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The death Eric Garner in New York by the hands of police, Trayvon Martin, The Chicago Murders. The American Prison system. Everything points to one thing and one thing only . Blacks , especially the men are "PREY". It doesn't matter how tough you are, how rich you are, how sexy you are. Morality and reasoning plays little to no role in the issue. Whenever the opportunity presents itself to exterminate blacks. The predator will pounce. Reasoning and rationalizing, moaning and marching, Moralizing and appealing after the fact will not quench the insatiable blood-lust that is generated in the fiber of the stalker when presented with the opportunity to satiate his lust and perverted desire to steal , kill , and destroy.

Black men and women are at the moment on the bottom of the food chain as far as life value is concerned. This is universal. Everywhere on earth the black man's life is in peril. This is part of the curse that was placed on us in the book of Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy 28:65-67 (KJV)
65[And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest: but the ] Lord[ shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind:] 

66[And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life:] 

67[In the morning thou shalt say, Would God it were even! and at even thou shalt say, Would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see.] 

Toxic Energy

Everything that is created or formed in this dimension consists of energy. This energy omits a response in those who come in contact with it. For instance when one accidentally touches an electrical appliance that is not grounded properly it may emit a painful or in some cases deadly shock. So people who handle the particular appliance know the precautions necessary  for their safety. The same concept is applied when people are around blacks.Our culture has programmed the population to view blacks as potential predators that need to be feared or prey that need to be exploited and consumed . Either way the black man and woman is hunted and in too many cases destroyed. He or she is destroyed because of his refusal to attain the knowledge that is given to him or her by God. He has shut down , through his or her sinful behavior his spiritual intuition. He is NOT sober nor is he vigilant as commanded by his God.

1 Peter 5:8-9 (KJV)
8Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 

The brother in New York , Eric Garner was killed because he did not recognize that he was prey. That the enemy was not concerned about whether it was right or wrong , which is what he was trying to appeal to, but rather he was seen as spiritual big game, such as a lion, or tiger in the jungle. The enemy could not control his perverse , demonic , blood-lust and they pounced and murdered the brother for no good reason. I predict that no one will be severely punished for this murder. Because in the eyes of society the big black brute of a man deserved it , just like the tiger in the forest deserved to be hunted and killed. The energy that a lot of young brothers , and increasingly young sisters emit through there false acceptance of hip hop culture is a confrontational energy , that projects a" You gonna have to kill me " signal to the other person's chakras and in most cases the person will flee the individuals presence without incident. But if you couple this energy with some form of provocation , whether intentional or unintentional, such as accidentally stepping on his shoes, then you run the risk of having that negative energy released and a physical confrontation is more than likely to occur. Most people however flee, however there are some who fight and this usually gets the black man , hurt, incarcerated, or killed. Many young macho , " RAH RAH " brothers emit tremendous amounts of this negative energy and nearly every one they encounter is a potential threat to their well being because of this. This causes the brother to be on edge, he is a trip wire. He does things to protect himself as a result, he builds his muscles, he walks tough, he sags to look tough, he gets pit bulls or other vicious dogs, he carries deadly weapons, he hangs with other men and women like himself, GANGS , for protection  in order to intimidate his potential killer from approaching him. In most cases it works but on a spiritual level it backfires because the intimidating behavior creates more fear and more desire for blood by the potential predator, and blacks should know by now that the biggest predators are the police, and other black men. As well as Klansman and people with like beliefs of black life having no value.  The tragic death of Mr Garner resulted from his not being vigilant , It pains me to say this but he should of let the police arrest him without any resistance even though he was Right, but God said , He that lives righteously makes himself a prey.

Isaiah 59:15-16 (KJV)
15Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment. 

Mr. Garner was right , they had no reason to bother him. But his protesting and resisting only fueled the bloodlust in his enemy and they pounced like a pack of wolves , on their prey. I pray for his family and am truly sorry for their tragic loss.

Curse of the Vagabond

White power requires BLACK DEBAUCHERY to exist. The target must be seen as sinful and with a degree of reprehensible characteristics to justify to the rest of society "The Need to destroy". The excuse given for Mr. Garner was, his alleged sale of illegal cigarettes, which was a very minor offense , but it provided a reason for the enemy to exploit. A people that has heathenistic tendencies within their genetic makeup are naturally incapable of ruling in an honorable and just culture. They must infect the culture, they must debase the inhabitants of that culture so that they may rule. Standards of righteousness that were established at MT. Sinai have to be torn asunder and new standards erected by the ruling power have to be put in place so that they ( the rulers) can be seen as ministers of righteousness. This is a form of spiritual terraforming . The biggest obstacle to this are the descendants of the ones who received the oracles of God Almighty in person. The memory is still encoded into the elects DNA. and the wicked know this.
They must do everything possible to stamp out the image of God on earth. No where is that image more prevalent the in the melinated people on this earth. The devil is attempting to take Cain's curse and place it on the. Seed of Abraham. What is Cain's curse? To answer that we must go to Genesis 4:11-14

Gen 4:11   And now [art] thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;

Gen 4:12   When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.

