**No Country for Black Men
**No Country for Black Men
There is an often undisclosed reason for the lack of harmony in African American relationships that is never discussed in the media, blogs , and various social circles. That reason is black men in America don't have their OWN nation.
When one looks at other races in America even other African descendant races the one common denominator they have is they can name their country. Mexicans claim Mexico, Nigerians can claim Nigeria, Somalis can claim Somalia, Ethiopians can claim Ethiopia etc.
Having your own nation brings respect and groundness in a man's sphere. He projects an aura of authority, dignity and self respect that transform the reactions of the persons whom they come in contact with. The enemies of ancient Israel major goal was to cause them to cease to be a nation. Not having your own nation, means not having your own identity, not having your own identity makes you susceptible to various cursings and atrocities committed against you by other people. You are a refugee and refugees are at the mercy of the host nation
Black women intuitively since this in their men today, whether conscious or unconscious sisters are fed up with the "FRONTIN". The fake cooning and buffoonery displayed by this generation of young and not so young black men is not fooling anyone. The bottom line is black men are lost and are basically fugitives and vagabonds as was the case of Cain when God cursed him from the earth.
In previous generations black people did not identify with Americans. We didn't always be this way. We may not have known exactly where we came from but we knew we weren't wanted here. Unfortunately that changed after the civil rights era. Blacks were tricked into thinking America was THEIR nation and with that false belief system made vain attempts to assimilate the American culture into their behavior and character. This has had disastrous results .
One area where black men, and increasingly black women , have embarked on is crime. Crime has been seen as a way out of oppression by African Americans. It has been the ultimate bait and switch. In previous generations black Americans understood one thing. That they needed to be vigilant. Because of this blacks were able to be self reliant, hard workers, and they knew that if they were to embark on some criminal enterprise they would surely receive swift and harsh justice from the American legal system. This doesn't seem to be the case with the present generation. We choose iniquity to avoid affliction.
We blacks have chosen to give in to the evil of our oppressors. We have cried uncle. We have tapped out. We have said to our enemy thy ways are better than serving the Lord. We are lukewarm, and delusional. We seek the wealth of the wicked and then say God has blessed us. We have become hypocrites. We think we know better than God. We say he will understand why I have to commit this evil. Job 36:19-23 states:
Job 36:19 Will he esteem thy riches? [no], not gold, nor all the forces of strength.
Job 36:20 Desire not the night, when people are cut off in their place.
Job 36:21 Take heed, regard not iniquity: for this hast thou chosen rather than affliction.
Job 36:22 ¶ Behold, God exalteth by his power: who teacheth like him?
Job 36:23 Who hath enjoined him his way? or who can say, Thou hast wrought iniquity?
Crime and criminality is glorified in the media, drugs murder, pimping and street hustling are portrayed as noble endeavors for young black men in women. This snare has caused the rapid growth of the prison industrial complex which is given its strength via our corruption.
Blacks are constantly seeking acceptance and authentication by someone outside themselves. Especially whites. This is partly do to not having a country or identity.We have to address our unconscious desire to BELONG. NOW THIS. DESIRE IS WITHIN EVERY HUMAN BEING SO IT IS NOT AN EVIL DESIRE. IN FACT IT IS A GOOD THING TO WANT TO BELONG. A WOMAN WANTS TO BE A WIFE BECAUSE SHE YEARNS TO BELONG to her husband. A child who is fatherless will always feel a lack or void. This is God's will. We all yearn for acceptance and because of this we are exploited in an psycho spiritual way by the dominant white society at large. We yearn to belong to a country. We cant say with certainty where we are from. Are we Nigerian, Somalian, Ethiopian are we from Zimbabwe Ghana, etc. We don't know and because of this curse of being separated from our country. We are vagabonds on a national scale. Whites came here voluntarily and can trace their roots back to various European and west Asian nations. Black Americans cannot, and because we can't we become PREY. Our deep yearning to belong causes us to mold our identity with our enemy , our oppressor and we become reprobate and profane in the process. It's like Esau in reverse. We didn't voluntarily give up our birthright but it has been stolen from us and we are destroyed for a lack of knowledge of it.
