Companions or Concubines?
**Companions or Concubines?
The choice is yours sisters
Rev 2:20
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
Black women today need to deeply consider how there choices in sexuality affects their community, and how their men are weakened and defiled by their loose behavior. Many black women today exhibit a whorish persona. They send out messages to the world that they are available for sexual activity. Sex is their primary focus. They are addicted to the pleasure principle. The number one reason for this is their is no man in their life that had any honor or convictions. Odds are they were raised by their mother, who was probably treacherous and whorish herself. Many were lazy and used to getting things without much effort and the men in their lives were base and common in nature.
These women never experienced the security and delight of having an honorable black man lead them. Thus they become bastards.
Their demeanor and decorum, their foul language and raunchy dress, and for most their FAKE hair speaks volumes to the rest of the world that they are not and will never be anyone's wife. What they offer is pleasure, sexual pleasure, the pleasure of a concubine and they have resigned themselves to that fact. This is because they have grown to despise men and noble manhood. They have a Jezebel spirit. The Jezebel spirit is a wicked incarnation of the once evil queen of Israel. She was married to a weak and evil king Ahab. And ruled Israel with terror.
Ahab represents these dusty niggas who don't aspire to be real men, because they never had an honorable black man in their lives either. They, just like Ahab, are the enablers. They have always been ruled by women and so they are content to seek pleasure only, just like the wicked women who raised them.
These men are extremely dangerous to society for the following reasons:
1) They don't submit to God's will
2) Too many of them did not have a decent father for guidance
3) They are easily controlled by their women and they without realizing it worship her. The women in their lives become idols. You see and hear about young brothers committing heinous crimes because some evil woman told them to. I saw a video on YouTube of these dusty evil niggers shooting up a bus full of people because some low life Jezebel was mad at one of the passengers , who was a black male, these wicked young men actually had assault rifles that were used in the military and was willing to murder dozens of people if need be at the whim of a disgraceful female.
4) They are physically strong, but morally weak.
5) They are easily offended and have the emotional makeup and mindset of women, usually the women they worship and idolize in their spirit. They have the emotional make up of a trip wire, ready to assault at the slightest offense. This character flaw makes it necessary for civilized people to stay as far from them as necessary. because they are angry and discontented with their state and they look for opportunities to project their discontent onto other people. Especially other black people. They have a seething self hatred and therefore they hate others who resemble themselves in appearance and are quick to assault or murder if need be. They have the spirit of Cain who slew his brother Abel simply because Abel was righteous.
6) They are sex crazed. These brothers have not developed spiritually, emotionally, or intellectually and they lack basic social skills that would enable them to assimilate with ease with society, so they are more prone to exhibit primal base desires the main one being sex. They are THIRSTY, yet they have not developed the manly skills to be a righteous provider so they can obtain a good wife who could give him sexual satisfaction in a marriage. So these brothers spread their seed among the dozens of hood rat Jezebels that inhabit their community. This is why major housing projects are infested with these types of brothers.
7) They spread poverty.
This coincides with these brothers being sex-crazed. The other problem with these men being thirsty is they have babies with the neighborhood Jezebels and thus reduce her chances of ever being a good wife to a noble black man, while at the same time they cause the woman to seek help in providing for her child from the government. Because he doesn't have adequate income to take care of her or her newborn child. So she is reduced to living in poverty. I personally have seen many women who have great potential for material success, forced to live a life of want and impoverishment simply because she got pregnant by a low life brother. Now if the woman wants a good job she must be able to find adequate child care which is expensive. She must be able to procure a larger apartment or home for her growing family which increases her expenses. Then there are the basics of raising a child such as food, diapers, medical care, shots, doctor visits, school expenses etc. None of these liabilities would be put completely upon the woman if she was (A) not pregnant or (B) married to a man that is the primary breadwinner, or (C) pregnant by a man who at least has decent income and can pay an adequate amount of child support and provide other means of support such as health insurance, childcare and visitation to relieve the stress on the single mom. The dusty nigger in the hood usually provides none of those things. He just knows how to get down in the bedroom. Once he squirts his seed it's up to the next guy or Uncle Sam to handle the rest. He is, as the Bible says " worse than an infidel".
