Thank you letter to the reprobate sister : From Satan
Thank you letter to the reprobate sister : From Satan
Thank you black woman for helping me destroy your black brother. It has taken a long time but we are finally reaching MY goal for his demise.
We started this process in the Garden of Eden when I tempted Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit. After we partook I had sex with her and produced Cain, of course she had sex with Adam also and they had Abel. Well my son Cain killed that self righteous Abel and at that point temporarily stopped the Godly seed from bearing fruit in the earth. However God gave Adam and Eve Seth so the godly seed continued.
I was not happy about that so I took action to continue my rebellion against the Most High and his plan of redemption for mankind. And you black woman have been my number one weapon of choice. You and I are one in the same. We're both vain, selfish, self centered, materialistic, jealous , fearful of abandonment, envious. violent, and we both hate the black man because many of them reflect the image of the Most High, whom I despise. And now in the 21st century you despise him as much as I do. I KNEW YOU WOULD EVENTUALLY SEE THINGS MY WAY!
I really admire your whimsical and foolish standards regarding how you relate and date black men. You have a laundry lists of crazy requirements that he must meet in order to win your affections such as drive a fancy car, be able to get his street hustle on, but not hustle you of course. He must be able to knock a nigga out, but not you of course. He must be a sexual STUD but only faithful to you. His penis must be long and his biceps strong. This compels the brothers to spend inordinate hours in the gym pumping iron and flexing in the mirror instead of building up businesses, schools, and other enterprises that would benefit your community.
I especially like the way you encourage the brother to become a criminal. You like it when he sells drugs out of your apartment. You like being able to spend that "dope" money, wasn't it destiny's child that said "he gotta be street if he lookin' at me!" Of course you hate it when the police are called. When that happens you play the victim and asks the government and social service agencies for mercy. Good move baby , way to set that nigga up for the fall.
Thanks to you the black man in America is almost completely subjugated. You have seduced and deceived him in many different ways that has benefited my plans, he is now becoming an obsolete commodity in the American and global economic system. In return I offer you , power, indulgence and self-exaltation.
You are the man of the house now. You possess the penis. I love it that you are producing seed that reflects my image . Profane offspring which God hates. Saggy pants, fake dreadlocks, poor education, no love of knowledge, feet that are swift to do evil. murderers, robbers, lovers of pleasure. I love these things in the young black youth today.This is made all possible by your continuous rebellion against God and service to me. In return I give you jobs , high powered careers, cars, homes, fancy cruises, serial boyfriends and husbands, great sex, wealth, fame all the things that you love in this world in return you give me the following, because
where there are loose and sexually active women, there will also be a significant number of brutes, thugs, base and violent men in close proximity, there will also be men who are perpetrators of the thug or brute as well who are trying to get there little slice of the whore pie. When there are numerous whores in the land it will attract the fierce and tyrannical elements to it, thus increasing vice and folly in the land that is occupied.
Loose Women like you my reprobate sister breed and sustain:
Cannon Fodder
Domestic Violence
Death (early)
Broken Marriages (divorce)
Baby Mama Drama
Food Stamps
Public Housing
Drug Dealers
Poor Education
Crack babies
This is just a short list of things you have provided for me. I am so pleased with you sister you are doing a great job. I know you like going to church and pretending to be holy and submissive. That is why I give you preachers like T.D. Jakes, Eddie Long, and Creflo Dollar. They tell you what you love to hear and they do it with style and flair and have a gospel swagger that deep down you long to submit to sexually unfortunately some of those preachers like men. Oh well! you can't win them all. I know you don't want to admit any of this but it's O.K. As long as you don't submit to your righteous black husband we will be on good terms. TRUST ME !
K.L. Stubblefield is the author of American Reprobate
God's Curse and Restoration of the African American
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