It's only evil if it happens to "ME

It's only evil if it happens to "ME"

Mat 22:35        Then one of them, [which was] a lawyer, asked [him a question], tempting him, and saying,

Mat 22:36        Master, which [is] the great commandment in the law?

Mat 22:37        Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

Mat 22:38        This is the first and great commandment.

Mat 22:39        And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Mat 22:40        On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

America once again shows it's hypocrisy and racist contempt for others during the Boston marathon saga.

Aurora, Sandy hook, and now the Boston Marathon.
Once again America , you have been tried and tested and found wanting in the eyes of God, the universe, and the rest of the world.

Once again you have displayed to everyone who has eyes your narcissistic hubris, and self adulation. Your inflated self-importance and total disdain and disregard for your fellow citizens whom, as far as YOU are concerned , you have the misfortune of sharing this planet with. You still deem others as lesser value then yourselves. And you have proven this once again by your collective behavior regarding the heinous murders and maiming that was committed at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. A day. which will undoubtedly live in infamy in American history , along with 911, and Pearl Harbor. My heart truly goes out to the victims of this vile and senseless act of violence. However they are victims of not only the bombings, but white racist American self delusion.

Why do I say this you ask?

Because we as a people cry, scream, yell, shout, and cheer the police for capturing and killing two young men who the media and government said did this and yet we don't shed a tear for the hundreds if not thousands of innocent men , women, and children that were summarily murdered in our name by drone strikes in countries, such as Yemen, Pakistan, and Somalia. These events don't even make the evening news anymore. Why ? Because deep down America you don't give a damn about all those black and brown niggers and sand niggers over there. Look deep inside yourself America, examine your heart. Did you concern yourself with their plight before this event. How many of you were  writing your congressman or senator demanding an end to those drone strikes.

"They are all terrorists, at least that is what they told me." Those drone strikes are necessary for our freedom here in America. Those people " hate our freedoms", and they want to kill us because of it. They want to oppress us and kill us, so it's ok to blow up their villages and kill and maim their children. Because our government says it is necessary for our safety here in America. This is the collective attitude of most of the citizens here .

We don't concern ourselves with the Palestinian plight in Israel. And the atrocities committed on those people by our so-called ally in the middle east. To hell with them we say. They are not true humans so their deaths and oppression is a necessary evil. Sounds very similar to what was said during South African apartheid , and the Jim Crow south here in America. However when the American bastion of civilization is hit, when we are wounded. then the whole world has to stand and take notice. Because we are Americans damnit.

I actually heard some jerk state that going to a Red Sox game at Fenway stadium was an act of defiance. Give me a damn break. Defiance against who. Two kids who were probably framed and even if they did do it they are still two kids. In the real world 3 or 4 good detectives would have caught those guys. But in American propaganda world. These two individuals are given superhuman James Bond like qualities that warrant sending 1000 cops out after them in military gear and tanks. Meanwhile telling you to stay in your home or else. And then actually going into your home without a search warrant. Defiance would have been not allowing the police in your home unless they produced a search warrant. But I doubt the people did that.

I believe that Americans deep down cannot let go of their racists beliefs it is because of this core belief in white anglo Saxon superiority that the police state apparatus is allowed to be erected with such efficiency, because in the end all they have to say to the so called " true American" is that we are doing this to protect "YOUR" precious life. We are preventing the black, brown, and olive skin radical Islamic horde from storming your precious white  suburban gates. You want admit this of course and I will be ridiculed for saying it but it will still be true.

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America has failed on all fronts. Our so called victory in Boston is in reality a massive defeat. Everyone around the world now see Americans as soft, malleable, and easy prey. We can talk tough all we want. I've said this before we Americans love to cheer from afar. We like the bombs blowing up other people, especially other people of color. Those so called right wing NRA gun toters as well will be eventually rounded up to.  Do you actually think those stormtroopers that were parading around Boston locking the city down were concerned about resistance .This was a test of the New world order operating system and this was only a test. The next time will be an actual emergency and it may be your face plastered on the T.V. screen as a domestic terrorist.

Better get a lawyer, ahh never mind you want be needing one. Just like the so-called bomber isn't going to be needing one.


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