Now when women consort with men of this character, evil men with a base nature. She takes on his spiritual demons. It's like catching a demonic STD. No matter how much the woman rules outside the bedroom, when it comes to the sex act it is the man who is dominant. He wields the penis. It is through his penis that his evil DNA becomes injected into the woman's spirit. She without realizing it takes on his nature, and if she has many lovers she takes on their natures as well. Mary Magdalene had this problem and was healed by Yeshua. However these women usually don't seek the cure. They continue on the road to single motherhood and concubine status. She has accepted the fact that she will not be a companion of a righteous husband, and as long as there are dusty Ahab type brothers to provide her with sexual comfort and as long as the state is willing to provide her with menial financial provision, she will continue down the road to black American self destruction. She will NEVER be a companion for a righteous black man, nor will she ever be a wife.
Without realizing it concubines reduce the odds of black marriage in the community at large, whether we like it or not we are our brothers and sisters keeper. What I do affects my community and what you do also affects it, either for good or evil. I'll give you a small example of this. I own a home with a large yard. I live in a nice neighborhood with attractive homes. Everyone around me is diligent in caring for their lawns including myself. However if I all of a sudden decide I no longer want to mow my lawn, my neighbors would become upset because it affects their homes as well as far as value and overall neighborhood curb appeal. The same concept applies to the black woman playing the role of concubine she satisfies the man's motivations for
1 sexual pleasure
2 procreation
3 marriage or the benefits of marriage without the spiritual and legal commitments.
These three factors affect the entire black nation because they short circuit the core and primal motivations of most men. Women may think that feminism gave them more power but it was a Trojan horse. The only women who were empowered by feminism were the lesbians and male homosexuals. The reason for this is it allowed women to become more whorish which short circuited her chances for matrimony, this is of course more profoundly true in the black community. The black man can now explore all of his so called sexual options whether they be with black women who are willing to concubines, white or Latino women who are willing to concubines or other men. Having these sexual options puts the spiritually weak black man's sexual urges into overdrive. Couple this drive with the over saturation of sensuality and sensationalism in our media and our hedonistic culture and marriage is dropped way down the list as viable options for sexual satisfaction. This scenario benefits no one spiritually but it does benefit the man who is base and common because he is only concerned about his physical urges being met.thus the community suffers as we all are now aware of in our nations black enclaves.
The second core drive of every man is to procreate. This is actually God's 1st commandment to men when he told Adam and Eve to " be fruitful and multiply" Black men don't have a problem doing the multiplying part because that feels good. The problem with this commandment is the next set of instructions God gives man which was to replenish the earth and SUBDUE it. The strong's definition of subdue means to bring in to bondage. It was man's job to bring the earth under the subjection of the will of God, To eradicate evil from the land. The black man is not doing this. He is doing the opposite he is subduing his community on Satan's behalf. He no longer has to procreate in the confines of Holy Matrimony, he now only has to breed or spawn like a plague or virus or animal. He is free to drop his seed into as many concubines as he can and he is doing just that. The very act of illicit sex is defiling to the man's nature. The following scriptures bear this out
Lev 18:20 Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife, to defile thyself with her.
Eze 33:26 Ye stand upon your sword, ye work abomination, and ye defile every one his neighbour's wife: and shall ye possess the land?
1Ti 1:10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;
The third drive is the need for a man to get married and become a responsible citizen in the eyes of God and his fellow man. This drive is short circuited by the first two. The man gets sex, the man spreads his seed, for better or worse he has a legacy. He doesn't necessarily have to be present in his child's life. She is the baby sitter. He can command and make demands on the mothers choices in future suitors or if he is possessive and jealous try to force the woman off the market. In the end the woman becomes the long term loser in this equation. The man in all intents and purposes will marry someone else that he perceives as having more virtue than the concubine. She , however, will be thrust into the singles grinder carrying what many men will see as excess baggage, thus reducing her chances for matrimony.
