What's in a name? Everything

What's in a name? Everything

The black man , formed in the image of God has the power to shape his world in the same way God formed the universe, through His Word. Adam named all the beasts of the field and he called his helpmeet WOMAN . Rappers and young hip hop converts constantly talk of their environment and they that inhabit it in a detrimental way. Their women are tricks, hoes, bitches, gold diggers etc. The men are punks , chumps, bitch niggers , suckers, faggots, etc.

Without realizing the power inherent in their words black men of low character are reshaping the black American, and mainstream American landscape. The evidence can be seen everywhere in every community where especially black and latino populations are heavily concentrated. The musical group" WAR" made a song back in the 70's called " The world is a ghetto". Unfortunately this description is coming to fruition in many cities and towns across America.

Ghettos are not run down buildings , or litter in the streets , or broken street lights. Ghettoes are people. People that have a communal mindset of negative defeatist belief systems based on perceived or real injustices and the inability to constructively cope with or overcome those said injustices. These false belief systems of powerlessness are further exacerbated by unsocial and anti-social behaviors carried out by the inhabitants of the said community.

A dysfunctional hive mind paradigm takes root and the people in the environment become infected with the ghetto/ think virus. Their mental, spiritual, intellectual and emotional development is delayed or stunted due to many of them being within that environment. Just like a flower that does not get enough sunlight to grow properly and in perfect symmetry, the ghetto dweller is at a disadvantage in many cases simply because of their location. This of course is not to say that everyone within that community has that thought process at work because there are always going to be exceptional individuals whom God will enable to overcome this detrimental process, but the vast majority will usually succumb to it and thus increase and expand the cycle.Isaiah 5: 8 describes how it is not good for people to be packed in crowded environments and communities. It states:

Isa 5:8 Woe unto them that join house to house, [that] lay field to field, till [there be] no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!

It is vital for ones spiritual and emotional health for a person to have time alone to spend with his God. When a person is constantly surrounded by corruption and iniquity it wears on his or her spirit and in many cases forces that person to succumb to the cultural pressure of the majority.


George Orwell's " 1984" coined the phrase " GROUPTHINK " in which mass media and government shape the thought and linguistic process of it's citizens. Nowhere. Is this more evident than in the African American urban centers across the country. The perfect example of GROUPTHINK is. The sagging pants epidemic within our young men today. This sagging, which originated in the nation's prison systems, was glamorized by young hip hop artists such as Kris kross who in the late 80's wore their clothes backward and loose in their videos. This opened the door to all out sagging around the turn of the century and  now we are inundated with young men and in many cases young women wearing their pants below their waistline.

The music in black America is a weapon that benefits the globalists agenda of world domination. They, unlike the average black youth understand the power of speech and symbolic images of so called idols portraying debasing dress, lifestyles, and using foul language on a regular basis. They control the mass media outlets and are flooding the world with this hip-hop poison.

This psycho spiritual poison acts like a social influenza virus, contaminating all those who have not developed immunity to it's cultural assault. More and more people of all races and nationalities begin accepting the hip-hop culture. From Jamaica to Japan  California to Cairo degrading , narcissistic, self adulation is taking root in young men and women through our music.

Black people have been and still are the change agents of the culture they reside in. God has imbued US with his power to speak into our environment and shape it however we see fit. This power is called the spirit of prophecy. The spirit of prophecy is not predicting that events happen , but actually speaking events into our material realm. This gift has allowed us to maintain and up until the last 25 to 30 years actually thrive in America despite the oppression heaped upon us.

However that is now changing, our younger generation has been allowed to develop a degree power  of what I called  degenerative prophecy. Through mass media , and hip hop culture, young men and women have usurped prophetic power away from the elders of black America and are now using that power of speech and music to bring misery , poverty, and self destruction within the black American nation. BLACK AMERICA IS DYING. By it's hands black America, aided by white supremacy media and government, is injecting the poison of self hate into it's cultural veins.

Fans of the Orijin Culture Facebook fan page debated whether or not an image of a masculine black man wearing a dress was part of an agenda to make black men effeminate.

Black men everywhere are becoming feminized. As I wrote this article I saw an excerpt on ESPN showing Dwayne Wade of the Miami Heat walking around in a pair of tight Capri pants that stopped at his ankles and no socks. The announcers on the show, who were white made light of this fashion statement and one even took a picture of himself wearing the same outfit in jest. They all agreed that the announcer looked ridiculous in that outfit, but it was O.K for Dwyane Wade to wear. Whether or not black people realize this , God prophesied of our plight through the prophet isaiah. The scripture records this in Isaiah 3:12

Isa 3:12        [As for] my people, children [are] their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause [thee] to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

That scripture describes the state of African America to the tee. Our women are being pushed further and further into prominence and are displayed as the wielder of power and influence in the black nation, while at the same time our young men , and increasingly our young women are terrorizing our black communities to the point that people live in fear of retaliation if they report these young men and women to the police.

The black American nation was led down this path by weak religious practices of the black churches which watered down God's word and denied His power. This allowed the white supremacy apparatus to control the messages that came out of the black church like a puppet master controls his puppet.

In the end it is Satan himself who is at the controls of the black American decline. It is his desire to use the power that is given to us by God and turn it against us for our destruction. Unfortunately for our people it is working and believe it or not God is permitting it because we have turned away from him and denied his power.

It would behoove us to study the prophecy stated by the apostle Paul in 2nd Timothy . It states the following:

2Ti 3:1    ¶    This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2Ti 3:2        For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

2Ti 3:3        Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

2Ti 3:4        Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

2Ti 3:5        Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

2Ti 3:6        For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

2Ti 3:7        Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Walk through any African American enclave throughout this nation and in many other nations where blacks reside and ask me if this prophecy is not now evident within that community. God's word is truth people. It brings life or death we must repent of these destructive behaviors lest we will die and many of our people will die the 2nd death in the lake of fire. I for one am praying for a national day of atonement and repentance. A day where we truly examine our hearts. The way Ninevah did after Jonah preached to them.


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