The African American people have been consumed almost completely from their ancient roots. They have been alienated from the true God of the bible and force to serve false images of what they have been deceived into believing is God. This false concept of God as a white man propagated for over 400 years on our people from slavery to the present day has created a cosmic breach between our people, their heritage, destiny, and have put our souls in peril, yet we don't perceive the gravity of the danger that we are in here in America despite all the evidence to the contrary. We refuse to accept the true condition of our spiritual state and the resulting recompense that falls on us because of our continued disregard for all that is holy.
We put ourselves first. What matters most to us is our comfort, perceived prosperity, and false hubris and exceptionalism. We believe we are special and that God could not possibly destroy us. Any affliction that befalls us must be coming from Satan. This is our false mantra and belief system and we operate our daily lives with this false spiritual paradigm as our driving force. This false paradigm is constantly reinforced by black churches and the covetous preachers and false prophets that run them. They prophecy SMOOTH messages of peace and eventual salvation based on the false core paradigm of spiritual exceptionalism and delusional self worth. " God couldn't possibly destroy me!!" is what our deceitful hearts have been programmed to tell us. I'm guilty of this as well and have to constantly pray to God not to let that spirit overtake me. Our prayers as a people should be the prayer of David in Psalms 19:13
Psa 19:13
Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
We, myself included, presume on the benevolence and infallible love of God towards us. Because of this we make God one dimensional, someone without a personality like our own. We see only what we want to see, we hear only the words we want to hear and we conduct our daily lives doing the things that WE want to do. If it grieves our Lord so what, we know he loves us and couldn't possibly destroy" US ". Any attack on us must be coming from Satan and the white man. They are out to get us, they are our enemy and this is true especially of Satan. However not every white man or woman is out to get us, in fact evidence points that other black people are our primary enemies more so than the white men and women. Just look at Chicago murders.
We have been affected by a spiritual system and apparatus of our own making to a great degree. A tower of Babylon built by our delusional hubris, and spiritual arrogance that we are special in the eyes of God above all others. That we can do whatever our hearts desire and still be kings and queens because of our so called specialness. Meanwhile our nation continues to be consumed by the western new world order apparatus. Our younger people are becoming more and more vile, and profane, narcissistic, violent, sexualized, and reprobate. However we as a nation make excuses. It's because of racism, the government is not doing enough to help us, there are no good jobs, the devil is a lie. These false spiritual excuses continue to project the blame for our depravity onto someone or something else. We refuse to be accountable and for this refusal God's anger is poured onto us.
Pro 28:4
They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.
Pro 24:24
He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him:
White power REQUIRES BLACK DEBAUCHERY to exist. A people that has heathenish tendencies within THEIR genetic makeup are naturally incapable of ruling in an honorable and just culture. They must infect the culture, they must debase the inhabitants of that culture so that they may rule. Standards of righteousness that were established at MT. Sinai have to be torn asunder. And new standards erected by the ruling power have to be put in place so that they ( the rulers) can be seen as ministers of righteousness. This is a form of spiritual terraforming . The biggest obstacle to this are the descendants of the ones who received the oracles of God Almighty in person. The memory is still encoded into the elects DNA. and the wicked know this.
They must do everything possible to stamp out the image of God on earth. No where is that image more prevalent the in the melinated people on this earth. The devil is attempting to take Cain's curse and place it on the. Seed of Abraham. What is Cain's curse? To answer that we must go to Genesis 4:11-14
Gen 4:11 And now [art] thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;
Gen 4:12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
Gen 4:13 And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment [is] greater than I can bear.
Gen 4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, [that] every one that findeth me shall slay me.
Notice that Cain realized that his curse would create a desire for men to slay him. This is one sign that is rarely mentioned in sermons because it tends to go against nominal Christian beliefs. They gloss over that portion of scripture.
