Love and Intensity
Love and Intensity
Dysfunctional men and women mistake intense emotions for love.
This is especially problematic with women who lack power on a social level, which describes most black women.
She needs intense emotions as a form of shock therapy in order to ward off depression that manifest from her core low self esteem. She works hard on her exterior in order to hide what’s inside. She doesn’t want to face the inner demons. She doesn't want to FULLY submit to God who would exercise those demons therefore the love the dysfunctional woman seeks is a drama filled love.
Drama, and in many cases trauma, elicits strong emotional outbursts which many black women sub consciously need to release the inner pain that results from her and her man's powerlessness. She cannot come to grips with that reality and she is in constant search for some form of extreme emotional force that may send her into an altered state. She wants to almost blackout with the hopes that when she comes to her senses again her outer reality will somehow be converted back to what she perceives as her ideal life. This is her way to ward off despair and loneliness which is the most feared enemy.
For the past 40 to 50 years black women were described as strong, they were called the backbone of the black nation. This was a title that was reserved for her black husband. However Satan, along with white media propaganda, projected that title onto her, and of course she accepted it wholeheartedly. This title was a spiritual poison pill that has led to the demise and near extinction of the functional married 2 parent black family. The black woman is not the backbone of the black nation, up until the last 35 to 40 Years it has been the black man's position.
What the strong black woman title did was program the sister’s brain computer to incorporate hardness into her spirit. This hardness, propelled also by feminism, began transforming black women into what we see on TV. Shows and on the streets today strong " SHE-MALES" who in many cases display the physical strength of men, the sexual drive of men, and the egos of men as well. Too many black women are not soft, nor are they feminine. Thus black men are shunning them for marriage.
This lack of feminine softness and sweet dispositions are now being displayed on white run media channels such as Vh1, BET, and MTV. Years of black women going on Oprah and major news shows crying to the world that they can't find good black men to marry them are now being replaced by T.V. Productions such as love and hip-hop, Atlanta house wives, NBA housewives, and married to medicine. These shows feature black women who possess lovely physical features but deep down have very low self-esteem. They are in constant need of validation thus they appear on these types of shows. And the rest of the world watches and laughs and hiss at the sorry state these sisters are in and they also project those characteristics displayed onto all black women. Now all black women no matter how she dresses, our how much money she has, or how much education she has will be seen as a ratchet hood rat that is apt to cuss you out and sucker punch you at the drop of a hat.
Now the whole world will see the reason why black men are not marrying black women and they will be viewed as pariahs by the rest of the world and will be constantly rejected by men of all races for matrimony. She will however still be desired for her sexuality and this is now being played out on popular TV shows such as " Scandal " and Tyler Perry's new soap opera " The haves and the have not’s". She has once again become the white man's bed wench. Who does her masters will and precipitates the downfall of her black man on the small and big screen.
The underlying themes of these shows is the black man is a failure, he has been defeated, he can't offer you true happiness, so it's up to you black women to gather your strength and forge the path to success that your black husband failed to do for you. That path will inevitably lead into the arms and bedrooms of white men. These shows are psychological propaganda operations or Psyops for short.
The biggest deception black women has fallen for is that she will be accepted by white mainstream society. That if she works harder, becomes stronger, if she screams louder, or if she can intimidate deeper, she will be able to obtain the wealth and power that was taken from her and her black husband, whom she deep down now views as a failure.
This perceived failure by the black woman towards her black husband creates a toxic double bind for the sister. White domination has made her feel that she cannot rely on her husband’s leadership. So she is forced to grab the reins on his behalf. Unfortunately this has been reinforced by the black male leaders and potential leaders of today who have also succumbed to the media propaganda. The black man's submission to white supremacy and his selling out has left the black woman feeling short changed. She feels that the brother should be doing more to create a better future for her and her children and she is right in that instance. The black men aren't doing what is needed to secure a better tomorrow, especially the younger black men. As a result the black woman subconsciously drives the man down paths that are detrimental to his long term well being.
