Time the one element that people cannot manipulate or coerce. Time cannot be controlled or mass produced. Black women do not consider the significant impact of time when it comes to love relationships. A 25 year old young female grad student with beautiful features has greater social value in the love market than a 51 year old divorcee, who may be a corporate executive, even though she may have wealth, education , and may also be attractive. However she is not as attractive as the 25 year grad student. Even to a man who is in his 50's himself.

Women measure social marketability and value for themselves as they would a man. By what is done, instead of who she is. Men look at the being first and accomplishments are secondary.

The question in a real man's mind is , who is this woman?

Is she kind?
Is she loving?
Is she beautiful?
Can she cook?
Does she like children?
Does she want children?
Is she clean?
Did she get along with her father?
Is she affectionate?
Is she in good physical condition?
Is she trustworthy?

These are just a few questions that enter a man's mind when he is interested in a woman.

Black people do not invest in their futures properly anymore. We live mainly for the moment. One reason for this is due to our legacy of slavery. The sheer brutality and larceny of our identity robbed us of our vision. We now allow others to shape our future here in America.

 Too  many black women lack social vision , whereas they short circuit the possibilities of a future husband when they are young by embarking on a trek of whoredom and vanity. This trek can start as early as 18 or 19 and last on up to 35. These are the prime years for her beauty and greatest potential to secure a husband. However this is not occurring in black society. Instead these years are spent having numerous sexual liaisons with various unworthy and vile men simply for gratification. She thinks she can operate as a man and not reap any repercussions. She later finds out after having two or three kids and no husband that it was all a trap. Now at 36 she is on the bottom of the social value scale in the eyes of most men and she is angry. She learns the hard way that TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE.
Time is the greatest thing you can give to the object of your affection. Not sex, money, entertainment, gifts etc.

If you want fulfilling, loving relationships you have to invest your time. Satan has structured American society in such a way that time is scarce and we spend it on selfish pursuits that may give us nominal pleasure jobs, careers, school, entertainment,  hobbies etc. They all take up our time. Every one has an agenda, an itinerary , that has to be kept or so we think. We are deceived into thinking that the world will implode if we don't burn the midnight oil on our job. It won't , meanwhile the clock is ticking and you spend another day alone, hoping your prince or princess charming is just around the corner. Time is the ultimate carrot on a stick. Too many of us become spiritual procrastinators when it comes to love. We see it coming when we go grocery shopping, or going to the club, or Internet matchmaking sites, but it is COMING ONE DAY. that is what is going on inside our heads. It is a form of castle building, it is living the fairy tale of happily ever after. We just know that it will have a happy ending , because WE ARE TOO SPECIAL FOR IT NOT TO.


Satan knows that God gives us limited time on earth so if he can force us into short term unfulfilling relationships that don't bear fruit unto righteousness he has won a small victory. The promotion and glorification of thug love, down low homosexuality, lesbianism. dysfunctional hypergamy. These and other social maladies can have us running to and fro like hamsters on a treadmill running and running but not making any progress. Our lives then bear no fruit, which we will eventually have to give an account for. We also suffer from loneliness and love deprivation in the process. We are miserable and unfaithful as a result and this pleases the enemy.


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