Is a man's heart safe with you?

Proverbs 31:10-11 (KJV)
10[Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price ] is[ far above rubies.]

11[The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.]

This is a question every woman who seeks a happy successful marriage must ask herself. She has to be honest in her self examination. She has to drop her pride and self delusions and ask herself If she were a man, knowing what she knows about her own actions , would she feel safe loving a woman like herself.

A man may be a playboy, mack, pimp, player, dog, or whatever you may want to call him. But If he falls in love with a particular woman chances are that woman can rest assured that no matter who may come across that man's path,.if he is a noble man, his heart will more than likely stay true to that particular woman.When I say heart I mean his love and desire for her will not be easily wavered. He is not likely to abruptly trash the relationship on a whim. Not that he won't have a relationship with the other woman. But his heart toward the first woman will more than likely remain the same. Men are capable of loving more than one woman and giving support to them both. That is not always the case with women. Women tend to be fickle. Many women have an overwhelming need to " UPGRADE" like the Beyonce' song. And upgrading for women means totally dismantling her current relationship  without warning or regard for what was built and taking a plunge with the new man because the grass looks greener on the other side.

The woman's ability to turn off her feelings for her current boyfriend in favor of the new suitor does not go unnoticed by men and as a defense men tend to have a lot of irons in the fire. He cannot trust his heart with any one of the women in his life, so he remains the perpetual playboy and has fun with as many honeys that he can. However he is searching for that one virtuous sister who his " HEART CAN TRUST SAFELY IN". once he finds her then he will more than likely make it KNOWN  to the others where he plans to go. He will not play emotional cat and mouse games, which unfortunately many women do instead of being up front with the man. Many women try to keep all options on the table. They try to string the jilted man along ,  JUST IN CASE" . Just in case the new man doesn't work out. I can bring my old beau back on the scene. This plan usually backfires. The jilted man has either moved on or he no longer feels the deep love he once had for her and he turns the tables and starts using her for whatever he wants at that time , be it sex, money, cars, a place to stay, a maid etc. But her actions forced him to turn off the switch of love and in many cases it cannot be turned back on. Or if it is turned back on it burns with less intensity. What most men don't undestand about a woman's social makeup is that she seeks the alpha male. Many women because of the government , popular culture and  media propaganda feel they are 9's and 10's so that gives too many sisters an over inflated view of themselves and their sexuality . They feel that their p**sy is lined with gold and they therefore have an unrealistic view on the options of men available for them, especially younger more attractive women. This is a trap.

 American/ Western culture encourages young girls to shun their virtue in  exchange for thrills and excitement and unrestrained opportunities to explore their most base sexual desires and of course their are available men who are more than willing to accommodate these ladies in their hedonistic quest. However once the years pass by and the babies are born, and they hit 30, they begin to realize that life has thrown them a curve ball and they are about to strike out in the love market. They then seek to change the rules and once again government and media help perpetuate the delusion that it's OK to have multiple children with multiple men that you are not married to but still find a good husband . Now if the man doesn't want too marry you then he is a low down dog or he is not man enough to handle a "strong woman" like you. This delusion appeases the sister somewhat but life and reality is not so compromising. No matter how sexy you think you are. Most men don't want to raise other men's offspring in today's permissive parenting environment. This brother who may not have kids himself is asked to help raise  2 or 3 kids with 2 or 3 different dads and discipline those kids at risk of being incarcerated by the police or child services. He may also have to answer to the child's natural father, which could also lead to jail , injury, or even death. Too many sisters are short circuiting their marriage prospects and asking the black man to just accept a lower standard socially and marry her because she has this self delusion that she is so fabulous that it is worth it . IN MOST CASES IT IS NOT WORTH IT. Black men believe it or not do have standards. They seek beauty AND virtue if a woman can display both of these traits she will have no trouble landing a productive brother for matrimony.


hy·per·ga·my  (h-pûrg-m)
The practice of marrying into an equal or more prestigious social group or caste.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
1. (Social Science / Anthropology & Ethnology) Anthropol a custom that forbids a woman to marry a man of lower social status
2. (Social Science / Anthropology & Ethnology) any marriage with a partner of higher social status
[from hyper- + -gamy]
hypergamous  adj

Hypergamy is a little known word in the English language. However it depicts a major fundamental problem in 21st century America, The practice of women marrying men of higher status. Now this is not a totally flawed concept in a society that has a relative degree of freedom and upward mobility. A society that rewards hard work and perseverance. In a society with those qualities hypergamy would be a good thing.
A society that extols the virtues of Christian manhood as illustrated in the holy bible would also be benefited by hypergamy.

Hypergamy becomes dysfunctional when the society is corrupt. When a society becomes oligarchical and feudalistic then hypergamy becomes perverse. Women seek out men who are astute in the ways of criminality and violence. The man who can gain wealth through folly and craftiness becomes more appealing. The mob boss, or the drug dealer , or the corporate bankster, or the gangster rapper. These are the men who are promoted in high esteem by society in general and therefore become sought after objects of affection by many women.

Women who are beautiful know that their looks bring them great market appeal in a vain and corrupt society. They know that they have access to the inner circles of societies heavy hitters or "ballers". If only they made sure that they were available to these men. That means rejecting more noble but less wealthy men who may have a sincere love and attraction for them, in favor of the opportunity to get at a real baller. She does not want to waste her beauty on an "average" guy. She wants the upper echelon brother, the alpha male.

This mindset does not go unnoticed by the brothers. They see how rappers, drug dealers, pro athletes, and other men with so called swagger are getting access to these women so they join in the game as well. What you get is a nation of thugs gangsters, and wanna be gangsters, or wanna be athletes , or wanna be rappers , or gang bangers. That is the result of hypergamy becoming perverse. Because moving up now means moving corrupt.

Now hypergamy can be in different forms for different women. A young college girl will want a frat guy, or an athlete. A corporate junior executive will want a vice president. A ghetto girl may want a drug dealer, or if a woman is sex crazed she may want the man with the biggest penis or muscles. Whatever the desire. Women will always seek more of it, be it more money, status, fame, sex, etc. In American society today all these things are in overabundance so the hypergamous female is literally sent into overdrive. She probably wanted a millionaire when she was 20 now at 30 she wants a billionaire. Satan has structured Western society as the ultimate carrot on a stick, and he speaks to the vain and beautiful woman , flatters her, builds up a false narcissistic self worth, and then tells her that the man in her life does not measure up. That you , pretty lady deserve more of what the world can offer. Better sex, more money, more travel, more parties, more fame, more drugs, whatever her vice is Satan will push a button in her spirit and try to use it to lead her astray. It is the same temptation he used on Eve.

Women examine your heart before you seek out the heart of a man.


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