The Jezebel Effect Part 2- Diverse Lusts of The Reprobate Black Woman

The Jezebel Effect Part 2- Diverse Lusts of the Reprobate Black Woman

Jezebal spirit

Many ask why the sisters of today are gravitating toward men and she-males (butch lesbians) that are thuggish in their behavior. Why don't these sisters give the decent brothers a chance. It is because many of these sisters have cultivated various lusts and are foolish and silly, especially the younger ones.

 Paul describes silly women with diverse lusts in 2nd  Timothy chapter 3:1-7

 2Ti 3:1

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

 2Ti 3:2

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

 2Ti 3:3

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

 2Ti 3:4

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

 2Ti 3:5

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

 2Ti 3:6

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

 2Ti 3:7

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

These are some of the Lusts that are bringing sisters to their demise:

Lust for sex
Lust for excitement
Lust for power
Rebellion against the Most High and his precepts

The thug appeals to all these aforementioned lusts simultaneously and is therefore desired by the reprobate unconverted black woman. She is at ease in American society in that she really doesn't have to TOIL for her food and shelter. She in most cases has a career, or she depends on uncle Sam and his assistance programs in order to maintain a subsistence level lifestyle. Many of these women are more than willing to do this in order to have those desires I just listed fulfilled. She has an uncircumcised heart and she is out of the will and order of the Most High.

If you examine closely the lie the serpent told Eve in the garden. You will see that he insinuated all these lusts in her mind and seduced her. The same lie is being told the black woman today.

Let start with Sex.

Feminism and the free love/ hippie movement of the 60's and 70's laid the groundwork for black women to release her sexual inhibitions, to burn her bra and strip of her panties as well. She experienced a freedom that none of her for-bearers from Africa to her mother and grandmother were not privileged to embark upon. She was able to have sex without the privilege of marriage and not be stigmatized, ostracized, or stoned to death. She was now able to pick and choose a variety of men to have sex with and subsequently her desires for sex increased exponentially. The sister now had options or so she thought. Satan had set the snare and too many sisters were egged on by the false promises of feminism, free love, and sexual liberation, and she landed on a slippery slope down a steep spiritual cliff. She is sliding into a snare. Many have fallen and been destroyed through murder, domestic violence, many are pining away through loneliness, single motherhood and increasing poverty and homelessness. Many sisters are now contracting STD's, such as HIV/ AIDS, herpes, unwanted pregnancies, enduring countless abortions, cervical and uterine cancers, and sterility. Yet many other sisters who are younger follow the same path of thug loving whoredom despite the wreckage seen all around them. Unfortunately many sisters are too far gone to be considered desirable for wives. Many are up in age and are looking back with regret on the paths they had taken. Women in their 40's 50's and some 60's bear witness to what can transpire in a woman's life when she allows it to be driven by her lust for sex. This is a recompense from the Most High. God is not mocked.the evidence in America to this is overwhelming.


Excitement is sex for the mind. Just like intercourse is physical and pleasures the woman's body. Too many sisters lust for excitement, drama is a mainstay for the reprobate sister. Clubbing, getting high, fighting over her thugged out boyfriend, fighting with her thugged out boyfriend, yelling, and cussing people out in public. Wearing ostentatious apparel such as provocative clothing, hair weave, gaudy jewelry. Listening to loud and vulgar rap and hip-hop music. Going on trips to where other thugs and hood rats are known to congregate, such as freaknic, black bikers conventions, spring breaks, or on various cruises and big event concerts. The sisters , just like  Cyndi Lauper once said," JUST WANNA HAVE FUN". Thugs try an offer this type of excitement. He promotes himself as the ultimate pleaser of women. You see this in rap videos. Artist like Puff Daddy and Li'l Wayne offer fancy cars, wild trips on fancy jets to fancy destinations to the reprobate sister. She yearns for this, she lusts for it and she therefore demands it in abundance from the man who seeks to enter the so called nirvana which is her VAGINA. Thugs sacrifice their lives, educations, liberty and their own identity as unique individuals in order to CONFORM into the Hollywood image of the thug. He is drawn in too her pussy the way sailors of mythical times were lured to their deaths by the Sirens.


Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I stated before the black woman has achieved a level of power of the defeated black nation that no other woman holds. She loves the thug because the thug does not pose a threat to her power. Jezebel had 800 false priests, the reprobate sister has at her command millions of thugs and simps and wanna be thirsty pussy loving Manginas at her disposal across the United States. The thug has only one form of power and that is "BUCK POWER" . ( see my article on"buck power") . This power is not a major threat to the reprobate sisters reign and she knows that. She is able to degrade and manipulate the thug into life altering and life threatening endeavors on her behalf in order to maintain access to the vagina. She rides the thug, the same way the wicked woman rides the beast in revelation. She is in control. The thug is a suppliant and if need be a sacrifice. Once he is sacrificed by death or incarceration the reprobate sister will lure in another. She is as the bible says regarding a whorish woman, "a deep pit". The whore wants a thug for this main reason. HE DOES NOT REPRESENT AUTHORITY. He is physically strong, but spiritually and in many cases mentally weak and inferior to her spirituality, and intellect. Therefore he is controllable like a woman can ride and control a horse.

Rebellion against God.
The sister who lives to defy God and his precepts cannot be with a man who is living his life for God and is operating his existence in accordance with HIS will. Can two walk together less they be agreed? The reprobate sister sees the honorable brother and she despises him. She would like to in many cases seduce him , the way  Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph. But she knows that the honorable man is going to require her SUBMISSION and she is not willing to do that. Hence the need for the thug. He represents rebellion as well and he advertises it in his walk, gait, dress, decorum, dialect, demeanor, etc. She is drawn to his likeness. She lusts in her spirit after his defilement. He in turn burns for her in his members his testosterone is sent into overdrive and he must lie with her. This suits her just fine because she advertises her availability in her dress, decorum, gait, walk, mincing, and seductive behavior. He then submits to her or he may even take her but either way he now falls under her spell and he becomes prey for the enemy. This is why the devil and the white supremacy system keeps the reprobate woman propped up economically. Because she keeps the black nation weakened and destabilized, which reduces it's threat to Satan and the Global World Order.


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