Take me to your leader (Revised)

Take me to your leader {Revised)

The phrase conjures up images of space aliens from old "B"- movies" of the 40's 50's and 60's. However this famous quote is  infinitesimally important in repairing the damage done in African American relationships and culture.

Leadership is an individual function. Our entire lives centers around effective leadership. Effective governments gain power through good leadership. Small businesses as well as major corporations keep the worlds economic engines running when they have good and effective leaders, the best sports teams in history such as the Lakers, Celtics, New England patriots were all successful because of the leadership provided by their respective HEAD coaches.

Nature also provides examples of leadership, the male lion leads and protects his pride in the jungle. When geese fly long distances the fly in a v shaped formation that makes the flight more aero- dynamic and enables them to reach their destination with less physical strain.

The bible gives many examples of how a nations fate is hinged on the spiritual condition of it's leaders. A good example was king David . Everyone pretty much knows that David was a man after Gods own heart. He was a great king. But David did have his moments of failure, one was when Satan influenced him to number Israel, which went against God's commandments. When this happened God censured David by forcing him to choose between 3 different forms of punishment on the nation of Israel, The punishment that David was forced to choose eventually led to the death of 70,000 people. this was a very bitter pill to swallow for David . On the other hand a wicked king of Nineveh averted the destruction of his nation when he hearkened to the preachings of Jonah. So it is very important to understand the force that leadership exerts in our lives.

Leadership of the black family has been under attach for centuries and the  nature of this assault is starting to bear it's putrid fruit now in the 21st. Century. The black man on a whole has been dethroned, he has lost his scepter. The  golden royal diadem that was supposed to crown his head Has become as brass and is being tossed into the waste heap.

In the place of the noble, hardworking , black father and husband is the new modern black woman. Be it the educated career woman with the fine clothes and good job , or the the uncouth low educated ghetto hood rat that fills the streets of our inner cities. The black man has been yanked from his position of head of the black family and thus head of the black nation.

No nation in history has ever survived or thrived without effective leadership. This is the case with African Americans today. All nations are only as strong as their families that comprise that nation. Families are the building blocks of civilizations, like cells. Are the building blocks of the human body. If the cells that are supposed to build up the body become deformed ,they become cancerous and began to work against that body and will attempt to consume that body. This is what is occurring in the black nation. It is very important for black people who are healthy spiritually and socially to understand this.

Families that do not exhibit good leadership has to be seen as cancerous to the entire black collective. You are your brothers keeper. Just because your family may be intact it is important to understand the destructive nature of dysfunction that occurs within other parts of the black collective body so as to either heal that dysfunction or purge it from the black political body less it transmutes and consumes the whole. Black dysfunction should be viewed as a collective social and spiritual form of cancer.

Wise black leadership is going to have to be restored even in a smaller degree because many of our people are spiritual cancer cells looking to invade a healthy host. This may sound harsh and cruel but it is a reality that must be addressed or we all will become extinct in 30 to 40 years.

One may ask the question, what would be classified as dysfunction? 
The answer would be determined by using the ten commandments as our guide anything that fails to meet that criteria can be considered dysfunction. Of course everyone would fall short by those standards so wise leaders will have to prayerfully submit to the will of Yahweh in order to be discerning. The first goal in reversing the destructive spiral that African America is currently on is to actively resist the forces that are at work in destroying black boys and black fatherhood. These two forces erode the possibilities of righteous resistance to the wickedness that is now coming in to America and the rest of the world like a flood.

It is now a known fact that too many black boys are failing miserably in our nations school systems. These systems have become feminized and are heavily geared toward young girls. The subliminal message starts at a young age for our boys that they are bad and must be treated with harsher disciplinary procedures, lower grades and expectations or put on some form of psychotropic drug. This process is destroying the foundation for future productive husbands and fathers. It  kills the innovative spirit that is inherit in our young boys and young men's nature.

Our young boys are taught to be like the girls in their classes if they want to succeed. They are being , what I described in my previous book "AMERICAN REPROBATE".   "VOLUNSTEERED" This is a process where someone is forced to choose a spiritual , political, economic , or social path that has been laid out for him ,which is a form of control

Alternative funds will have to be set aside by conscious black men and women in America to help fund OUR own programs separate from U.S. Government involvement or assistance in order to ward off the assault on our young boys. We must not seek out any help from state or federal agencies, this must be self funded. It can be done because we did it before when we started all of our historically. Black colleges. Another factor to help young boys is to teach them early own the concept of WORKING FOR THEIR WEALTH. Too many brothers look at the fast so called easy road to wealth through , criminality, rap music, gangsterism, or if they are good enough sports. Young men must learn the importance of putting their noses to the grindstone and persevering.

Laban's Law

Laban was the uncle of Jacob in the bible. Jacob wanted to marry his daughter Rachel. He loved Rachel so much that he labored 7 years for Laban in order to marry her. After those 7 years Laban tricked Jacob into marrying his less attractive daughter Leah. Jacob had to Work 7  more years for Rachel .

Although Laban was a trickster, much like Jacob himself, his actions illustrate the importance of requiring young men to build up character though work. Laban required Jacob to work for his wealth and his bride. Jacob could not just roll up in his pimped out ride and blow his horn and have Rachel come out to his car. The father was an intercessor in the relationship so therefore no Hanky Panky was involved. And because Jacob had to WORK
for his companion he developed a greater DELIGHT in his heart for her. So Laban knew that his daughter would be marrying a decent man that would take care of her. Not some chilly- pimp who is looking for sex.

K.L. Stubblefield is the author of the book "American Reprobate: God's Curse and Restoration of the African- American

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