Her dysfunctional desire to be queen pushes her man into endeavors that shorten his life span, thuggery, street hustling, drug dealing, shunning education for street life, gang banging, pimping, baby making, etc. The stronger and more intense the black woman's personality and emotional makeup becomes the more machismo that is developed in her man to compensate. Her man cannot be an average guy like men of other races. Her need for more intensity propels him to be more intense himself in order to gain her affection. And since black men as a whole are blocked from the conventional avenues of wealth creation such as capital management, banking, real estate, stocks and bond markets, commodities etc. And since the black man in America does not run the police force or the military he must project his power over his woman in the one area left for him to control the domestic and social area.
The black man's vain attempts to be the head of the black family force him to develop an ultra machismo persona in order to quell the out of control intense passions that has been cultivated in the modern black woman. Muscles, tattoos, a tough and hood persona and dress. Trying to display to the sister that he is a rebel and he has overcomed white supremacy with his hustle mentality and slick game. This of course plays right into the white supremacists hand. The brother does not realize that this so called street persona is manufactured by the white/Jewish establishment. It is not, I repeat is not the creation of the black man. So when these brothers embark on this hip hop hustle they too are selling out to the establishment.
Many brothers do receive financial rewards for their ability to circumnavigate the perilous hip hop waters and this is what encourages millions of other black youth to pursue the same course. The black man shuns cultivating his more noble qualities and his creative abilities in favor of the seemingly quick and easy money offered by the hip-hop/ thugged out lifestyle. The brothers that embark on this path don't realize that this lifestyle is a psycho-social economic Ponzi scheme. It is a diabolical multi level marketing campaign designed to allow a small percentage of brothers to reap the benefits and only then for a short period of time. The vast majority who choose this path will be dead, disabled, unemployable, or incarcerated.
This so called uber strength displayed by black men and women in their vain attempt to overcome white supremacy oppression through violence, criminality, and hustling. Has done just the opposite. It has created more intensified oppression of blacks as a whole. Various laws and statutes are passed in behest of the foul behaviors that are manifested by the inordinate love of thuggery and emotional intensity. This has led to the destabilization and weakening of the black nation as a whole mainly because the majority of it's participants are the younger men and women of our black nation. A fierceness has developed in many of our young and not so young people. These people are our future, and from the looks of them our future looks dim.
Covetous sex
Sexual covetousness is a major problem within the black American landscape. I myself have succumbed to the pervasive sexual energy generated by our culture and black sub-culture. Sex is THE major source of intensity for black relations. It is no longer assumed that sex comes after marriage. Every relationship is expected to involve pre- marital and or extra- marital sex, knowing this men and women equate their desirability with their sexual performance. This puts more pressure on men to be studs, it doesn't matter what race. American men are expected to produce extreme orgasmic experiences for their women or risk being discarded for the next man who may or may not be more capable in the bedroom.
This produces a growing unrealistic dependence on sexual stimulation to produce feelings of outward love and self worth. This formula however does not bring those feelings about. What usually happens is one party or the other grows sour after a season. Something is still missing a void still remains unfilled. Therefore one must seek out a more intense experience.
The inordinate need for extreme emotions and sensations is primarily the result of the unrenewed heart a heart that does not desire the things of God but seeks out the material benefits from the world which will always fail to satisfy in the long run.
It will take an equally intense self - examination along with prayer and fasting for the man or woman to deal with the inner void that is the source of the person's discontent. Another man can't fulfill it, another woman can't fulfill it nor can excessive materialism. The void that exists was put there by God and was designed to be only filled by His Spirit. Unfortunately black church attendance doesn't fill the void either. If that were the case our nation would be in tremendous shape spiritually.
What is needed is an intimate relationship with the Most High and His Son, Yeshua. It will have be prayed for and sought for with earnest and sincerity. You won't be able too fool God because he knows your heart. this is stated in Jeremiah 17:10
Jer 17:10 I the LORD search the heart, [I] try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, [and] according to the fruit of his doings.
Black men and women who are slaves to this modern hip-hop culture will have to, make a conscious and concerted effort to escape its diabolical hold on their lives. Hip-Hop is devilish and is basically a worship of all things Satan.
May God have mercy on the African- American nation.
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