Right now there is an unmentioned spiritual desire to kill African American men in the United States. This exists for two reasons. One is the murderous bloodlust that exists in White Americans that many of them refuse to acknowledge. This bloodlust originated from Cain and it manifested in the seed of many Anglo Saxons. The second reason is the vagabond spirit has now been planted in the younger African American generation, via the music. This vagabond spirit has permeated the black culture and created a fugitive , criminal mindset within many young black boys and men, and now with the onset of black reality shows that reward ratchet behavior in our women it is starting to take root in the black female population as well.
Satan knows that the vagabond spirit creates the desire for others to kill that person or persons so he has worked tirelessly to implant that spirit in the true seed of Israel in these last days. One only has to look at any major city to know that this spirit is at work in America.
The result of losing the moral high ground has caused the black nation to be set up for extermination. History has shown that the first Step to an attempted genocide of a people is their dehumanization in the hearts and minds of the rest of the population. The media portrayal of black men in America has been perpetually negative. The images of violent, deviant black men is so strong that it takes an extreme effort not to subconsciously accept that black men aren't a nation of criminals, deviants, and murderers whom we should fear if we see them on the street. Especially if that person is wearing the hip-hop uniform of a deviant, which consists of the saggy paints, multicolored tennis shoes, gaudy jewelry, ball caps and of course the infamous hoodie. These items project an image of criminal intent in the minds of the beholder. To say otherwise is blatant denial. It is this image that invokes a response of fear and loathing in the person who views it on someone else. Especially if that someone else is black. I personally feel it and I am a black man. So I know that others feel the same way when encountered by young black men who display themselves in this manner. Many of these young brothers get off on this because they feel it makes them more intimidating, however we live in a violent gun toting, police state where people will shoot or tase if they feel threatened. This would explain the increase in black on black crime, as well as harsher police tactics. It is also the unconscious legal foundation for the increasing " STAND YOUR GROUND" laws that as of this writing has resulted in two high profile murders of young black men. The hip hop thug image invokes the desire to assault from other men and women, or if unable to attack, the overwhelming desire to flee. Either way you want the thug out of your sphere. This was the motivation behind Anthony Zimmerman's alleged murder of Treyvon Martin. He feared the image displayed in his community. So his fight instinct was provoked by Treyvon's presence and he attacked. Even though Treyvon was not a thug. The persona of hip-hop alone in Treyvon's attire triggered the aggressive response. Had Treyvon been wearing a military uniform he probably would still be alive today. Because the media has trained us to revere men in military uniforms.
Hip hop's affect on the black woman has been more damaging than the man's she in turn loves the attention she gets. Because women have a need to be THE MOST DESIRED. She goes about trying to be the center of everyone's world. Hip-hop offers fame and pseudo stardom to the black woman and she will not be ignored. She dresses, or shall we say undresses, in her hip-hop uniform as well. Which is salacious, ghetto, gaudy, and slutty. In the bible woman of virtue wore a robe or dress of many colors signifying the woman's virginity. Well hip hop has turned that tradition on it's head and told black woman to wear hair weave of multi colors in order to stand out as a sexy easy jump off in order to get the attention of a thug or lesbian. Because this image is usually repugnant to a righteous brother.
The reprobate hip hop help-meet knows full well who she is attracting when she puts on her uniform. She is willing to spawn more offspring for her hip hop community and advance her nation. In their ongoing attack on Mainstream African America. Which now has enemies from within in the form of the hip-hopnitze nigger element, and global white supremacy from the outside. Both enemies have the same goal. The destruction of the righteous black nation and the rebellion against the dominion of God himself. I've said this before, Hip hop is a cultural weapon of mass destruction. It creates a false inflated image of black self exaltation which ends up backfiring in our face and has brought shame and contempt on blacks as a whole, notice many in the media are slowly starting to disrespect us again openly. This is mainly due to the reprehensible collective behavior of too many of our black citizens.Our spiritual state is punishment for continued rebellion. Open persecution of black people will resurface and it will be in the will of The Most High because we don't serve Him with all our hearts and minds. God has made us a despised people, this is stated in Malachi 2:8-9
There is an often undisclosed reason for the lack of harmony in African American relationships that is never discussed in the media, blogs , and various social circles. That reason is black men in America don't have their OWN nation.
