Angst & Anxiety Generates Desire in Women

Angst & Anxiety Generates Desire in Women

To prevent oneself from falling into the so called "friend" zone with women it is vital that men be able to generate a degree of angst, anxiety, uncertainty and unpredictability as well. Women say they want the sweet innocent qualities, such as opening doors, paying for movies, wining and dining, bringing flowers, but that will not work with 90 percent of American women or if it does work it occurs later in the relationship after a solid foundation and bond has been created.

American women are spoiled. They don't have to grow food or hunt for it, they pretty much have shelter. They can depend on jobs and careers or government assistance for financial support, and they get nominal spiritual injections from their preachers on Sunday. The world of the American woman for the most part is pretty secure. This in a since poses a problem for mating and relationships in America . The woman unlike the man is "NOT" turned on by virtue. She knows it is essential , but because she feels that she inherently possesses this quality herself she is not always excited by that quality in her man, not initially anyway. 

Women like men, have a God complex. Men like to project the power of God in order to capture the woman. Women however like to project the virtue of God in order to capture the man. In order to project her virtue the woman must transform the man. This is her way of displaying her godlike feminine qualities. However this poses a problem for men who have strong virtuous traits themselves. If this man is already noble chances are the unconverted woman will not be interested in him romantically because she cannot display her godlike virtue on the man. It is the same concept of men being repulsed by physically strong , muscular women. Because the man wants to be the strength of the relationship. The woman is the same way, she wants to be the integrity and virtue of the relationship so it is important for her man to be somewhat flawed so she can work her virtuous magic on him and transform him into a man made in HER image.

The man who is flawed or a cad generates a degree of anxiety in the heart of the woman . She instinctively yearns to overcome his flaws in order to display her femininity via her virtuous transformation of the thug. She is drawn to his damaged soul on a spiritual level, and she is turned on by his physical swagger and sexual energy on the physical plane. The thug generates angst. He is not loving, noble, or domesticated , so she seeks to transform him into these things as well as satisfy her physical lust as well. So she gets to kill two birds with one stone.

Sex creates anxiety.

Whenever two people get together sexually the relationship between them has changed forever. Because sex consummates the two godly qualities of power and virtue together in a spiritual marriage. This is why many women don't want to have sex with their friends. For men this is highly illogical. But if we understand the woman's need to display her virtue through her man it makes more sense. Sex creates anxiety for both the man and the woman, however the woman feels it more acutely because society looks at sex as being dirty and outside the will of God if one is no is not legally married. So in her mind having sex with a friend , whom she doesn't see as marriage material because of his noble qualities is not a good thing for her. For the man it doesn't matter. Because he is using his sexual power to subdue the woman and make her his.  
A man must understand the need to keep the woman in a state of anxiety in order for her not to get bored and put him in the friend zone. You can't do everything she wants all the time. You have to have other interests besides women . You have to convey a degree of rebellion that she can sense will require her to make an effort to have you. 

 Women & Hypergamy

Another reason to generate angst is that women are HYPERGAMOUS  they long to UPGRADE. Be it men with more money, fame, muscles, sexual prowess or more rebelliousness. What ever it is, most women want more of it. Money is limited, fame fizzles out , muscles and sexual prowess decline with age. However being a rebel is unlimited. You can go as far down the road as you can to the point of being anti-social or even a psychopath and the woman will want you because her deep perverse need to display her feminine virtue is sent into overdrive when she comes into contact with those types of individuals. This is why you see men on death row getting marriage proposals. This is why the black community is infested with saggy pants, fake dreadlock wearing thugs. 
One must understand that this behavior is dominant in women who have unconverted hearts and did not have strong fathers in their lives. This is not , as I said in the beginning of this chapter all women. However  American culture , and especially black American culture has fallen under the spell of Satan and his hosts. Because of this We now see this innate desire by more woman to attempt to display their virtue by transforming "bad" men. It is unfortunately a byproduct of our corrupt morals and it will continue to destroy the institution of holy matrimony if we don't repent.  


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