Darwin was right, .... Sort of!

Darwin Was Right, .... Sort of!

When one looks at how the universe functions, when you observe the operation of the animal world in the Plains of Africa or jungles of South America. When one looks at the unseen world of microbiology and the study of cell reproduction and disease causes. When physicists study the atom and unleashed its power to form nuclear energy and weapons of mass destruction. When the human genome was mastered by scientist , one has to come to the conclusion that the world we live in physically, operates the same way spiritually. That operating concept is "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST".

Charles Darwin coined that phrase over 100 years ago. It has been ingrained in American culture, business, politics, and every other human endeavor. The American economy operates by that system. Businesses compete on the economic battlefield and some thrive and reproduce themselves where others die off. The best example of a business reproducing itself and becoming dominant is Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart was not born on top. I remember when Wal-Mart was only in small towns, and K-Mart, Sears, and J.C. Penny were dominant, now they all are struggling to survive while Wal- Mart marches onward.

When I said Darwin was right I was referencing to the fittest part. Being fit encompasses many areas not just physical and this is where most people stop. They see the laws of the jungle, and say to themselves that is where it ends. That this principle does not operate in the realm of civilized man. They observe the lion stalking the zebra or gazelle and say to themselves thank God I'm not one of them, thank the Lord I am a man and am above jungle law. Newsflash! We are not above this concept. Especially in the spiritual realm.
 Spiritual fitness is the one thing Satan and his demon horde fear most from mankind. Spiritual fitness is what was demonstrated by the patriarchs of the bible, such as Moses, Paul, David, and of course Yeshua, (Jesus).

 Unlike physical fitness where we constantly are trying to develop our strength and harden our bodies, spiritual fitness requires submission to the will of God on a daily basis. Paul said  " I die daily". In other words everyday Paul had to put aside his physical and submit himself to Christ on a spiritual level and become more and more fit for the heavenly realm. Salvation men and women is going to be a FIGHT, you are not going to coast in on a cruise ship and sail into heaven. If you think that is all there is, if you have accepted nominal Christianity where all you have to do is say you are a Christian, and say that you believe and say that you love the Lord and you presume your ticket through the pearly gates is punched, then you are on your way to the lake of fire. I am sorry to inform you. 1st Peter 4:18 states.

1Pe 4:18
And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Jesus was the perfect example of becoming FIT' spiritually. He possessed no special powers of his own. His strength lied in his Humility, and Submission to the will of his heavenly father.unlike physical training where we are constantly pushing our physical limits to get stronger, spiritual fitness requires steering and pushing our WILL, and our CONSCIOUSNESS toward God's eternal power and benevolent love which then starts the process of transformation in our hearts and minds and we BECOME vessels of HONOR  in our masters house.  Revelations 3:11 states :

Rev 3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

The crown that Christ was referring too is our salvation, which if we are not honing our spiritual fitness CAN  be taken from us.  We have to be on guard for our spirituality just as we would protect ourselves when walking through a crime infested neighborhood, because on the spiritual level we are in a lawless jungle while we reside here on earth 1st Peter 5:8 states this.

1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

If you watch many animals such as deer, rabbits, gazelles etc. you notice how alert they are, how they will vigilantly observe their surroundings on constant watch for threats. These animals know instinctively. that they are PREY, that predators lurk about seeking to make a meal of them so in order to survive they have to always be ready to flee or in rare cases when cornered fight back.
Man, especially western man, does not feel the need to guard his spirituality in the sane manner. This is due to a number of reasons.

1) Our  society is for all intents and purposes is a relatively safe society. There are no beasts of prey stalking our terrain seeking to make a meal out of us, we have subdued the earth to some degree and that enables us to concentrate on other endeavors whether for good or evil. Unfortunately we seem to gravitate toward the evil.

2) False and nominal Christian belief systems that are vain traditions of men. Weak powerless gospel messages watered down by compromising priests, pastors, rabbis, and the church in general has lulled a vast majority of so called believers into a false sense of ease and self reliance regarding their salvation. The church delivers a smooth gospel free of any major condemnations or rebukes for evil behavior. There are no stonings  or floggings as it was in the past so evil is not put in check on a communal level this is looked upon as barbaric and to some degree it is when it is done without the guidance of the true God of the bible. I for one don't think that man is capable of rendering righteous judgment in this modern era. We are not as honorable a people as were our ancestors who resided in Israel. The false and watered down gospel has made us weak spiritually and easy prey for Satan and his demon host to devour. It happens everyday yet because we are so stuck on physical pleasure and contentment we are not alarmed by it. WE ARE LAODICIA.

3) We worship all things physical. Western society moves to the drumbeat of physical pleasure at all costs. Everywhere everybody is looking to FEEL GOOD, we are hedonistic. We party, get high on illegal drugs and alcohol, we shop till we drop, we have sex with anyone or anything that pleases our eye, we look for entertainment non stop and by doing so we shut our ears to the still small voice of God whispering to us to turn from our evil ways. We are a hard headed stiff necked people. This separates us from God and his resurrecting power, it divides us as a nation and makes us weaker and easier to pounce on by demonic predators, because physical strength or love of pleasure will not protect us, only God, Yeshua, and his angels can protect us in the spiritual realm. Our love of pleasure turns us into small kids who like to run into heavy traffic on the highway away from our parents protective grip. Many of us who do this will get run over spiritually and physically as well. This is happening right now as you read this.


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