Message to the black woman
Message to the black woman
This is a message to the wicked sister, who walks in rebellion to her God and her righteous black husband. Count the days for they be few left of your eminence. You sit as a queen upon the throne of false religion of feminism, whoredom, and service to your white slave master. You do the will of Satan , you dig a pit against the men and righteous women of your nation, because your lust is insatiable, you lust for sex, drugs, excitement, pleasure, material wealth, and power. You are no longer a help-meet. Too many of you have strayed from the old paths and have whored after false gods of fame,and notoriety. You seek the crown that was never purposed to sit on your head. You have believed the lie whispered in the ear by the serpent , that "YE SHALL BE AS GODS" . Yet your lives are heaps of trash, spiritual wreckage, object lessons and warnings to other women around the world as well as unseen worlds throughout the universe.
You my sister represent the church of God. The chosen of Israel. The epitome of beauty and holiness. Now your visage is marred and you are despised by men and other women around the world. They mock you. They use you for sex , and that gives you the false assumption that you are desired. You are not desired. Many of you are simply prey. Someone to be used up , devoured and consumed and then flushed out as dung too be later burned. You defend yourself by delving into false delusions of grandeur. This is why you are seeing a lot of black feminized reality shows crop up on TV such as Atlanta housewives, love and hip hop, and married to medicine. Your enemy wants you to remain in your strong delusions of grandeur so he is producing shows to promote your rebellion , further luring you away from God and your husband and chasing after Baal. Many of you will be destroyed, many of you will pine away as lonely old maids, no family to comfort you, no husband to minister to you, and for many no children to leave a legacy to.
Ask yourself this question sister. What will be mentioned of me and my life say 50 years from now? Will my children bless my name. Will I have a righteous heritage to carry on my bloodline in the earth? Will I be renowned ? Or will my legacy end at my death. Will I be cut off permanently and the wicked seed I sired be destroyed before my eyes because I refused to repent and obey the Lord and pray for the spirit of repentance. And will I wind up facing an angry God in the judgment and be found wanting. Will I be shrieking in terror from his fierce presence, when the angels open the books on my life . You have serious choices too make while you still have time.
We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But the key to salvation is faith, endurance and overcoming through the blood of Christ. However you must make the CHOICE.It will not be made for you. Paul said in Philippians , " seek out thy own salvation with fear and trembling". You are responsible for your life. You can't spend your years blaming others for your spiritual state and then justifying it to stay in a spirit of continuos rebellion against God as if you are getting back at Him. Everyone has a cross to bear, and he does not give you more than you can handle so any trauma that you may have suffered is no excuse to continue to wallow in depravity. You must turn . Sister you are the antitypical representation of the CHURCH OF GOD. You display how far we have fallen. It's time for you and I , your righteous husband to come back together and repent of the evil that has enveloped our nation. God still loves you and many of the brothers who are noble yearn to love and minister to you as well. But you have got to turn. Turn Ye sister for why will Ye die.
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This is a message to the wicked sister, who walks in rebellion to her God and her righteous black husband. Count the days for they be few left of your eminence. You sit as a queen upon the throne of false religion of feminism, whoredom, and service to your white slave master. You do the will of Satan , you dig a pit against the men and righteous women of your nation, because your lust is insatiable, you lust for sex, drugs, excitement, pleasure, material wealth, and power. You are no longer a help-meet. Too many of you have strayed from the old paths and have whored after false gods of fame,and notoriety. You seek the crown that was never purposed to sit on your head. You have believed the lie whispered in the ear by the serpent , that "YE SHALL BE AS GODS" . Yet your lives are heaps of trash, spiritual wreckage, object lessons and warnings to other women around the world as well as unseen worlds throughout the universe.
You my sister represent the church of God. The chosen of Israel. The epitome of beauty and holiness. Now your visage is marred and you are despised by men and other women around the world. They mock you. They use you for sex , and that gives you the false assumption that you are desired. You are not desired. Many of you are simply prey. Someone to be used up , devoured and consumed and then flushed out as dung too be later burned. You defend yourself by delving into false delusions of grandeur. This is why you are seeing a lot of black feminized reality shows crop up on TV such as Atlanta housewives, love and hip hop, and married to medicine. Your enemy wants you to remain in your strong delusions of grandeur so he is producing shows to promote your rebellion , further luring you away from God and your husband and chasing after Baal. Many of you will be destroyed, many of you will pine away as lonely old maids, no family to comfort you, no husband to minister to you, and for many no children to leave a legacy to.
Ask yourself this question sister. What will be mentioned of me and my life say 50 years from now? Will my children bless my name. Will I have a righteous heritage to carry on my bloodline in the earth? Will I be renowned ? Or will my legacy end at my death. Will I be cut off permanently and the wicked seed I sired be destroyed before my eyes because I refused to repent and obey the Lord and pray for the spirit of repentance. And will I wind up facing an angry God in the judgment and be found wanting. Will I be shrieking in terror from his fierce presence, when the angels open the books on my life . You have serious choices too make while you still have time.
We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But the key to salvation is faith, endurance and overcoming through the blood of Christ. However you must make the CHOICE.It will not be made for you. Paul said in Philippians , " seek out thy own salvation with fear and trembling". You are responsible for your life. You can't spend your years blaming others for your spiritual state and then justifying it to stay in a spirit of continuos rebellion against God as if you are getting back at Him. Everyone has a cross to bear, and he does not give you more than you can handle so any trauma that you may have suffered is no excuse to continue to wallow in depravity. You must turn . Sister you are the antitypical representation of the CHURCH OF GOD. You display how far we have fallen. It's time for you and I , your righteous husband to come back together and repent of the evil that has enveloped our nation. God still loves you and many of the brothers who are noble yearn to love and minister to you as well. But you have got to turn. Turn Ye sister for why will Ye die.
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