The Need for Nobility
The Need for Nobility
Noble black manhood is dying out. The dearth of true manly character and honor has created a void in the lives of his women. It causes her to develop a hard stony persona, a masculine edginess that robs her of her softness , beauty , and femininity. She becomes a SHE-MALE, or worse a SHE-MONSTER.
Love and relationships are the process of spiritual reactions. Just like in chemistry class. Certain chemicals create certain reactions, some of course are volatile, some reactions are inert. There are infinite subtle and not so subtle forms of reactions as there are individuals in the world. This is the beauty of God's handiwork and design of mankind. In order to ensure our relationships have the proper reactions and results God gave man specific instructions on how to live, eat, work, dress, and how to worship Him so that men and women could receive his blessings. Had man obeyed his precepts fully we would not have the need to ascend to heaven because heaven would be here right now on earth.
Satan has and continues to cause volatile, and destructive reactions in mankind in order to separate him from God, and from each other. No where is this more evident today than in the habits, decorum, and interactions between the black man and his woman.
Black men today have cultivated a base, self absorbed, narcissistic, parasitic, personality complex. Too many men today seek only pleasure at the expense of other men and women. There is no HONOR present in the character and personality makeup of too many brothers today. This dearth of honor and noble disposition creates a void in the heart of his woman. She was designed to be attracted to strength in men physical and spiritual strength. Satan , through white supremacy propaganda has corrupted brothers effort to develop spiritual strength and nobility and put emphasis on the physical aspects only.
This creates a hardened ultra or Alpha male complex in many black men. The need to be tougher physically but not spiritually than his fellow man. This ultra man personality complex reacts with the women in his community and nation and it causes a reaction in her makeup as well. She has also been corrupted by Satan and the wicked forces that are controlling black culture, so she reacts to the physical strength displayed, while shutting down her instinct to bind to spiritual power. The physical desire represents the flesh and it of course wars against the higher spiritual desire that would bring happiness, and blessings from Yahweh.
The fleshly/physical desires become cultivated in men and women through one another's interactions. Once again just like chemistry class. Certain concoctions create destructive and volatile reactions. It applies to relationships as well. Men who lack nobility create certain reactions in women he interacts with and depending on her spiritual makeup and predisposition she will respond to his inquisition. For example. A brother with sagging pants, ghetto dispositions approaches a woman who has a high degree of spirituality he tries to form a relationship with her, but because he has cultivated his base and fleshly instincts he can only offer her physical or some material pleasures. He can't relate to her spirituality and is therefore rejected by her. He may in turn become verbally abusive to this woman for rejecting him and may even physically attack her. This could force a reaction in her that causes her to become more fearful in her future interactions with black men who display similar decorum and she becomes hardened in her heart. If she begins to see a pattern of this behavior in her interactions and starts to feel lonely she may decide to explore the base and fleshly desires in her nature and began falling away from her spiritual inclinations. She may in turn start indulging in illicit sexual activity in order to fill the lonely days due to her inability to find a man with SPIRITUAL strength and noble character and therefore cultivate a taste for men that she once disdained. It's like smoking. Those who never took a puff don't have a smoking problem, those who do take a puff become addicted to the chemical reaction from smoking. This applies of course to men as well. A man who has noble qualities may tire of running into whorish Jezebels and may decide to forego the possibilities of marriage because of it and simply pursue sexual gratification and pleasure. This will begin to degrade his once noble ambitions and he now becomes an instrument for desecration and destruction of his community. Take the previous examples and multiply these by the millions and within those million take hundreds of various interactions and you have a virtual spiritual demonic pandemic within America and black America specifically.
I recently saw the movie WORLD WAR Z, starring brad Pitt. That movie depicted how a zombie pandemic was created by one person biting another and that person attacking another and so on and so on ad infinitum. This is what is at work in the spiritual world today.
The Benefits of Black Male Nobility.
In an honorable society the family is of the foremost importance. The father is honored as the high priest of the family and the anti-typical representation of Christ as the Great High priest who ministers in the heavenly sanctuary on behalf of his church. The father bears the responsibility of the spiritual well being of his family. In the modern age he would be considered the pastor of his family. He is responsible for his personal relationship with the most high. So that he can minister wisely to his family.
