Sick of strong Black Women

Sick of Strong Black Women

partial flexing

As a strong black man I don't have a need for additional muscle, nor additional mouth in my relationship. I have a vision for my life and am willing to work to achieve that vision. God made Adam FIRST, and Eve came out if him.

Real men have vision and ambition innately, they don't need to be prodded into working or trying to build his own personal kingdom/legacy. What that man needs is a feminine energy to propel his masculine force. He needs her virtue, sexuality, beauty, faith,  devotion and most importantly her love. I don't understand why black women can't see this.

You sister don't have a penis, we don't want another man, that's for those down low homosexuals. Real men want WOMEN, not arrogant aggressive she males , not as wives at least. We might have casual sex with you but we'll be damned before we marry your wanna be the man asses. This is the crux of why you are single moms , white men bed wenches, lesbians,  thug bait, bitter and alone.

You bought into that STRONG BLACK WOMAN LIE. And it is a lie. Although you are beginning to create a self fulfilling prophecy. You have been hollering that strong sister crap for so long that many black women are becoming as physically strong as men. That's a damn turn off. I don't need a bitch that can bench press 300 lbs when I can only do 275. Why would I want that.

I want to be the strength in the relationship, as the man it is up to me to provide and protect with the help of the Almighty. I seek him for strength and power to overcome the evils that exist in this world. I need a woman that is SOFT, that's right soft. The woman needs to be sweet, nurturing, tenderhearted, loving, and sexy in her own way. Too hell with the strength shit, that is a masculine principle and it will always remain a masculine principle.

Black woman who are entering their 40's and 50's are starting to realize the travesty of the strong black woman lie. Many of these women are past their prime and many of them have never married and are childless. I know this is true because some of my friends fall in that category and they wore the strong black woman mantle.

The strong black woman is only strong because she has been allowed to suck more of the milk from this anti-Christ, Babylonian economic breast. This has given many women their security. And they work extremely hard to keep this oligarchical system going. But I got news for you sister the money you think you are getting from Mr. Charlie, Uncle Sam, and your sugar daddy John Q public will be drying up and disappearing when the U.S Dollar collapses, that money you think is going to sustain you, that job that you think will always be there to help keep you warm and secure at night is going kaput. You will be forced to acknowledge your inadequacies and sins like everyone else.

God is going to break the Pride of this nations power. And when that occurs you will go down with this economic titanic without a lifeboat

Football team only has one quarterback !!!!

Tom Brady

One of the best quarterbacks in the NFL is Tom Brady of the new England patriots,. He has won 3 superbowls  his team has a winning season every year in this century. They win because his teammates and coaches trust his leadership on the field. They only need one quarterback on the field and if he is healthy it is him. The strong black woman however would want to be on the field and under center with the quarterback. She wants to lead the team she refuses to play her designated role which could be either center, running back or wide receiver, positions.That would aid the quarterback in getting his team a touchdown and winning the game. No the strong black woman REFUSES TO PLAY HER PROPER POSITION ON THE BATTLEFIELD so the team will not be able to score in fact TOM would get sacked or intercepted or maybe fumble and once that happens the strong black woman will say he is impotent, inept, sorry, not on HER level, and will insist on playing the role of quarterback herself.

Once she gets the ball she not only screws up. She takes the ball from center and runs in the opposite direction and actually scores a touchdown for the opponent. And then screams at the coach to hand her the ball again so she could do it over and over. She doesn't give a damn about her team or her community. The bitch just wants to be the man , but she is not a man.

The strong black woman refuses to acknowledge who she is, a lady, a woman who was at one time a little girl. Probably a scared little girl. She allowed her inner fear to manifest into this fortress of delusion in order to protect her spiritual psyche from the fear of annihilation from white supremacy. She is scared to let the black man lead because of mistakes that he has made in engaging in the battle for freedom. But every war or battle will have mistakes made. But you don't give up because of it. You regroup so you can fight another day.

The strong black woman seeks to surrender, and part of the surrendering process is to make sure there are no radical black male leaders rising up to challenge the new world order/white supremacy apparatus. So she is secretly aligned with the new world order and acts as a double agent sabotaging black ambition and aspirations for freedom.

Meanwhile the entire world is being taken over by the jackboot white/supremacy juggernaut. Instead of giving her black man his suit of armor and  his battle ax. She hides his weapons and then tries to go into battle herself with defective armor and dull blades. The strong black woman has to be put out to pasture. She is obsolete in the battle for freedom for black people around the world. Without realizing it she has become a tool for the enemy. She must be replaced by the VIRTUOUS BLACK WOMAN. BECAUSE IT IS HER VIRTUE THAT WILL ENABLE MANKIND TO OVERCOME EVIL.

DELUSIONS OF THE SO CALLED STRONG/ independent black woman

When these so called strong black women are asked what defines an independent woman they usually come up with the following descriptions. I call them delusions I will list some of them here:

1: I make my own money!

