**Destroy black men -Destroy your future
**Destroy black men -Destroy your future
The corruption, incarceration, defamation, and wholesale murder of the black man in America and around the world is opening the door for Satan and the white supremacy/new world order apparatus to gain even more power over the lives of everyone on the planet. Ask yourself this question. What was life like because of black men such as Martin Luther king, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey , Nelson Mandela, Medger Evers, and of course Jesus ( Yeshua) ? Yeah the black man is in a sorry state today. The devil has managed to convince nearly everyone that the world would be a better place without the black man, but is it really?
Think about the freedoms that you had in America. Why is it that no one talks about Crispus Attucks the first man to die for America. He was a black man. Yet he is hardly mentioned in the history books
It is the black man that is the source of true justice on planet earth. It is encoded in our DNA. Yeah there are black men who were corrupt leaders but name men of other races that sought out righteousness and peace for all mankind without trying to be a tyrant or a despot.
Think about the atmosphere in America today. The misery that is enveloping this nation. The dystopian essence that is permeating our spirit. Think about how enriching life in America has been because of the contributions and efforts of noble, ingenious, hard working, and loving black men. Despite all the hatred and malice that has been hurled at them.
All of you who have been deceived into believing the world will better off because the black man is being systematically subjugated are cheering for your OWN enslavement. Whether you realize it or not. The black man has been your buffer. He along with the help of Yahweh, have held back the evil winds of strife that are about to overtake this planet. Your own racists projections on the black man has begun to work. He is succumbing in rapid fashion. You may feel a deep sense of satisfaction from this but you are only deceiving yourself. The black man was the original man on planet earth, this has been proven. He is biologically closest to the earth. His dark Skin absorbs energy and light and transforms it into knowledge on an intuitive spiritual level. He is in harmony with God and nature if he is not hindered or corrupted . He tends to have a natural capacity to love without being fearful of being dominated because he instinctively knows that HE was and is still designed for ruler-ship. He is a vessel for honor in the house of the Most High.
Destroy and malign the brother at your on peril. Those of you that harm the black man unjustifiably will reap the wrath of God in the end. Your so called plans for a utopia without having to submit to his ruler-ship will fail. God himself will see to that. God's image being stamped out of the black man. The image of godlinessand righteousness has been slowly and methodically removed from the black man's consciousness. The love, patience, leadership abilities, ingenuity, discipline, work ethics, and overall natural affection is being withdrawn from the black man and his women in growing numbers. It is being replaced by narcissistic self love, rage, inconsideration of others, disrespect of authority, criminality, depression, fear, sexual perversion, murder and insanity. As I first wrote this piece on July 1st 2013 a report of a deranged 37 year old black man in Oklahoma showed this individual grabbing a 2 year old white girl out of a shopping cart in Wal- Mart and putting a knife to the girls throat in front of the girls terrified mother. The police was forced to kill this man at point blank range after he starting giving a 60 second countdown threatening to cut the 2 year old in the throat when time was up. Instances like these confirm what God says in Deuteronomy about the hearts of men being full of madness.
Those words are coming true today. Our nation is a nation in the grips of emotional, moral, and spiritual insanity. We are ripe for conquering. This is why Putin is embolden in his invasion of The Ukraine, he knows America is weakened, thanks to the demise and assault on black manhood. Remember this when you are herded unto that train and sent to your local internment camp.
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The corruption, incarceration, defamation, and wholesale murder of the black man in America and around the world is opening the door for Satan and the white supremacy/new world order apparatus to gain even more power over the lives of everyone on the planet. Ask yourself this question. What was life like because of black men such as Martin Luther king, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey , Nelson Mandela, Medger Evers, and of course Jesus ( Yeshua) ? Yeah the black man is in a sorry state today. The devil has managed to convince nearly everyone that the world would be a better place without the black man, but is it really?
Think about the freedoms that you had in America. Why is it that no one talks about Crispus Attucks the first man to die for America. He was a black man. Yet he is hardly mentioned in the history books
It is the black man that is the source of true justice on planet earth. It is encoded in our DNA. Yeah there are black men who were corrupt leaders but name men of other races that sought out righteousness and peace for all mankind without trying to be a tyrant or a despot.
Think about the atmosphere in America today. The misery that is enveloping this nation. The dystopian essence that is permeating our spirit. Think about how enriching life in America has been because of the contributions and efforts of noble, ingenious, hard working, and loving black men. Despite all the hatred and malice that has been hurled at them.
All of you who have been deceived into believing the world will better off because the black man is being systematically subjugated are cheering for your OWN enslavement. Whether you realize it or not. The black man has been your buffer. He along with the help of Yahweh, have held back the evil winds of strife that are about to overtake this planet. Your own racists projections on the black man has begun to work. He is succumbing in rapid fashion. You may feel a deep sense of satisfaction from this but you are only deceiving yourself. The black man was the original man on planet earth, this has been proven. He is biologically closest to the earth. His dark Skin absorbs energy and light and transforms it into knowledge on an intuitive spiritual level. He is in harmony with God and nature if he is not hindered or corrupted . He tends to have a natural capacity to love without being fearful of being dominated because he instinctively knows that HE was and is still designed for ruler-ship. He is a vessel for honor in the house of the Most High.
Destroy and malign the brother at your on peril. Those of you that harm the black man unjustifiably will reap the wrath of God in the end. Your so called plans for a utopia without having to submit to his ruler-ship will fail. God himself will see to that. God's image being stamped out of the black man. The image of godlinessand righteousness has been slowly and methodically removed from the black man's consciousness. The love, patience, leadership abilities, ingenuity, discipline, work ethics, and overall natural affection is being withdrawn from the black man and his women in growing numbers. It is being replaced by narcissistic self love, rage, inconsideration of others, disrespect of authority, criminality, depression, fear, sexual perversion, murder and insanity. As I first wrote this piece on July 1st 2013 a report of a deranged 37 year old black man in Oklahoma showed this individual grabbing a 2 year old white girl out of a shopping cart in Wal- Mart and putting a knife to the girls throat in front of the girls terrified mother. The police was forced to kill this man at point blank range after he starting giving a 60 second countdown threatening to cut the 2 year old in the throat when time was up. Instances like these confirm what God says in Deuteronomy about the hearts of men being full of madness.
Those words are coming true today. Our nation is a nation in the grips of emotional, moral, and spiritual insanity. We are ripe for conquering. This is why Putin is embolden in his invasion of The Ukraine, he knows America is weakened, thanks to the demise and assault on black manhood. Remember this when you are herded unto that train and sent to your local internment camp.
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