Church Girls

Church Girls

Many church girls will be single because they are already
married spiritually to their pastors and his dogma. These marriages probably took place before they were even adults. I said before that ministering is a form of lovemaking. Imagine a church full of hundreds of lovely black women all enraptured by one man. The pastor. She is in love with him and the vitriol he spews from the pulpit. Many CHURCH GIRLS are self righteous, conceited , narcissistic, materialistic, hard headed and just plain hard to deal with because they believe " THE LAWD IS ON MY SIDE" . So a man can't tell her nothing.

She is married to the church.

The church is behind the increase in black female narcissism.
The feminine slanted messages, the soft, messages of easy redemption appeals to the mind of the black woman. She feels secure yet no need to submit. Her ego gets stroked by the pastor. The messages are soothing to her soul. She feels safe , secure , and. Redeemed. But she is not. The church is worldly and so is she.

She gets puffed up by the church sermons as well as the lies of the world system she is arrogant.


1) she gets to be ministered  to from another man besides her husband

The sister is allowed to receive  direction from another man besides her husband. She learns to revere the pastor and his opinions and dogma. Her husband ( especially if he doesn't attend church ) is viewed as an infidel for not accepting the pastors teachings which she readily accepts, because in too many cases the woman does not study herself in order to show " Thy self approved" . thus Satan is able to blow his spirit of rebellion onto the church going woman and she in many cases comes to despise her husband. You cannot serve two masters.

2) she gets to dress up. 

This appeals to her vanity, she gets to showcase her beauty and declare how rich she is to other haughty women and of course seduce other men with her provocative wardrobe She gets to become a fashion model every sunday. Thus helps keep the major retailers of America open for business , because that sister will shop till she drops in order to show out for the lord.

3) False sense of security

She feels that she is special and accepted because of the soothing, "SMOOTH" messages spewed out from the Sunday preaching pulpits. " She is blessed and highly favored " in her mind she is righteous because she accepts whole heartedly the preachings and teachings of her corrupt Sunday pastor" whom she reveres as holy and without sin. Therefore she is SAVED. and because she is already saved. There is nothing she can do that will cause her to fall. She can fight, cuss, fornicated, commit adultery murder, rob , whatever because as she loves to say" THE LAWD KNOWS MY HEART " and only he can judge me.

4) American government shields many from full recompense.

Many sisters are protected from their actions and violations of God's law through government mandates such as welfare, and subsidized housing, food stamps and Medicaid . These are items that should be provided by a righteous husband , but since the government and in many cases the churches themselves are so charitable monetarily she does not receive the full brunt of the punishment due that would make her repent. She therefore continues in the sin.


In the reprobate sisters eyes her husband or would be husband becomes devalued. He is secondary and replaceable. This is due to her being falsely ministered to by the Sunday preacher. And her feeling like she is special in the eyes of God above all others. She is puffed up. And her husband is merely an extension of how wonderful a person she is. Never mind the husband is divorcing or cheating with another woman. In her mind she is the victim of his wickedness. The government allies itself with this false belief by favoring the woman in divorce and family court proceedings. Her schism is thus reinforced and her husband becomes a mere commodity. She now only needs his money.

Zombie/Vampire churches

Churches today resemble nothing like the Assemblies in Christ's time. In the time of Yeshua Churches were nations, they were the government. In the time of Christ's return they will be a government again . A government that will be on HIS shoulders. 

Isa 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

 Isa 9:7
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The

The churches today are modeled after a blasphemous Roman catholic model. A model that despises  God and glorifies man. A church that mainly wields earthly power. A church that does not receive power from ON HIGH. these churches do the opposite of their so called mission. They wind up making to many men and women twice the children of hell through their proselytizing.


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