When one looks at other races in America even other African descendant races the one common denominator they have is they can name their country. Mexicans claim Mexico, Nigerians can claim Nigeria, Somalis can claim Somalia, Ethiopians can claim Ethiopia etc.
Having your own nation brings respect and groundness in a man's sphere. He projects an aura of authority, dignity and self respect that transform the reactions of the persons whom they come in contact with. The enemies of ancient Israel major goal was to cause them to cease to be a nation. Not having your own nation, means not having your own identity, not having your own identity makes you susceptible to various cursings and atrocities committed against you by other people. You are a refugee and refugees are at the mercy of the host nation
Black women intuitively since this in their men today, whether conscious or unconscious sisters are fed up with the "FRONTIN". The fake cooning and buffoonery displayed by this generation of young and not so young black men is not fooling anyone. The bottom line is black men are lost and are basically fugitives and vagabonds as was the case of Cain when God cursed him from the earth.
In previous generations black people did not identify with Americans. We didn't always be this way. We may not have known exactly where we came from but we knew we weren't wanted here. Unfortunately that changed after the civil rights era. Blacks were tricked into thinking America was THEIR nation and with that false belief system made vain attempts to assimilate the American culture into their behavior and character. This has had disastrous results .
One area where black men, and increasingly black women , have embarked on is crime. Crime has been seen as a way out of oppression by African Americans. It has been the ultimate bait and switch. In previous generations black Americans understood one thing. That they needed to be vigilant. Because of this blacks were able to be self reliant, hard workers, and they knew that if they were to embark on some criminal enterprise they would surely receive swift and harsh justice from the American legal system. This doesn't seem to be the case with the present generation. We choose iniquity to avoid affliction.
We blacks have chosen to give in to the evil of our oppressors. We have cried uncle. We have tapped out. We have said to our enemy thy ways are better than serving the Lord. We are lukewarm, and delusional. We seek the wealth of the wicked and then say God has blessed us. We have become hypocrites. We think we know better than God. We say he will understand why I have to commit this evil. Job 36:19-23 states:
Job 36:19 Will he esteem thy riches? [no], not gold, nor all the forces of strength.
Job 36:20 Desire not the night, when people are cut off in their place.
Job 36:21 Take heed, regard not iniquity: for this hast thou chosen rather than affliction.
Job 36:22 ¶ Behold, God exalteth by his power: who teacheth like him?
Job 36:23 Who hath enjoined him his way? or who can say, Thou hast wrought iniquity?
Crime and criminality is glorified in the media, drugs murder, pimping and street hustling are portrayed as noble endeavors for young black men in women. This snare has caused the rapid growth of the prison industrial complex which is given its strength via our corruption.
Blacks are constantly seeking acceptance and authentication by someone outside themselves. Especially whites. This is partly do to not having a country or identity.We have to address our unconscious desire to BELONG. NOW THIS. DESIRE IS WITHIN EVERY HUMAN BEING SO IT IS NOT AN EVIL DESIRE. IN FACT IT IS A GOOD THING TO WANT TO BELONG. A WOMAN WANTS TO BE A WIFE BECAUSE SHE YEARNS TO BELONG to her husband. A child who is fatherless will always feel a lack or void. This is God's will. We all yearn for acceptance and because of this we are exploited in an psycho spiritual way by the dominant white society at large. We yearn to belong to a country. We cant say with certainty where we are from. Are we Nigerian, Somalian, Ethiopian are we from Zimbabwe Ghana, etc. We don't know and because of this curse of being separated from our country. We are vagabonds on a national scale. Whites came here voluntarily and can trace their roots back to various European and west Asian nations. Black Americans cannot, and because we can't we become PREY. Our deep yearning to belong causes us to mold our identity with our enemy , our oppressor and we become reprobate and profane in the process. It's like Esau in reverse. We didn't voluntarily give up our birthright but it has been stolen from us and we are destroyed for a lack of knowledge of it.
