America:Your Government Hates You.

America:Your Government Hates You.

This is an urgent message to all the citizens of the United States of America. The entity that occupies the offices in what you and I call the United States government hates your guts. Whether you want to accept this truth or not is irrelevant.

I wrote in my book " American  Reprobate " that there are two entities occupying the United States land mass. It is the citizens, many local municipalities, individuals, be they citizens or lawful aliens and in some instances, local, state, and federal officials who truly mean well. However on the other side you have a corporate oligarchical juggernaut that wields power, in this land mass that we call America. This entity is not concerned with the best interest of the United States of America because this entity is " THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT" or USG for short. This is how the American people must look at this entity. It must view it as a separate , hostile alien force that is now occupying this nation. It must be viewed as an invading army that must be resisted. Because in a sense that is what it is. However because it claims unity with the United States of America it has not been resisted or overthrown, therefore it grows and consolidates more power each day.

The USG Consists of Government officials , think tanks such as The Rand corporation, powerful Lobbys such as AIPAC, THE ADL, NOW, etc. Powerful corporations such as GE and Monsanto, Pharmaceutical Companies such as Bayer and Glaxo that need sick people in order to make a profit. And of course the deadliest foe of all THE BANKS and wall street. These are some of the major players that run the US Government.

Many well meaning individuals get elected with the promise that once THEY  get up there they will change things for the better. But upon arrival they are corrupted and infected with the overwhelming corrupting nature of this entity. They will eventually succumb and be assimilated into it like the Borg from Star Trek, or they will be maligned or forced out completely. They may slow the scourge temporarily but they will find the juggernaut too powerful to resist and in many cases will be trodden over by it. Thus the wicked agenda marches on.
I will list some things as evidence:

The Kennedy assassination
Nixon removing America off the gold standard
M.L. King assassination
The Malcolm X assassination.
The attempted assassination of Reagan ( he was straying from the agenda , but got back in line )
Iraq war
Afghan war
17 trillion budget deficit
The patriot act
Boston marathon bombing
Sandy hook
The Arizona shooting
The Colorodo theatre shooting
THE bailout

Gmo food
Gmo crops
Obama care
Black Friday
The police state
Record consumer debt
Abortions on demand
Gay rights
Agenda 21
Union busting
Toxic alliances ( e.g. Israel, NATO)
Stock market manipulation
Illegal immigration
Increasing poverty ( which is a form of violence and robbery)
Drug saturation ( both illegal and prescription)
Afghanistan  ( which is a long slow churn that still grinds on  )
Iraq (gulf wars 1, 2 , and soon to be 3 with the advent of ISIS.

This occupation will not be defeated militarily, it will need a revolution of character. We have to stop being so concerned about worldly possessions, entertainment and a vision of the future that is based on worldly designs. This is how America has been taken. The citizens of this nation love the toys, the fun, the entertainment and the since of exuberance it gives them. Just look at our commercials and TV shows. They affect and reflect our discordant and narcissistic world views. We see ourselves as above reproach and therefore too many of us see  our government as a  reflection of our inner nobility. This is a load of bull. It is a false belief system that has been perpetrated on the masses. Especially whites. Blacks have known all along that the U.S. Government was against their well being, whites however have not., and because of their self centerdness they lent their power to the corrupt U.S. government entity till that entity no longer has need for white Anglo american support and is now laying the ground work for their enslavement and destruction. The U.S. government has gone out of its way to foment wars, recessions, racial strife , insanity , and poverty. Blacks have tried for years , heck centuries , to try and stop this evil and has been resisted to the point of near annihilation by the white citizens who saw an attack on US Government injustice as an attack on themselves. you white man and woman protected this entity that has now become the scourge of the world. And don't say all this is Obama's doing. President Obama is the front man, the fall guy. The white supremacy system wants to put a black face on all this destruction and economic calamities that are taking place . They know that if they can get you focused on the blacks as the source of your coming oppression, that it will keep them in power.

Message to the police.

And the , military, and homeland security officers and all those who are helping the so-called global elite meet their wicked agenda.
Everywhere on earth , from New York to Baghdad ,from Cyprus to Boston , from Sandy Hook, to Syria, Whenever atrocities are committed it is you who are called upon to enforce whatever agenda that is purposed by your superiors. Know this, your orders hinge on what those in command over you wish. Your own best interests are not important, always remember this when you are suiting up in your body armor and loading up your automatic weapons.

