Unreasonable Expectations

Unreasonable Expectations

Many people in America have fairy-tale like , superhuman expectations of those they perceive in authority. They dream of the ones who are supposedly there to look out for them as infallible, omniscient, omnipresent and godlike.

This is especially true among too many African Americans. They strip those in authority of their natural humanity and project a innate divine ability to solve problems at the stroke of a pen, or click of a mouse. You see it all the time in the halls of government agencies around the country, heck around the world. This unspoken phenomena comes from the need to be protected , and the feeling of peace and security they felt while in their mothers womb. They are subconsciously  reverting back to that time period in order to recreate the peace and sanctity that was felt when they were floating in their mothers amniotic fluid, sleeping, and sucking their thumb. I have personally observed many adult black men. and women in my line of work still sucking their thumbs.  Why is that ? My personal belief is they somehow too one degree or another many of them refuse to accept the reality of being cut from the umbilical cord and they seek to return to that state of mind no matter what. They have arrested development as a result.

This growth stunting process takes on many forms, too many for them to be listed here but it can be summed up in two words " LEARNED HELPLESSNESS". It is defined below

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Learned helplessness is the condition of a human or animal that has learned to behave helplessly, failing to respond even though there are opportunities for it to help itself by avoiding unpleasant circumstances or by gaining positive rewards. Learned helplessness theory is the view that clinical depression and related mental illnesses may result from a perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation.[1] Organisms that have been ineffective and less sensitive in determining the consequences of their behavior are defined as having acquired Learned Helplessness.[2]

I think that everyone of us too some degree has experienced this in some way or another , however there are many who remain in this state of learned helplessness that it causes social dysfunction, arrested development, and retardation of spiritual growth. The person refuses to evolve so therefore he looks for other sources of sustainability through what he or she perceives as having real power. This source comes in various forms. Welfare can help provide food, and shelter. Illicit sexual activity can provide physical pleasure, drugs can ease pain or provide euphoria temporarily, gangsta rap music can give false bursts of seeming power that the person subconsciously feels he lacks. He then acts out after listening to the gangsta rap and in many cases loses his health, liberty, or even his life if he is killed in the process. This activity only reinforces the learned helplessness belief that they can't do any better so they resign themselves to being what society has deemed them to be. A NIGGER.

They become a nigger with all the low expectations attributed to the title. Baby maker, criminal, whore, violent, liar, thief, welfare queen, drug dealer. Hood rat, player, menace , the list goes on and on. What he or she is not is a noble individual that reflects God like principles in his or her life. People don't see God when they look into their eyes. This is what Satan and the new world order wants, a nation of niggers no matter the color of their skin. Niggers are easily led, easily controlled, and eventually easily enslaved and/or murdered.


One common flaw of people who have unreasonable expectations is their lack and abject refusal of knowledge. They learn not anything new. They exist to please self and self is paramount. Education is disdained, and in many cases work is loathed and despised. What is important is their personal comfort.

Attaining knowledge in anything honorable requires discipline and work. Too many of us don't want that so we are content to let our minds and souls stagnate and become atrophied. We are like the fig tree that Jesus cursed. We appear to have fruit to feed the hungry soul but when examined closely we are found wanting and desolate. This of course leads to our rejection by God.

Hosea 4:6 states 
6My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

God is forgetting our youth because of our rejection of his laws. We see proof of this everyday in the black, and increasingly white, community.


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