Ministering: The Greatest form of Lovemaking
The highest form of lovemaking a man can do for his woman is ministering to her. By providing wise counsel and leadership the husband creates a feeling of security and cultivates delight in her heart. This in turn creates an atmosphere of respect and reverence for her husband. Her heart does trust safely in him. This is why so many black women flock to churches. They instinctively yearn for that type of male leadership and affection.
The problem today is too many brothers are not making a spiritual connection with their creator and therefore are not receiving the gift of wisdom and knowledge from on high that would enable him to righteously lead his wife and family. Too many men today chase after mammon. And the women follow suit. So instead of the wise and godly husband being exalted in the black American landscape. The street hustler, pro athlete, or gangster rapper is seen as the ultimate catch.
True Godly ministration has a transforming power that purges evil tendencies from both the husband and the wife. The words spoken from the righteous husband has a sweet ennobling quality too them . The husband is uplifted by speaking the words and the wife is uplifted by hearing and RECEIVING the words in her spirit. It is very important that the wife willingly receives the words spoken from the mouth of her husband because this is akin to physical lovemaking where the wife receives her husbands penis during sex.
A wise and righteous husband infuses the godly spirit into the wife through the sex act and through his words. He therefore produces righteous seed which is later borne by the woman in their offspring.
Men have to seek out their own salvation with fear and trembling, they must cultivate an intimate connection with Yahweh in order to be able to provide righteous leadership for his family and community. The major problems that are occurring in the black community today are occurring because the building blocks of righteous black male leadership on a macro level has broken down and the hedge that would otherwise protect the black woman and her child has been torn asunder.
We have symbolic black male leadership which is woefully inefficient in providing the proper ministration and protection for the majority of the black population what I mean by symbolic is we have reverence for figureheads , such as our church pastors ,and political leaders like Jesse Jackson, and Al sharpton and of course Barak Obama. These individuals become idols in the eyes of black America. And when one focuses their spiritual energy on an idol you simultaneously remove your focus AWAY from the Most High. This becomes a violation of the 1st commandment of not having any God's before Yahweh.
Men in masse have to return to Christ. I don't say this in some syrupy sentimental way but in a practical and bold way. We must submit our will to him and acknowledge that He is sovereign and allow him to infuse us with his POWER AND VIRTUE. And believe me this is true MANLY POWER. This is not the power that is often displayed in our churches of weak emotionalism, and desperation. The power God gives is the same power he gave to david and his mighty men and the sons of Jacob. This is the power he gave to Samson. He will give you the virtue of Daniel and the wisdom of Job and Solomon and he will of course infuse your heart with the love of Yeshua that will empower you to change your world for His glory.
Men if we want to take back our nation we have to be able to minister and not leave that job to only preachers and politicians.
K.L. Stubblefield is The Author of "American Reprobate: God's Curse and Restoration of the African American
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