Welfare Created the Thug.

Welfare Created the Thug.

The American welfare state ,  feminism, along with the proliferation of crack cocaine and marijuana, the free love hippie movement and the rise of gangster rap combined in a social chemical concoction to create the thug. 

Before welfare women had to choose wisely whom they married. They had to make sure the father of her children was industrious and able to hold down a job or else she and her children would literally starve to death on the streets. Literally. That changed when Lyndon Johnson's great society, war on poverty movement became law. This created the welfare state we see today.  The great society movement provided a financial safety net for women who did not have husbands. This was the first move of the chess piece to draw the black woman away from her man. She needed security so Uncle Sam agreed to be her sugar daddy. She only had to put her man out of the house. This was too tempting  of an opportunity for many sisters to pass up. Thus the division and the war between the sexes commenced .


Feminism was and has always been a WHITE WOMAN' S FIGHT. black men did not have the power to economically deprive the black woman, nor could he treat her as property. Hell, he was just 2 generations from being someones property himself. So feminism was not meant for him., but for the white slave master . But the feminist managed to dupe black women into joining their fight. And the rest as we know it is history.  Feminism tricked black women away from their men as the primary means of support. It was another subtle move of the chess piece , that created a rift between the black man and his woman. Now with welfare as a safety net the more contentious of black women had a stronger influence on Afro -American society. Blaxploitation films , such as coffee starring Pam Grier started showing sisters as strong women who could kick butt just like the brothers and fight " The Man" and prevail, with little or no help from a brother. .the subtle message was sent , Sister " YOU" and you only can conquer the world, you don't need no man, especially a black one.


The proliferation of illegal drugs was a third chess move in the creation of the thug. Drugs brought seemingly fast, abundant pleasure and money. The lure was irresistible to men and women as well. While manufacturing and blue collar jobs were being decimated in America . Drugs were the new growth industry in the 70's and 80's. If a brother wanted to come up, live a fabulous life, and get the women, the drug scene was where it was at. That was the carrot that attracted the black man, however the United States Government had a stick. Laws were passed to put away drug felons for life, or if he got out. Insure their would be limited opportunities for legitimate wealth building. This further widened the rift that was created by welfare , and feminism. The brother who failed at the drug trade , didn't realize it was just a ponzi scheme. Which the only winners are the mob and elites. The prison industrial complex now had an abundance of slave labor today at the expense of black men and increasingly black women.

THE FREE LOVE MOVEMENT (or hippie movement)

 The hippie movement was spawned during the rise of the Vietnam war protest . It was basically a counter revolutionary movement created by young white draft age men and their women, to rebel against forced contrition into military service. It was also a catalyst for open drug use in America . This would a decade later lead TO the war on drugs that commenced under the Reagan /Bush administration.
But the worst thing the hippie movement did to Blacks was it gave rise to open sexual promiscuity and lead to the removal of the social stigma of unwed motherhood. Partnered with the welfare social experiment, and feminism , the free love movement empowered many young and not so young black and white women to  embark on hedonistic sexual quests. She was free to choose a man who best RUNG HER BELL in the bedroom and not be as concerned with his ability to be a provider and /or a family man. This of course lead to women dating  men who excited her as opposed to who would provide for her. Thus men in turn started down a path to provide more EXCITEMENT. The brothers began a transformation themselves which ultimately lead to .....


Gangsta rap was spawned out of the early hip hop music and rap industry of the late 70's and early eighties. Rap music at it's conception was very acceptable and fun in it's infancy. The lyrics were respectable and the music were in many cases samples of already popular songs. Of the time. So the music took flight and was acceptable by most of society. However in the mid to late eighties Gangsta rap was spawned out of regular rap music and eventually consumed it altogether. Gangsta rap was the atom bomb of social propaganda and engineering that lead the black man down the path of criminality, debauchery, and social and spiritual defilement that we now see on the streets of black america today. Gangsta Rap , in my opinion is a psyop, and it has worked it's witchcraft with enormous success for the global white supremacy movement. The young black nation is especially decimated by this poison. Now thugs are popping up like the kudzu weed and is so prevalent it is being viewed with a degree of normalcy and acceptance by black society, when in reality it is a CANCER. and just like cancer it will consume and kill the host if not removed from the black body.

These are what I believe are the major body parts that formed the Frankenstein monster that we see today as the black thug. However the ultimate blame for this Frankenstein is not the thug himself but it's creator which is Satan and his global /white supremacists false Jewish elites. The seeds of thuggism were planted a generation ago.  We are now bearing it's fruit today.


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