Mar 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Big muscles, big penis, big athlete, tough fighter. Hardcore rapper.
These traits are what society allows black men to project out to the world. This is what I call "Buck Power" the power to project sexual and/or physical potency on an INDIVIDUAL level. This power allows the black men to still take some pleasure and self esteem about himself, to be made to feel that he is something special despite the fact that his community has crumbled all around him. It distracts him from the fact that he is a conquered foe. That his women and children are dependent on the enemy for their sustenance and that he is basically powerless on a national scale and unable to deliver on real forms of power, such as political, social and spiritual power. These forms of power build nations and shape civilizations.
Buck power is basically slave power. It is no different from the ancient Roman gladiators, who pummeled and killed each other in the arena for the emperors and masses pleasure. If the gladiator is victorious he receives the accolades of the people and the acceptance of the emperor. Thus his self esteem is raised and his life is prolonged. He may also receive great financial benefits which in turn motivates him to pursue his craft even more, it also encourages his peers to do the same.
These men, who would otherwise make great leaders for the nation, become content to be brutes who entertain. They do not aspire for the more noble endeavors of healing their nations wounds. Instead many of these Bucks sell out and walk away and their people continue to decline while they shake their head and wag their fingers complaining how pitiful HIS brethren have become. "I got mine; you need to get yours” is what goes on in his mind.
Bucks tend to be arrogant, not all of them of course but a sizable portion, they have a narcissistic demeanor because they are able to display to the world their prowess. This causes many of them to have an over inflated opinion of themselves that is not based in reality. They see the world through the distorted lenses of their vocation such as football or rap music. They think they have more influence than they actually have. The cheers of the crowd brings a since of satisfaction. They truly believe their fans REALLY Love them. Some however find out very quickly how this so called love can change in a heartbeat if they have been perceived as committing a gross violation against society. Tiger Woods, OJ Simpson, Michael Vick, and numerous rappers have learned how quickly those cheers can change into cries for blood when the masses become displeased with you
Buck power is fleeting. It only affects the individual with whom the person comes in contact with. I may be a strong street fighter from Chicago but I can't clean up drugs from my neighborhood, I may be a big time football player from New York, but I can't declare war on Iran. But I CAN strut around like a peacock, when you look at me. However when it is all said and done history usually doesn't remember the bucks. How many people around the world know who Earl Campbell is compared to Martin Luther King? Real power affects nations. Bucks don't do anything accept strut their stuff for their small audience.
Buck power is false power, that's why black men are allowed to display it in force. Because just like their predecessors during the slave trade, the Buck's main job is to produce MORE slaves.
K.L. Stubblefield is the author of American Reprobate:
God's Curse and Restoration of the African American.
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