hierarchy and a grand design she deep down knows that she wants to continue in rebellion so she seeks the man who is also in open rebellion to the will of YAH. And they form an unholy alliance and in many cases reproduce a seed that later rebels against God as well. When the result turns out to be detrimental to her personal well being she then claims victim status and seeks the assistance from the government law enforcement and social service agencies to come to her rescue. Once saved however she turns around and seeks the same type of individual or she may even reunite with the man that has caused her harm. Either way she continues the cycle of depravity in order to satisfy her inordinate lusts.

3) She becomes attracted to other women: 

Rabekah and Kriss

This is the newest and fastest growing trend in the black woman’s social arsenal against the submission to a righteous black man. She knows that many black thugs are being murdered and or incarcerated, separating her from her source of fleshly gratification. There are of course many other thugs but the numbers are dwindling and she still does not and in many situations cannot relate in a healthy way toward a decent black man. So she seeks another woman in order to satisfy her lusts. Once she crosses that road be it out of curiosity or an innate desire she later finds that is hard to break away from. Lesbianism just like cigarettes is habit forming. 

4) She is a weapon for destruction. 

She is an unwitting agent in the undeclared civil war in black America. If one truly observes recent history in regards to how America makes war. They no longer fight in order to gain territory. They seek destabilization of a nation in order to exploit that nation’s natural resources and extrapolate the wealth of the indigent population. In order to accomplish this the U.S. Government foments strife between the members of the indigenous population and creates a defacto civil war. In Iraq it is the Sunni’s vs. the Shiites vs. the Kurds. In Afghanistan it is the Taliban against Al Qaeda, In Libya it was Khadafy against the Libyan rebels. Well this same blueprint has been going on within the African- American population for the past 20 to 25 years. The black woman in many cases spawns a malformed malignant seed into the black population which in turn spreads war within that community. I said before In American Reprobate, that we cannot accept black people as brothers or sisters simply because their skin looks like ours. We have various enemies within our population because the unrepentant black woman chooses to breed them and nurture them. 

Psalms 58:3 states :The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. 

 Many black women lie down and produce seed from base and vile men. That DNA is transmitted and 9 months later transported through the woman’s primordial Matrix (womb) and emerges in our dimension as an enemy within. This is the main reason you no longer see the KKK parading and terrorizing our communities like they did 35 to 45 years ago. They no longer have to. Just like America got the Iraqis to police themselves. The reprobate child will grow up and continue the destabilization process of the black community, further weakening and eroding it’s political, economical, and spiritual clout. They have now become The New world Order’s weapon of choice. 

5) She is evil. 

Yes, there are evil black women in America. I know the media doesn’t like to show them the way they do the black men, but they’re out there. They love to do evil things , like beating her kids, smoking crack, shoplifting, committing welfare fraud, sleeping with thugs, harboring drug dealers, fighting other black women like herself, stripping and prostituting, and a myriad of other immoral behaviors that disqualify her from being a wife to a righteous, God fearing brother. He knows that marrying her, despite how fine she is or how good the sex is, will be a detriment to his life goals and he will pass her by. This will leave her with only one choice of male companionship, the thug.

6) She loves the world 

 Many black women are in love with the corrupt worldly culture in America. The hedonistic pleasures that are offered are very alluring to many sisters today, especially the more upwardly mobile black women. Shopping malls, credit cards, fancy clothes, fancy cars, fancy trips, are very tempting for black women. Now don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with having some of these things, but just like good wine, too much of it will make you drunk. Many sisters tend to put too great an emphasis on these material pleasures and forget that God put her here for something nobler than just having a career. She is to be the HELPMEET for the man that reflects the image of God himself, the black man. You can’t serve two masters. So many sisters choose the world and the pleasures it brings. So the black man that is interested in her is not necessarily competing with another man, but with a world system. If he does not align himself with that system then she moves on. 

There you have it 6 reasons black women persist in non marriage, the black man shortage is not the main reason. These women are in love with their independence and the pleasures of the Anglo-Saxon economic system, Not God.

K.L Stubblefield is The Author of the Book American Reprobate: God's Curse and Restoration of the African-American

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