Sissified Gospel

Sissified Gospel


Weak and feeble witnessing for generations have empowered the wicked. Soft feminine messages of salvation has darkened the consciousness of those who would have been vessels of honor. Their visage is grown dim. This is the fault of the preachers and organized religion. Jesus is portrayed as white soft, with feminine features such as long hair and genteel dispositions. They emphasize his sufferings, they celebrate his death as if he didn't rise from it. Very little is discussed about what Christ is doing in the present, which is ministering on our behalf in the heavenly sanctuary. The vast majority  of sermons talk about The Son of God in past tense regarding his suffering on the cross or the future regarding his return and rupturing his redeemed, these subjects are not in and of themselves bad, however by neglecting to emphasize what Christ is doing for us right now leaves out a big requirement and that is our SANCTIFICATION.

Sanctification is our fitness for heaven, it is the purging of evil habits and thought processes that offend God and would incur His wrath. There is no emphasis on the requirement of developing GODLY CHARACTER in the here and now through God's power and grace, it is just assumed that men and women can remain indulgent and enslaved to their base inclinations and manifold sins and wait on a miraculous transformation of character at the second coming.  The subtle lie is sent out that God is dead. The unconverted operates his life based on this false assimilation that was incarnated in his or her subconscious.

God intends to wake up his sleeping sheep when he pours out his latter rain in these last days. Satan desperately wants to prevent that , because he knows that is the beginning of HIS end. So he wants to use modern technology in the form if microchips to control the conscious and subconscious process and attempt to deflect the Godly frequencies of the Holy Spirit from  inseminating into the hearts and minds of Gods children. It will not succeed.

The sissified gospel is emotional, feminine that is why many " REAL " men shun away from it. The power , and authority that God endowed man with is eroded. He is no longer the high priest of his family. He is not allowed to project God's will in his household. In fact many of his enemies are in his own home. In a sissified gospel the world and the battle for it is seen through feminine eyes. It is passive. Especially in the black church. It puts an emphasis on personal sufferings as if it is a badge of honor, not realizing that all sufferings are not necessarily an attack from Satan but recompense from disobedience. This however is not emphasized in a sissy gospel. The best example of a sissy gospel is the tacit acceptance of unwed motherhood. Many black churches do not address this assault on the seventh commandment for fear of offending their female congregants. They dance around the issue and lay the blame on the man only. They then tell the women to " Be strong in the lord " . He will work it out sister. They don't censure the woman anymore for bringing reproach on the church. Instead of being dis-fellowshipped , she is celebrated. And given baby showers. I have personally witnessed baby's of unwed mothers being christened in the church. This creates a female oriented spirit in the black churches and white ones as well. Now everything is compromised. Salvation is seen as an easy, just wait on the Lord endeavor. Somehow God will work this mess out. Meanwhile I'll just sit back and indulge my base passions and shout the name of Jesus in the church services, cry out, shed tears, moan and groan, have gospel seizures when the spirit overwhelms me and just be center of the church world

This laissez faire attitude toward everything evil puts the church to sleep.  Righteousness , holiness, and Salvation is no longer something STRIVED for. It is something you wait for. Like sleeping beauty waited for prince charming to a show up and kiss her to wake her up from her slumber and they supposedly lived happy ever after. This is the bewitching spirit that exists in today's Christian churches. It is a devilish incarnation that has infiltrated what God had designed to be a movement , a bulwark against the evils of the world.  The church was supposed to show God's power and reflect his righteousness. It was suppose to be the light in a dark world. It is not and as a result it strengthens the hand of the wicked. Our world is suffering because GOD'S true message has been watered down and it's transforming power denied by the SISSIFIED GOSPEL.

Love of the world

The sissified church loves the world and everything it represents, money, sex, materialism, lust for power, vanity etc. Black churches are fashion shows, the women dress provocatively the men are prowlers for sex and money. All while feigning love for God. Yet the evidence of their unconverted hearts are seen throughout the black community in America.  We love fame and entertainment. Shows like " BET's " Sunday's Best" , preachers wives, and other religious reality shows are popping up like weeds on the airwaves. Spreading further the sissified gospel movement in black America. Fancy houses. And cars, sex and big screen TVs instead of righteousness and virtue are featured. All in the name of Jesus . Blacks are deceived into thinking that God's ways are like their ways. That they and God are of one accord. Material possessions are seen as evidence of God's favor. The license plate on my Benz says " BLESSED". Yeah you are blessed brother and sister but the question you should ponder is by whom. Remember Satan can bless you as well. He offered Christ the riches and glory of the world if he would only bow down and worship him. Christ refused but sissified Christians kneel down and reach out their hand for another bite of the forbidden fruit.


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