He loves his wife and is willing to give his life to protect her. He provides for his family, therefore he WORKS. He does honorable work. That he can glorify his God. He's not out here selling dope, gambling, or producing vile forms of entertainment such as pornography or gangster rap music which is pornography for the ears.
The husband of honor takes steps to subdue the growing passions that exist in the members of his sons and daughters. He along with other honorable men in the community quells the carnal desires of both young men and women who may be apt to indulge in illicit sexual activity. This allows for the development of honorable relationships between young men and women. It humanizes them. It subdues the animal passions that Satan tries to heighten in order to precipitate their fall. This has enormous and far reaching benefits.
A young man that lives in a community that honors a women's virtue will have an easier time finding a wife. Now that young man must show himself as a worthy suitor. He has to be able to offer his potential bride to be a home to live in, so that means he has to be willing and able to work. He must have some sort of profession that can generate wealth and income so as to procure proper shelter to raise a family in relative safety and security. Knowing that he is required to do this before he can get a wife. The male energy that propels him to desire sex is redirected into the proper areas or work, education,and wealth building.
When a man can trust safely in his woman, in that she will not be allowed to submit herself to a vile and reprobate man sexually. That there is excellent chance that she will remain chaste, then the man is more motivated to do the things necessary to be a noble provider. This in turn builds a stronger economy for the community at large because it awakens a man's ingenuity and force of will because his urge to procreate is now directed down a more productive path. This is why God cursed the ground for ADAM's sake.
The women in an honorable black community can feel more secure in knowing the men in her society have genuine love, respect for her femininity and appreciation of her beauty. This in turn allows the women to safely trust in her men , be it her father, husband, brother, uncle, etc.
This safety, allows the black feminine softness to blossom, just like a husbandman tends his garden and produces beautiful, plants, flowers and a bounty of delicious fruits and vegetables. Black male nobility will produce a virtual cornucopia of delightful black women and children. They would be his crown and other nations would call him and his people the blessed of the Lord. This is what God had in mind when he commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. However Satan thwarted that original design when he incarnated himself into the serpent, which was a beast that at that time walked on two legs like a man, and seduced and fornicated with Eve and injected a reprobate spiritual genome into the makeup of mankind that we now war against today.
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Noble black manhood is dying out. The dearth of true manly character and honor has created a void in the lives of his women. It causes her to develop a hard stony persona, a masculine edginess that robs her of her softness , beauty , and femininity. She becomes a SHE-MALE, or worse a SHE-MONSTER.
Love and relationships are the process of spiritual reactions. Just like in chemistry class. Certain chemicals create certain reactions, some of course are volatile, some reactions are inert. There are infinite subtle and not so subtle forms of reactions as there are individuals in the world. This is the beauty of God's handiwork and design of mankind. In order to ensure our relationships have the proper reactions and results God gave man specific instructions on how to live, eat, work, dress, and how to worship Him so that men and women could receive his blessings. Had man obeyed his precepts fully we would not have the need to ascend to heaven because heaven would be here right now on earth.
Satan has and continues to cause volatile, and destructive reactions in mankind in order to separate him from God, and from each other. No where is this more evident today than in the habits, decorum, and interactions between the black man and his woman.
Black men today have cultivated a base, self absorbed, narcissistic, parasitic, personality complex. Too many men today seek only pleasure at the expense of other men and women. There is no HONOR present in the character and personality makeup of too many brothers today. This dearth of honor and noble disposition creates a void in the heart of his woman. She was designed to be attracted to strength in men physical and spiritual strength. Satan , through white supremacy propaganda has corrupted brothers effort to develop spiritual strength and nobility and put emphasis on the physical aspects only.
This creates a hardened ultra or Alpha male complex in many black men. The need to be tougher physically but not spiritually than his fellow man. This ultra man personality complex reacts with the women in his community and nation and it causes a reaction in her makeup as well. She has also been corrupted by Satan and the wicked forces that are controlling black culture, so she reacts to the physical strength displayed, while shutting down her instinct to bind to spiritual power. The physical desire represents the flesh and it of course wars against the higher spiritual desire that would bring happiness, and blessings from Yahweh.
