The Force of Will

 The Force of Will

The foundation for control over low self esteem women is strength of the WILL of the man.( This works on individuals, small groups as well as nations) The will to power, the ability to impose your male energy onto a woman and force her to submit to your paradigm, even if that paradigm is detrimental to the woman's long term well being. This is the crux of the bad boy persona. It is a psycho -social  flexing of the spiritual muscle and causes that woman to do what she yearns to do innately, SUBMIT. The woman will have to submit to someone that is a male but through social engineering the woman is taught not too,  and many don't submit to the true God, or their father,and they refuse their potential black husband so all that is left for many reprobate sisters is the thug. And she submits to him on the lowest most bestial level , which is physically and sexually.  Ironically This forces her to submit in many cases socially , psychologically and spiritually if she indulges in thug life for too long and too intensely.

She takes on another spirit, a rebellion against everything holy and righteous, her desire is steered toward evil and away from good. This is actually an OBJECT LESSON, illustrating how constant rebellion against God's principles in favor of Satan's will lead to enslavement to depraved desires, inclinations, habits, thought patterns, and spiritual dystopia, where you have NO expectations of anything truly good.

This is a form of demon possession. Which is primarily caused by, but not limited to, sexual intercourse with a man with a depraved defiled spirit. His semen transmits his nature into the woman's DNA. It transmutes with her genetic makeup and alters her nature. If she has sex with many men of this sort it just exacerbates the problem exponentially. She has that many more demons to exercise if she wants to be cured. It is the demonic spirit that has mutated in her internal spiritual and physical makeup that causes her to desire destruction. This is why God decreed that Eve's desire would be towards her HUSBAND instead of the serpent who seduced her.

Gen 3:16
Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire  shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

God had to do this in order to populate the earth with a Godly seed or else Eve would have wanted to have sex with the serpent over and over instead of her husband Adam.

People talk about morality, what is right what makes one live a noble life and all that is true. God has given us instructions on how to live in scripture. However sin opposes us at every turn. Sin simply impositions us, forces us to bend and reshape our culture , our character and our nation. Sin has a will and it molds us every day we don't submit to God's will. Sin is more prevalent and powerful than gravity. Right now there are five forces at work controlling and influencing our world. They are listed as follows:

                                       5 FORCES

The Penis/pussy.            THE COMMON
The Pistol.                 DENOMINATOR OF ALL
The Petro-Dollar        OF THESE FORCES IS
The Prophet(false)
                                       P. O. W. E. R


These 5 forces bend and shape the will of humanity, The 1st force is:

The PENIS/ P**sy

I stated in my previous writings that the penis is a power tool on the most basic and primal level it is the arc type of the tree of life. Through it the world is subdued by populating man's seed through the woman's uterus. Man's image both physically and spiritually is reproduced in the earth as decreed by the MOST HIGH and the activities that go on in planet earth are dominated by men whether for good or evil. The force of the penis is responsible for providing the human vessels of honor or dishonor that fill the planet. Of course the carrier of the penis's force is the woman. Through her vagina she reproduces the 3 dimensional image from the man's seminal discharge during intercourse and brings it forth into our dimension. Her vagina is a portal a matrix that acts as a spiritual quantum star-gate transmitting molecules from one dimension to the next. The bible even refers to the vagina as a matrix.

Exd 13:12
That thou shalt set apart unto the LORD all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the LORD'S.

Exd 13:15
And it came to pass, when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that the LORD slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of beast: therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all that openeth the matrix, being males; but all the firstborn of my children I redeem.

Exd 34:19
All that openeth the matrix is mine; and every firstling among thy cattle, whether ox or sheep, that is male .

Num 3:12
And I, behold, I have taken the Levites from among the children of Israel instead of all the firstborn that openeth the matrix among the children of Israel: therefore the Levites shall be mine;

Num 18:15
Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh, which they bring unto the LORD, whether it be of men or beasts, shall be thine: nevertheless the firstborn of man shalt thou surely redeem, and the firstling of unclean beasts shalt thou redeem.
the LORD all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the LORD'S.