Women_and_money : Rich business woman holding dollar bills - isolated over white

Many people make theirs so called ( OWN MONEY) . In America whites make their own money, Asians, hispanics, native Americans, Nigerians. And of course other black men. Having your own source of income does not make you strong. It just gives you a certain degree of options within the American/ global economic system. You are basically free to buy stuff( consume) invest, save , or purchase assets such as real estate or commodities such as gold and silver.
As I mentioned earlier the American economic infrastructure is about to crumble under the weight of massive government, private, derivative, and consumer debt. Most of you so called strong black women are going to realize very soon that true wealth is the wealth of ones relationship with God, and the development of ones character.

2 I can raise my children on my own. I don't even have to say much nowadays to refute this delusion. All one has to do is pick up a newspaper or turn on the morning or evening news and you will see the fruits of single black motherhood plastered on the airwaves. Rapes, robberies, burglaries, murders, the list goes on and on everyday in the black community. We are 12 percent of the population but make up over 50 percent of the prison population.  I could say more but that would take another chapter .

3. I don't need no man.

Yeah right!! Then explain all these out of wedlock children that keep populating the inner cities and beyond

4. I can't find a man on my level.

This is usually said by a stuck up , narcissistic type of sister who feels in her deluded heart that she is somehow an urban goddess or inner city saint. She usually has a job that, in her mind separates her from all other individuals on planet earth. She is a totally devoted to her career to the point of neglecting all other aspects of her life. She is a nominal Christian. She likes to attend churches that are seen in her eyes as progressive , and popular because those churches help boost her own inflated ego. She will brag about feeling the spirit when she goes into one of these mega churches. I recently watched a YouTube video talking to a sister that attended Joel Olsteen's church. They were discussing Olsteen's stance on homosexuality. Joel basically sidestepped the question because he knows he needs to make everyone happy, including gays. He did not call homosexuality a sin, he stated " It was not God 's best". This panel the sister was own was debating whether he should of called homosexuality what it really was, an abomination. The sister however defended Joel Olsteen and talked about how she feels the spirit when she goes there. This is a big reason the black American nation is experiencing such a rapid moral decline. Because these so called strong black women are allowing false prophets to lead them like an ox to the slaughter.

5.) You can do better than him, NOT!!!

I was watching basketball wives and in this particular episode one woman was discussing whether to take back her High profile NFL husband with her friends. One woman who in the show who has a propensity to bully and intimidate the other women, suggested she give the man another chance. The others felt differently since there was violence in the relationship. One woman said to this lady , you can do better then him, which I responded no she can't.

Black women have there heads so swollen these days , they think they are so fabulous it is ridiculous. They think that there is a nation of black Jesus's out there just waiting to sweep them off there ratchet loud mouth feet, overcome their combative rebellious temperament, accept their kids from all these baby daddies, pay their bills. And just swoop in and be captain save a hoe simply because in their own eyes they think. They are a good catch. YOU 'RE NOT. you are basically no different from most other women of color. Some are pretty, some aren't, some are beautiful but beauty does not make up for a nasty, egotistical disposition. Proverbs  21:19 states:

Pro 21:19    [It is] better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.

Give me a 7 or 8 with a sweet personality any day over a 10 who is a violent self absorbed, histrionic bitch.

Black women are being subtly programmed by society to believe they are BETTER than black men. That they are so fabulous that any one would be privileged to have them but somehow the men just don't measure up. "I. Need to get out here so I can find Mr. Black Jesus with swag and money so I can show the world what a great sexy queen I am." This is her mantra.

This attitude will have to stop or else black women will sink further down the spiritual, psychological, and economic abyss and will drag the rest of the nation with her


Black women will call a man who sleeps with many women a whorish man but yet they slept with that same man without the benefit of marriage. He wasn't a whore when he was rocking your world in the bedroom. When he is sexing you up, you're on cloud nine. You can strut your sexy behind around town twisting your ass, mincing, sending out a whorish aura to all the world telling them how fabulous you are and how Pookie is knocking the bottom out and you love it. But when Pookie decides to sleep with Bumquesha  or worst Tyrone, then he is a lowdown sleaze bag. Speaking of sleeping with Tyrone, you promote this sick trend of men being gay. You love to have flaming homosexual men as friends and acquaintances, they do your hair , it's all good to have gay people in your life. That is until Pookie turns gay and you find out he is on the down low. Than he is once again a low down sleaze bag in fact all black men are low down sleaze bags , I'm a better human being than all of them because I keeps it real. Or so you say.

Black women are good at displaying selective feminine morality, this is a belief that what SHE says is gospel. For instance. She can say I don't like a man with children, but yet the only reason she doesn't have any is because she has had 2 or 3 abortions, but because she murdered her kids she is better than the man who may have sired 3 or 4 kids with 2 or 3 women. In her warped mind it is better to take an innocent life so you can live a so called fabulous one.


Black woman, face your fears and drop this false strong black woman mantle. Be like Ruth or Queen Esther, not Jezebel or Delilah.
P. S.

There is one area where a brother will need a black woman's strength and that is when he is in an actual physical fight. Say he is being ganged or fighting off home invaders etc. Then she can help out because they are both in an immediate life threatening situation.


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