A Message to the Wicked

A Message to the Wicked

This is a message to the devils, imps, fallen angels, demons, so - called elites , reprobates, false Jews and all other wickedness in high places that seek to destroy the earth and mankind.

Know that despite all your deceit, murder, mayhem, destruction, corrupting influences, defilement of our culture, and desecration of the men and women on planet earth through your manifold and various means of bringing misery to this planet. This is a reminder that there is a great God that rules the heavens and the earth is his footstool. His son Yeshua sits on his right hand and has received all power and glory. He serves as our High Priest , his blood covers our sins, he has paid the ransom on our behalf. And he will soon return and usher in your total and final destruction in the lake of fire.

It is the earth , that you so zealously try to destroy, that will be the instrument of your destruction. This is why you hate this planet and those whom God chosen to inherit it. Your efforts to murder mankind will only prove to the universe the just and righteous nature of God's law and the holiness of his character. For it is the Great IAM who is vindicated along with his son Yeshua. Know that we, his elect choose to serve HIM. Yes we are sinners and we to deserve the punishment of eternal death. But he has promised us redemption and THE GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE. This is something that is not earned through our own efforts. This is something that you, the wickedness that rule in high places, the generation of vipers, the sons of disobedience, the serpent seed, have NO HOPE, of receiving.

It is this reason that you are spiritually insane , and war with the
remnant of God's seed. Right now you give the appearance of dominance and control of the planet and it's resources. You are fomenting wars and bringing pestilences such as Ebola around the globe, famine and starvation, corruption of peoples character, the promoting of abominable behavior such as open blatant homosexuality. You are a seed of defilement and destruction. You have and will continue to steal, kill, murder and destroy many people. God himself stated this in his word. Yet all this destruction WILL NOT SAVE YOU.

You will still have your place in the LAKE OF FIRE. God's redeemed will witness your total destruction in the end. You will be ashes under the feet of the righteous. You have bruised Christ heel, but He will crush your head under his feet.

You throughout the ages have murdered, tortured, beheaded, burned at the stake, crucified, and literally ate up the righteous . You are truly insane. However you have managed to deceive many of the inhabitants of this planet that you are ministers of righteousness. By peace you have destroyed many. The day  I wrote this piece on October 19, 2014 . The Ebola virus has invaded America .I'm not sure how much damage and death will be brought on by this pestilence. But one thing I do know that God's will shall be manifested despite of it's destruction of men and women. I am also sure that EBOLA is a bio-weapon.

You, wolves in sheep's clothing, ascend to the halls of earthly power and gain control of the worlds political process , and pretend to love and care for mankind. You manage to deceive many that you are angels of light. But through God's power and his word , the elect will not be deceived. It is this elect , whom by faith in Yeshua , I hope to be a part of. I strive, along with many others to be found worthy of entering through the pearly gates and walking on the streets of Gold. My soul groans for it. I hate the way this world is under your rule. This earth was created as a paradise, you still see remnants of it's beauty DESPITE, your efforts to destroy God's handiwork. It is still a testament against you. The souls you destroy , the lives you take, the natural processes of this planet that you corrupt in your efforts to usurp power from the MOST HIGH . have failed. This is why you MUST resort to murder, deception, and theft and destruction. You appear to be winning , but you deep down in the recesses of your dark wicked, evil, abominable, souls know that you are a defeated foe.

You are liken to a prisoner on death row. You know what's coming . What you are trying to do is delay it as long as possible. It is the job of the Saints and God's elect to do the opposite, and that is through our faith , prayers, and obedience to God and our testimony of the righteousness of his Son Yeshua (Jesus) , hasten his coming and usher in your final destruction. We the saints have our hands on the proverbial switch and you know this even if many of us don't . I hope by God's power to be part of The elect, the remnant that will cause God too shorten the days and end your wicked reign here on earth and usher in his glorious rule. I pray this for not just myself, but for my family, friends, lovers, past and present church members, co workers, and all those who seek out righteousness by the will of God.

You wicked and the god you serve (Satan) will burn, the righteous themselves will sit in judgment against you. Those whom you murdered along with the redeemed from the earth shall be a part of rendering your recompense .


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