The African American people have been consumed almost completely from their ancient roots. They have been alienated from the true God of the bible and force to serve false images of what they have been deceived into believing is God. This false concept of God as a white man propagated for over 400 years on our people from slavery to the present day has created a cosmic breach between our people, their heritage, destiny, and have put our souls in peril, yet we don't perceive the gravity of the danger that we are in here in America despite all the evidence to the contrary. We refuse to accept the true condition of our spiritual state and the resulting recompense that falls on us because of our continued disregard for all that is holy.
We put ourselves first. What matters most to us is our comfort, perceived prosperity, and false hubris and exceptionalism. We believe we are special and that God could not possibly destroy us. Any affliction that befalls us must be coming from Satan. This is our false mantra and belief system and we operate our daily lives with this false spiritual paradigm as our driving force. This false paradigm is constantly reinforced by black churches and the covetous preachers and false prophets that run them. They prophecy SMOOTH messages of peace and eventual salvation based on the false core paradigm of spiritual exceptionalism and delusional self worth. " God couldn't possibly destroy me!!" is what our deceitful hearts have been programmed to tell us. I'm guilty of this as well and have to constantly pray to God not to let that spirit overtake me. Our prayers as a people should be the prayer of David in Psalms 19:13
Psa 19:13
Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
We, myself included, presume on the benevolence and infallible love of God towards us. Because of this we make God one dimensional, someone without a personality like our own. We see only what we want to see, we hear only the words we want to hear and we conduct our daily lives doing the things that WE want to do. If it grieves our Lord so what, we know he loves us and couldn't possibly destroy" US ". Any attack on us must be coming from Satan and the white man. They are out to get us, they are our enemy and this is true especially of Satan. However not every white man or woman is out to get us, in fact evidence points that other black people are our primary enemies more so than the white men and women. Just look at Chicago murders.
We have been affected by a spiritual system and apparatus of our own making to a great degree. A tower of Babylon built by our delusional hubris, and spiritual arrogance that we are special in the eyes of God above all others. That we can do whatever our hearts desire and still be kings and queens because of our so called specialness. Meanwhile our nation continues to be consumed by the western new world order apparatus. Our younger people are becoming more and more vile, and profane, narcissistic, violent, sexualized, and reprobate. However we as a nation make excuses. It's because of racism, the government is not doing enough to help us, there are no good jobs, the devil is a lie. These false spiritual excuses continue to project the blame for our depravity onto someone or something else. We refuse to be accountable and for this refusal God's anger is poured onto us.
Pro 28:4
They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.
Pro 24:24
He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him:
White power REQUIRES BLACK DEBAUCHERY to exist. A people that has heathenish tendencies within THEIR genetic makeup are naturally incapable of ruling in an honorable and just culture. They must infect the culture, they must debase the inhabitants of that culture so that they may rule. Standards of righteousness that were established at MT. Sinai have to be torn asunder. And new standards erected by the ruling power have to be put in place so that they ( the rulers) can be seen as ministers of righteousness. This is a form of spiritual terraforming . The biggest obstacle to this are the descendants of the ones who received the oracles of God Almighty in person. The memory is still encoded into the elects DNA. and the wicked know this.
They must do everything possible to stamp out the image of God on earth. No where is that image more prevalent the in the melinated people on this earth. The devil is attempting to take Cain's curse and place it on the. Seed of Abraham. What is Cain's curse? To answer that we must go to Genesis 4:11-14
Gen 4:11 And now [art] thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;
Gen 4:12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
Gen 4:13 And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment [is] greater than I can bear.
Gen 4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, [that] every one that findeth me shall slay me.
Notice that Cain realized that his curse would create a desire for men to slay him. This is one sign that is rarely mentioned in sermons because it tends to go against nominal Christian beliefs. They gloss over that portion of scripture.
Right now there is an unmentioned spiritual desire to kill African American men in the United States. This exists for two reasons. One is the murderous bloodlust that exists in White Americans that many of them refuse to acknowledge. This bloodlust originated from Cain and it manifested in the seed of many Anglo Saxons. The second reason is the vagabond spirit has now been planted in the younger African American generation, via the music. This vagabond spirit has permeated the black culture and created a fugitive , criminal mindset within many young black boys and men, and now with the onset of black reality shows that reward ratchet behavior in our women it is starting to take root in the black female population as well.
