The Fear of Poverty

Ecc 7:12
For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.

The fuel that drives the oligarchical new world order economic engine is man's fear of impoverishment. The dread of want and deprivation forces us to get up every morning and begrudgingly go into unrewarding jobs, stressful careers, and underpaid vocations. The reason we all have this fear is simple, we are all in DEBT.

The American and western world  economy is a debt driven economy, the majority of the citizens are in debt, owe taxes, or because of generational inflation, cannot afford to live a comfortable life on their wages.
This people is no accident. The powers that be have wrecked the American economy and have been manipulating it with massive fiat currency produced out of thin air with no backing from real tangible wealth such as gold or silver. The United States and world economy is on steroids. Just like they accuse A-Rod of being on them.

Say for instance I had the power to print monopoly money and then force you or any other business to trade your valuable goods, such as jewelry , cars, apparel, or gasoline for my monopoly money, or say you provide a valuable service,, say you are a doctor, or a plumber, or an automobile mechanic. I bring my monopoly money into your office and I force you to accept it as payment for your services. I just received a valuable service for free ,because I was able to get you to accept my counterfeit fiat money.

If one day you decide to get together with other businessmen and professionals in your community and you all decide that you are no longer going to accept my money, and you agree to a different form of payment. Then I hire a gang of well armed assassins to come to your business and demolish it and shoot you and your family. Thus will send a message to the other businessmen and women in the community that they will have to accept my monopoly money or else.

Having established that my monopoly money will be accepted, I decide to print as much of it as I can. If other people need to get goods and services they will have to get that money from me. If you are a manufacturer in my community and you want to open a factory you will have too borrow the money for startup from me, with interest. So now you will be indebted to me and my printing press. Those who you hire also have to be paid with monopoly money which can only be printed by me. So everyone in the community is indebted to me to some degree. This gives me and my allies a lot of power.

  By printing unlimited amounts of money I can force the prices of goods and services higher, so if you earn $1000 a month in July 2014 by October of 2014 that $1000 is now worth $ 925. In order for you to maintain your $1000 month lifestyle you will need an additional $75 that my inflationary money printing took away. So to get that additional $75 you could ask your boss for a raise, you could get help from a charity or family, or you could BORROW some more monopoly money. Your boss can't afford to give you a raise right now because his factory needs to pay of it's debt. Your family can't help and charities are tapped out. So your last choice is to borrow the money from me, and I charge you 21% interest so you end up having to pay me back at least $92. In order to do that you have to cut back on essentials such as food, instead of getting $ 150 in groceries a month you get only $125 this wouldn't be too bad but inflation has hit the store as well. The milk that you used to get for $3 a gallon is now $3.50, the loaf of bread has gone up  30 cents, eggs up 25 cents and so on. You use to get 3 bags of groceries for $150 now you can only get 2 bags of groceries for $ 125 and you have that $ 75 loan to pay back.

You get home from the store and in the mail you receive your power bill. Normally it averages $ 100 per month, but this month it has gone up to $132, your water bill has gone from $30 to $34 yet you still earn $1000 a month because your employer is forced to cut back to hold down his costs in order to pay back his loan he has to me and the interest I charged him. So now you are in a pickle. You now need extra money for groceries and utilities as well as the loan you took out. So you decide to look for a part time job and you find one that pays minimum wage that will pay you another $300 per month. Big problem with that though. See this job is 15 miles away from your home and 20 miles from your primary job. So you have this additional expense of gasoline and more wear and tear on your vehicle. Gas by the way has shot up from $3.00 a gallon to $3.35 a gallon and with the maintenance needed for your car you a spending $ 140 more for travel expenses. So you net $160 in extra income from your 2nd job most of it goes toward the loan, grocery expense and utility cost increases, so after it's all said and done you are only up $70 give or take and you are now working 60 hours a week instead of 40 from your primary job.

You get home from work and you get a notice from your landlord that it's time to renew your lease. The rent is going up from $325 a month to $ 375 pretty much eating up the income from your 2nd job. Now your part time job is no longer an option, it now becomes a necessity. The stress of working 60 to 65 hours a week has worn down your health. You don't have the best insurance so you go to the doctor and your co- pay is $60 plus you have been diagnosed with hypertension which will require taking drugs daily. A 30 day supply will be $25 per month. Plus the doctor needs to monitor you on a monthly basis until your pressure is down so you will have to fork over $60 per visit.

The preceding scenario illustrates what many Americans who have to work for a living must endure. Media, educators, legislators, and society in general refuse to acknowledge the source of their theft. The sources are the U.S. government, The IRS, The Federal reserve banking system, THE International Monetary Fund, and the banks, such as CITI , BANK OF AMERICA, J.P. MORGAN CHASE, AND WELLS FARGO. plus numerous smaller banks that loan money to the public through interest bearing mortgages , car loans, credit cards, etc. They also issue loans to federal, state, and local governments through treasury and municipal bonds creating a debt/ death spiral for these various entities as well. The most notable victim as of this writing is the city of Detroit. Which was forced into bankruptcy.

This debt driven, poverty inducing cycle breeds insecurity and fear in the hearts and souls of it's citizens. It forces many to embark on criminality in a vain effort to escape it's deadly grip. But this too is a trap. The prison system is designed to make a profit off of it's manual labor and  it needs prisoners to fill it's cells. So it helps promote criminal behavior in American society, when men and women become incarcerated and once released back into society they are no longer petty amateurs , they become professional street criminals that can further destabilize the community they live in and thus generate MORE FEAR AND INSECURITY and a demand for more government and private intervention in order to be protected. This of course will require more money and that means more debt. So you see how we are caught in a debt death spiral that only God will be able to free us from. The same scenario existed when Christ walked the earth and he violently threw the MONEY CHANGERS OUT OF HIS TEMPLE.

We are slaves to the American oligarchs whether you realize it or not. You may be free of personal debt, you may pay your bills on time and have a perfect credit rating. IT DON'T MATTER.
The U.S government via Federal reserve bank printing or Quantitative Easing as they like to call it creates debt in YOUR NAME out of thin air. This money is used to run government agencies, inflate the stock market, start and foment wars, waste on pork barrel programs to please lobbyists and campaign contributors etc. What this money want do is help YOU or ME. We are the collateral. When the U.S. Government and big banks default it is our butts that will have to cash the FINAL CHECK.


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