I don't envy your position. I know that just like me  many of you are, when all is said and done, just working stiffs trying to earn a good living and you hope to secure a bright future for yourself and your prodigy. However your employer has a different agenda. An agenda that when all is said and done , hopes to reduce the earths population to 500 million people . Do you think that you would be allowed to live in that world? Would your children or grand children be allowed to exist in that world?

Right now you are given the gun, you have access to the armored vehicle. You have to a small degree an increased form of power. You are now in a position to arrest and detain  and kill individuals without warrants and can keep people locked up without due process, or access to legal council. I say this because as I began this piece on April 27th 2013 the so-called Boston marathon bomber sits in a military prison facing the death penalty and nowhere have I heard whether or not he has an attorney representing him.

Put yourself in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev position for a moment. You are a 19 year old kid accused of the most heinous crime on American soil since 911. You have been shot at. Your older brother is dead. You go from being an average Joe Smoe to someone hated and feared on the level of Osama Bin Laden. Wouldn't you at least want one person that could be on your side. And wouldn't that person be your lawyer? Where is this kids lawyer? And when is his trial ? I haven't seen it on television.

It was said that this young man was not read his Miranda rights. If that is true. It should strike terror into everyones heart. If this man had no right to legally defend himself in a court of law. If all is necessary for him to be locked up and possibly put to death are some grainy pictures of him carrying a backpack and accusations from government officials and media that he is the killer. Than you Mr. Policeman have failed in your obligation to protect your fellow citizen. You are serving the elite. And the elite like I have said before have their own agenda which in all likelihood does not include you or your families long term well being. Remember you live here too.

Have you ever thought to yourself, why the sudden interest in drones and artificial intelligence in warfare now? Did you ever see the movie Iron Man, where they were developing mechanized drone warriors. Did you ever see the movies Terminator, and Star Wars attack of the clones? And what about Robocop ? Did you ever wonder  what was the underlying theme of those movies?

I'll tell you what it is saying. You Mr. policeman, Mr. Military man, it is telling you that . YOU are going to be replaced!! That once your usefulness is over that once the elites agenda reaches a certain threshold you will also be brought under the mechanized jackboot of the new global order. You will be deemed as a threat to the state and these mechanized , artificially intelligent cyborgs will be sent out after you. and don't think for a moment that they don't already have the technology to do this because they do. Anyone ever hear of DARPA?

You basked in the afterglow of the arrest and capture of the alleged Boston Marathon Bomber.  You receive accolades from citizens for your bravery. But the honeymoon will be over in a few years and many of you will be deemed a threat as well. Just ask  Christopher Dorner,  Remember Him ? he was a decorated officer to.  Oh you can't because he was incinerated by the police. You can argue that Dorner was guilty, and he probably was. But when and how do we determine what crimes warrant immediate termination of life, and which warrants a fair trial? I use Dorner and the alleged Bomber as examples of a new trend in law enforcement. Look to kill first, and then investigate.  This was proven once again with the death of Eric Garner at the hands and choke holds of the NYPD. One can argue that these men were a public safety menace and should be taken out. But to what degree is someone considered a menace that would warrant immediate execution. And if they are a menace to that degree , who determines that. The buck has to stop somewhere.

Drone strikes overseas are no different than shoot first orders here in America. Individuals determine that this person is deserving of death and no fair hearing will be allotted to him or her. We have entered a new technological dark age. Cameras everywhere, privacy encroached in cyberspace. Laws now exist to arrest and detain without due process or proof that one even committed a crime. All that is needed now is the accusation from someone that YOU DID IT!! Then the propaganda arm of the globalist system cranks up and the public falls in line in their disdain for that person and now everyone wants blood. And it is you Mr. Policeman and Mr. Military man and woman ,that is the one allotted to bring that blood. Like I said. I don't envy your position. I pray for you. Because the time of trouble that is mentioned by Jesus Christ is upon us and you will be on the front line and a great many of you will be forced to make choices that will impact the fate of your own souls. Remember the Elite believe that Lucifer is God Not Christ. know that they operate their lives and policies based on this false belief and they pay you to enforce those false beliefs on the masses. Do you mr military man and woman, mr policeman and woman? Do you believe in Lucifer also? Or do you believe in the God of heaven. We the citizens of America need you to make the right choices. We need your strength and leadership as we war against the wickedness that is in high places. Never forget that nothing in this world is worth your SOUL.


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