Proud and profane.

Proud and profane.


These are the two characteristics that have infected the spirit of too many black women in America today. You have on one end of the spectrum the hood rat she loves the base and profane lifestyle. She loves the multi- colored hair weave , she brawls in the street like a man. She carries a funky disposition with her in public. Cussing out fast food workers at McDonald's or fighting in Chucky Cheese . She dates and gravitates toward thugs and riff raff. She had their babies who will later grow up as riff raff also. She hates the righteous brother. If a young boy is trying too make something of his life by going to school everyday and studying hard. She discourages him at a young age calling him a nerd or punk. Trying to convert him into a low life. She is vile and base and has the nerve to think that she would still be a good catch for marriage. She is a HOE with a capital "H". She will receive her recompense. In fact she is already receiving her just do.

Many of the social service agencies that many hood rats relied on to fin ace their base lifestyles are now being reduced or cut off completely. Welfare payments are now limited to 5 years and require that the hood rat either work or perform some form of community service in order to qualify. Medicaid benefits are steadily being reduced and as of this writing America is approaching the so called "fiscal cliff " which will cause further reduction in medical benefits .the hood rat had better keep that in mind the next time she goes in IHOP to start a fight because she may not be able to get a doctor to treat her black eye or wounded scalp after her tracks are ripped out by another chicken head in the brawl. Public housing projects are also being shut down and demolished in cities around the country leaving fewer choices for affordable housing for the hood rat that refuses to work or improve her education.

The other extreme is The proud bitch, who feels she is a better human being than other black men and hood rat women. She is into her CAREER, her education, her professional affiliations etc. She is. The borderline narcissist that goes on Oprah crying why she can't get a man "ON HER LEVEL". Her head is so far in the clouds due to her indoctrination into western white thought processes she does not see how self delusional she has become.  She now feels that her salvation lies in the arms of her mortal enemy the white man.  She accepts his  worldview of wealth by any means necessary. She accepts his believes on female beauty. She does not like wearing her hair in her natural state, she disdains the AFRO. She does not realize that is a a symbol of her God given royalty. It is a natural crown that represents the halo. She would rather take a hot comb and chemicals to change her visage into the Caucasian. She spends billions of dollars annually to achieve this image of a white woman in black skin and then complains that brothers never have any money. Her fall will be hard and great. Careers can't sustain you in an oligarchical economy, which is what the economy in America has become.  Her so called western beauty will fade over time and she will suddenly become middle aged wondering why she couldn't land a husband. She will be purged and all her false self esteem will pour out like vomit from her soul. She will become what she fears the most, AVERAGE.

Both of these women represent the extreme end of the same  Luciferian  misandry coin. One thinks she is rebelling the other think she is conforming. Both are doing the will of the enemy. Corroding the black nuclear family structure from within.

It is up to righteous God fearing men and women together to correct this problem. The time will come that both these women's support systems will begin to crumble and it will become easier to reach them in love.

K.L Stubblefield is the author of the book of "American Reprobate : God's Curse and Restoration of the African American

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