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The choice is yours sisters
Rev 2:20
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
Black women today need to deeply consider how there choices in sexuality affects their community, and how their men are weakened and defiled by their loose behavior. Many black women today exhibit a whorish persona. They send out messages to the world that they are available for sexual activity. Sex is their primary focus. They are addicted to the pleasure principle. The number one reason for this is their is no man in their life that had any honor or convictions. Odds are they were raised by their mother, who was probably treacherous and whorish herself. Many were lazy and used to getting things without much effort and the men in their lives were base and common in nature.
These women never experienced the security and delight of having an honorable black man lead them. Thus they become bastards.
Their demeanor and decorum, their foul language and raunchy dress, and for most their FAKE hair speaks volumes to the rest of the world that they are not and will never be anyone's wife. What they offer is pleasure, sexual pleasure, the pleasure of a concubine and they have resigned themselves to that fact. This is because they have grown to despise men and noble manhood. They have a Jezebel spirit. The Jezebel spirit is a wicked incarnation of the once evil queen of Israel. She was married to a weak and evil king Ahab. And ruled Israel with terror.
Ahab represents these dusty niggas who don't aspire to be real men, because they never had an honorable black man in their lives either. They, just like Ahab, are the enablers. They have always been ruled by women and so they are content to seek pleasure only, just like the wicked women who raised them.
These men are extremely dangerous to society for the following reasons:
1) They don't submit to God's will
2) Too many of them did not have a decent father for guidance
3) They are easily controlled by their women and they without realizing it worship her. The women in their lives become idols. You see and hear about young brothers committing heinous crimes because some evil woman told them to. I saw a video on YouTube of these dusty evil niggers shooting up a bus full of people because some low life Jezebel was mad at one of the passengers , who was a black male, these wicked young men actually had assault rifles that were used in the military and was willing to murder dozens of people if need be at the whim of a disgraceful female.
4) They are physically strong, but morally weak.
5) They are easily offended and have the emotional makeup and mindset of women, usually the women they worship and idolize in their spirit. They have the emotional make up of a trip wire, ready to assault at the slightest offense. This character flaw makes it necessary for civilized people to stay as far from them as necessary. because they are angry and discontented with their state and they look for opportunities to project their discontent onto other people. Especially other black people. They have a seething self hatred and therefore they hate others who resemble themselves in appearance and are quick to assault or murder if need be. They have the spirit of Cain who slew his brother Abel simply because Abel was righteous.
6) They are sex crazed. These brothers have not developed spiritually, emotionally, or intellectually and they lack basic social skills that would enable them to assimilate with ease with society, so they are more prone to exhibit primal base desires the main one being sex. They are THIRSTY, yet they have not developed the manly skills to be a righteous provider so they can obtain a good wife who could give him sexual satisfaction in a marriage. So these brothers spread their seed among the dozens of hood rat Jezebels that inhabit their community. This is why major housing projects are infested with these types of brothers.
7) They spread poverty.
This coincides with these brothers being sex-crazed. The other problem with these men being thirsty is they have babies with the neighborhood Jezebels and thus reduce her chances of ever being a good wife to a noble black man, while at the same time they cause the woman to seek help in providing for her child from the government. Because he doesn't have adequate income to take care of her or her newborn child. So she is reduced to living in poverty. I personally have seen many women who have great potential for material success, forced to live a life of want and impoverishment simply because she got pregnant by a low life brother. Now if the woman wants a good job she must be able to find adequate child care which is expensive. She must be able to procure a larger apartment or home for her growing family which increases her expenses. Then there are the basics of raising a child such as food, diapers, medical care, shots, doctor visits, school expenses etc. None of these liabilities would be put completely upon the woman if she was (A) not pregnant or (B) married to a man that is the primary breadwinner, or (C) pregnant by a man who at least has decent income and can pay an adequate amount of child support and provide other means of support such as health insurance, childcare and visitation to relieve the stress on the single mom. The dusty nigger in the hood usually provides none of those things. He just knows how to get down in the bedroom. Once he squirts his seed it's up to the next guy or Uncle Sam to handle the rest. He is, as the Bible says " worse than an infidel".