Satan knows that the vagabond spirit creates the desire for others to kill that person or persons so he has worked tirelessly to implant that spirit in the true seed of Israel in these last days. One only has to look at any major city to know that this spirit is at work in America.
The result of losing the moral high ground has caused the black nation to be set up for extermination. History has shown that the first Step to an attempted genocide of a people is their dehumanization in the hearts and minds of the rest of the population. The media portrayal of black men in America has been perpetually negative. The images of violent, deviant black men is so strong that it takes an extreme effort not to subconsciously accept that black men aren't a nation of criminals, deviants, and murderers whom we should fear if we see them on the street. Especially if that person is wearing the hip-hop uniform of a deviant, which consists of the saggy paints, multicolored tennis shoes, gaudy jewelry, ball caps and of course the infamous hoodie. These items project an image of criminal intent in the minds of the beholder. To say otherwise is blatant denial. It is this image that invokes a response of fear and loathing in the person who views it on someone else. Especially if that someone else is black. I personally feel it and I am a black man. So I know that others feel the same way when encountered by young black men who display themselves in this manner. Many of these young brothers get off on this because they feel it makes them more intimidating, however we live in a violent gun toting, police state where people will shoot or tase if they feel threatened. This would explain the increase in black on black crime, as well as harsher police tactics. It is also the unconscious legal foundation for the increasing " STAND YOUR GROUND" laws that as of this writing has resulted in two high profile murders of young black men. The hip hop thug image invokes the desire to assault from other men and women, or if unable to attack, the overwhelming desire to flee. Either way you want the thug out of your sphere. This was the motivation behind Anthony Zimmerman's alleged murder of Treyvon Martin. He feared the image displayed in his community. So his fight instinct was provoked by Treyvon's presence and he attacked. Even though Treyvon was not a thug. The persona of hip-hop alone in Treyvon's attire triggered the aggressive response. Had Treyvon been wearing a military uniform he probably would still be alive today. Because the media has trained us to revere men in military uniforms.
Hip hop's affect on the black woman has been more damaging than the man's she in turn loves the attention she gets. Because women have a need to be THE MOST DESIRED. She goes about trying to be the center of everyone's world. Hip-hop offers fame and pseudo stardom to the black woman and she will not be ignored. She dresses, or shall we say undresses, in her hip-hop uniform as well. Which is salacious, ghetto, gaudy, and slutty. In the bible woman of virtue wore a robe or dress of many colors signifying the woman's virginity. Well hip hop has turned that tradition on it's head and told black woman to wear hair weave of multi colors in order to stand out as a sexy easy jump off in order to get the attention of a thug or lesbian. Because this image is usually repugnant to a righteous brother.
The reprobate hip hop help-meet knows full well who she is attracting when she puts on her uniform. She is willing to spawn more offspring for her hip hop community and advance her nation. In their ongoing attack on Mainstream African America. Which now has enemies from within in the form of the hip-hopnitze nigger element, and global white supremacy from the outside. Both enemies have the same goal. The destruction of the righteous black nation and the rebellion against the dominion of God himself. I've said this before, Hip hop is a cultural weapon of mass destruction. It creates a false inflated image of black self exaltation which ends up backfiring in our face and has brought shame and contempt on blacks as a whole, notice many in the media are slowly starting to disrespect us again openly. This is mainly due to the reprehensible collective behavior of too many of our black citizens.Our spiritual state is punishment for continued rebellion. Open persecution of black people will resurface and it will be in the will of The Most High because we don't serve Him with all our hearts and minds. God has made us a despised people, this is stated in Malachi 2:8-9
Mal 2:8
But ye are departed out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble at the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith the LORD of hosts.
Mal 2:9
Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.
Nations help shape the character of its citizens, corrupt leaders can cause a people to lose their salvation. We have to prepare our hearts to be citizens of the NEW JERUSALEM and seek God's help in becoming fit to live in his kingdom.
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