Gen 4:13   And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment [is] greater than I can bear.

Gen 4:14   Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, [that] every one that findeth me shall slay me.

Notice that Cain realized that his curse would create a desire for men to slay him. This is one sign that is rarely mentioned in sermons because it tends to go against nominal Christian beliefs. They gloss over that portion of scripture.

Right now there is an unmentioned spiritual desire to kill African American men and increasingly women in the United States. This exists for two reasons. One is the murderous lust for blood that exists in White Americans that many of them refuse to acknowledge. This blood-lust originated from Cain and it manifested in the seed of many Anglo Saxons. The second reason is the vagabond spirit has now been planted in the younger African American generation, via the music and culture. This vagabond spirit has permeated the black culture and created a fugitive , criminal mindset within many young black boys and men, and now with the onset of black reality shows that reward ratchet behavior in our women it is starting to take root in the black female population as well. Satan knows that the vagabond spirit creates the desire for others to kill that person or persons so he has worked tirelessly to implant that spirit in the true seed of Israel in these last days. One only has to look at any major city to know that this spirit is at work in America.

Attire of Provocation

Having lost their  moral high ground the black nation has now been set up for extermination. History has shown that the first Step to an attempted genocide of a people is their dehumanization in the hearts and minds of the rest of the population.  If blacks doubt this all they have to do now is look at the atrocities committed on the Palestinians in the Gaza strip. There image has been castigated by the Zionist leadership of Israel and they are justifying the unwarranted and unlawful siege and slaughter of a helpless population. The same process is taking shape in America regarding the black population.   The media portrayal of black men in America has been perpetually negative. The images of violent, deviant black men is so strong that it takes an extreme effort not to subconsciously accept that black men aren't a nation of criminals, deviants, and murderers whom we should fear if we see them on the street. Especially if that person is wearing the hip-hop uniform of a deviant, which consists of the saggy paints, multicolored tennis shoes, gaudy jewelry, ball caps and of course the infamous hoodie. These items project an image of criminal intent in the minds of the beholder. To say otherwise is blatant denial. It is this image that invokes a response of fear and loathing in the person who views it on someone else. Especially if that someone else is black. I personally feel it and I am a black man. So I know that others feel the same way when encountered by young black men who display themselves in this manner. Many of these young brothers get off on this because they feel it makes them more intimidating, however we live in a violent gun toting, police state where people will shoot or tase if they feel threatened. This would explain the increase in black on black crime, as well as harsher police tactics. The hip hop thug image invokes the desire to assault from other men and women, or if unable to attack, the overwhelming desire to flee. Either way you want the thug out of your sphere. This was the motivation behind Anthony Zimmerman's alleged murder of Trayvon Martin. He feared the image displayed in his community. So his fight instinct was provoked by Trayvon's presence and he attacked. Even though Trayvon was not a thug. The persona of hip-hop alone in Trayvon's attire triggered the aggressive response. Had Trayvon been wearing a military uniform he probably would still be alive today. Because the media has trained us to revere men in military uniforms.

Hip hop's affect on the black woman has been more damaging than the man's she in turn loves the attention she gets. Because women have a need to be THE MOST DESIRED. She goes about trying to be the center of everyone's world. Hip-hop offers fame and pseudo stardom to the black woman and she will not be ignored. She dresses, or shall we say undresses, in her hip-hop uniform as well. Which is salacious, ghetto, gaudy, and slutty. In the bible woman of virtue wore a robe or dress of many colors signifying the woman's virginity. Well hip hop has turned that tradition on it's head and told black woman to wear hair weave of multi colors in order to stand out as a sexy easy jump off in order to get the attention of a thug or lesbian. Because this image is usually repugnant to a righteous brother.

The reprobate hip hop help-meet knows full well who she is attracting when she puts on her uniform. She is willing to spawn more offspring for her hip hop community and advance her nation. In their ongoing attack on Mainstream African America. Which now has enemies from within in the form of the hip-hopnitze nigger element, and global white supremacy from the outside. Both enemies have the same goal. The destruction of the righteous black nation and the rebellion against the dominion of God himself. I've said this before, Hip hop is a cultural weapon of mass destruction.


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