The fleshly/physical desires become cultivated in men and women through one another's interactions. Once again just like chemistry class. Certain concoctions create destructive and volatile reactions. It applies to relationships as well. Men who lack nobility create certain reactions in women he interacts with and depending on her spiritual makeup and predisposition she will respond to his inquisition. For example. A brother with sagging pants, ghetto dispositions approaches a woman who has a high degree of spirituality he tries to form a relationship with her, but because he has cultivated his base and fleshly instincts he can only offer her physical or some material pleasures. He can't relate to her spirituality and is therefore rejected by her. He may in turn become verbally abusive to this woman for rejecting him and may even physically attack her. This could force a reaction in her that causes her to become more fearful in her future interactions with black men who display similar decorum and she becomes hardened in her heart. If she begins to see a pattern of this behavior in her interactions and starts to feel lonely she may decide to explore the base and fleshly desires in her nature and began falling away from her spiritual inclinations. She may in turn start indulging in illicit sexual activity in order to fill the lonely days due to her inability to find a man with SPIRITUAL strength and noble character and therefore cultivate a taste for men that she once disdained. It's like smoking. Those who never took a puff don't have a smoking problem, those who do take a puff become addicted to the chemical reaction from smoking. This applies of course to men as well. A man who has noble qualities may tire of running into whorish Jezebels and may decide to forego the possibilities of marriage because of it and simply pursue sexual gratification and pleasure. This will begin to degrade his once noble ambitions and he now becomes an instrument for desecration and destruction of his community. Take the previous examples and multiply these by the millions and within those million take hundreds of various interactions and you have a virtual spiritual demonic pandemic within America and black America specifically.
I recently saw the movie WORLD WAR Z, starring brad Pitt. That movie depicted how a zombie pandemic was created by one person biting another and that person attacking another and so on and so on ad infinitum. This is what is at work in the spiritual world today.
The Benefits of Black Male Nobility.
In an honorable society the family is of the foremost importance. The father is honored as the high priest of the family and the anti-typical representation of Christ as the Great High priest who ministers in the heavenly sanctuary on behalf of his church. The father bears the responsibility of the spiritual well being of his family. In the modern age he would be considered the pastor of his family. He is responsible for his personal relationship with the most high. So that he can minister wisely to his family.
He loves his wife and is willing to give his life to protect her. He provides for his family, therefore he WORKS. He does honorable work. That he can glorify his God. He's not out here selling dope, gambling, or producing vile forms of entertainment such as pornography or gangster rap music which is pornography for the ears.
The husband of honor takes steps to subdue the growing passions that exist in the members of his sons and daughters. He along with other honorable men in the community quells the carnal desires of both young men and women who may be apt to indulge in illicit sexual activity. This allows for the development of honorable relationships between young men and women. It humanizes them. It subdues the animal passions that Satan tries to heighten in order to precipitate their fall. This has enormous and far reaching benefits.
A young man that lives in a community that honors a women's virtue will have an easier time finding a wife. Now that young man must show himself as a worthy suitor. He has to be able to offer his potential bride to be a home to live in, so that means he has to be willing and able to work. He must have some sort of profession that can generate wealth and income so as to procure proper shelter to raise a family in relative safety and security. Knowing that he is required to do this before he can get a wife. The male energy that propels him to desire sex is redirected into the proper areas or work, education,and wealth building.
When a man can trust safely in his woman, in that she will not be allowed to submit herself to a vile and reprobate man sexually. That there is excellent chance that she will remain chaste, then the man is more motivated to do the things necessary to be a noble provider. This in turn builds a stronger economy for the community at large because it awakens a man's ingenuity and force of will because his urge to procreate is now directed down a more productive path. This is why God cursed the ground for ADAM's sake.
The women in an honorable black community can feel more secure in knowing the men in her society have genuine love, respect for her femininity and appreciation of her beauty. This in turn allows the women to safely trust in her men , be it her father, husband, brother, uncle, etc.
This safety, allows the black feminine softness to blossom, just like a husbandman tends his garden and produces beautiful, plants, flowers and a bounty of delicious fruits and vegetables. Black male nobility will produce a virtual cornucopia of delightful black women and children. They would be his crown and other nations would call him and his people the blessed of the Lord. This is what God had in mind when he commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. However Satan thwarted that original design when he incarnated himself into the serpent, which was a beast that at that time walked on two legs like a man, and seduced and fornicated with Eve and injected a reprobate spiritual genome into the makeup of mankind that we now war against today.
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