Now when women consort with men of this character, evil men with a base nature. She takes on his spiritual demons. It's like catching a demonic STD. No matter how much the woman rules outside the bedroom, when it comes to the sex act it is the man who is dominant. He wields the penis. It is through his penis that his evil DNA becomes injected into the woman's spirit. She without realizing it takes on his nature, and if she has many lovers she takes on their natures as well. Mary Magdalene had this problem and was healed by Yeshua. However these women usually don't seek the cure. They continue on the road to single motherhood and concubine status. She has accepted the fact that she will not be a companion of a righteous husband, and as long as there are dusty Ahab type brothers to provide her with sexual comfort and as long as the state is willing to provide her with menial financial provision, she will continue down the road to black American self destruction. She will NEVER be a companion for a righteous black man, nor will she ever be a wife.
Without realizing it concubines reduce the odds of black marriage in the community at large, whether we like it or not we are our brothers and sisters keeper. What I do affects my community and what you do also affects it, either for good or evil. I'll give you a small example of this. I own a home with a large yard. I live in a nice neighborhood with attractive homes. Everyone around me is diligent in caring for their lawns including myself. However if I all of a sudden decide I no longer want to mow my lawn, my neighbors would become upset because it affects their homes as well as far as value and overall neighborhood curb appeal. The same concept applies to the black woman playing the role of concubine she satisfies the man's motivations for
1 sexual pleasure
2 procreation
3 marriage or the benefits of marriage without the spiritual and legal commitments.
These three factors affect the entire black nation because they short circuit the core and primal motivations of most men. Women may think that feminism gave them more power but it was a Trojan horse. The only women who were empowered by feminism were the lesbians and male homosexuals. The reason for this is it allowed women to become more whorish which short circuited her chances for matrimony, this is of course more profoundly true in the black community. The black man can now explore all of his so called sexual options whether they be with black women who are willing to concubines, white or Latino women who are willing to concubines or other men. Having these sexual options puts the spiritually weak black man's sexual urges into overdrive. Couple this drive with the over saturation of sensuality and sensationalism in our media and our hedonistic culture and marriage is dropped way down the list as viable options for sexual satisfaction. This scenario benefits no one spiritually but it does benefit the man who is base and common because he is only concerned about his physical urges being met.thus the community suffers as we all are now aware of in our nations black enclaves.
The second core drive of every man is to procreate. This is actually God's 1st commandment to men when he told Adam and Eve to " be fruitful and multiply" Black men don't have a problem doing the multiplying part because that feels good. The problem with this commandment is the next set of instructions God gives man which was to replenish the earth and SUBDUE it. The strong's definition of subdue means to bring in to bondage. It was man's job to bring the earth under the subjection of the will of God, To eradicate evil from the land. The black man is not doing this. He is doing the opposite he is subduing his community on Satan's behalf. He no longer has to procreate in the confines of Holy Matrimony, he now only has to breed or spawn like a plague or virus or animal. He is free to drop his seed into as many concubines as he can and he is doing just that. The very act of illicit sex is defiling to the man's nature. The following scriptures bear this out
Lev 18:20 Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife, to defile thyself with her.
Eze 33:26 Ye stand upon your sword, ye work abomination, and ye defile every one his neighbour's wife: and shall ye possess the land?
1Ti 1:10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;
The third drive is the need for a man to get married and become a responsible citizen in the eyes of God and his fellow man. This drive is short circuited by the first two. The man gets sex, the man spreads his seed, for better or worse he has a legacy. He doesn't necessarily have to be present in his child's life. She is the baby sitter. He can command and make demands on the mothers choices in future suitors or if he is possessive and jealous try to force the woman off the market. In the end the woman becomes the long term loser in this equation. The man in all intents and purposes will marry someone else that he perceives as having more virtue than the concubine. She , however, will be thrust into the singles grinder carrying what many men will see as excess baggage, thus reducing her chances for matrimony.
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