Exd 13:15
And it came to pass, when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that the LORD slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of beast: therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all that openeth the matrix, being males; but all the firstborn of my children I redeem.

Notice that from the previous scriptures that God lays claim to the first born males that come through the matrix which is the woman's vagina. He decreed this to insure that his holy will is carried forth in the earth. The Matrix is more than just a movie!!

This is why the woman will desire the force of the penis. Not just the physical pleasure it may bring her, but she has an innate longing a spiritual reaching out for craving that was put there by God himself. The purpose of this longing was to be for her husband, however in these last days Satan has corrupted man to the point where the woman can have sex with anyone BUT her husband and young women are especially vulnerable because of spiritual immaturity combined with natural physical beauty that attracts all kinds of men noble or vile and unfortunately vile men tend to outnumber noble ones in America. This is especially true in black America. The vile man lives his life cultivating the primal basest passions of seduction through corrupt social mores such as pants sagging, pimp walking, criminal behavior, slick talking and of course developing his physical appearance through muscle building. This attracts many women to him especially unconverted women who are now dealing with their own desire, her need to feel beautiful and attractive to a man, and her immaturity in understanding and allowing God and a father to steer her desire towards a righteous husband. What happens instead in America and many other nations around the world is the woman is allowed to roam freely and to seek to satiate her desires at her on whim. She is not guided by her father nor is her mother a good influence. She is literally a lost sheep in the wilderness of sex perversion and whoredom and it's only a matter of time that she will be subdued by a wolf. This is the process that has been occurring in black America during this past generation the results of this national sin is seen in the streets throughout America. It is broadcast on the news everyday. Iniquity has forced ITS will on black America and it started with the man's penis. The very object that God had intended for good Satan has transformed into an instrument for evil intention. It is up to each of us to examine ourselves with humility, honesty and vexation. we must truly repent because we are helpless against the will of Satan and his hosts. WE NEED THE LORD.


Criminality, war, fraud all give rise to a new police state that effects all citizens within it's domain. Force is exerted more and more on men and women and their children. The principalities that Rule see us as terrorist, criminals or potential criminals. We are PRESUMED GUILTY.

This false presumption creates an atmosphere of fear, distrust of our fellow man and general hatred and loathing for those who are considered different from us. We fail to keep the greatest commandments as a result. That is loving the Lord thy God and loving our brother as thyself. We develop an US vs THEM mentality and we seek to destroy the threat. Thus we need the gun. War whether on a national scale or a local scale such as gang banging is always at work in the hearts of men and women. It is the red horseman in revelation 6 that takes peace from the earth and men kill one another.

Revelation 6:3-4 (KJV)
3[And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.]

4And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

This war front mentality affects our will and the direction it steers our soul. Which is what Satan desires. Satan's ultimate goal is to destroy FAITH and LOVE. because this is the tie that binds mankind to GOD. War , violent crime, murder , and robbery invokes fear and distrust and sends us into a primal mode of survival of the fittest thinking. It turns us into beasts on a spiritual level. The earth and our community becomes a jungle, a jungle where there are predators and prey. We operate like the animals on the African plains. We disregard our higher aspirations and live only to survive thus the earth is robbed of God's heritage and suffers the curse as a result.


Everything vile, and evil and wicked have one thing they seek and submit too. MONEY. All wicked endeavors, aspirations, inventions, conspiracies , etc are all financed by and sought out for MONEY. Money in this world is power. Power for good as well as evil. It is good to give ones money to God for the perpetuation of his gospel . It is good to give ones money to help feed the poor,and tend to the widow and the fatherless. However the inordinate love of money leads to evil . Evil on a grand scale. The most powerful currency in the world today as of this writing is the U.S. Dollar. It is the worlds RESERVE CURRENCY. In that it is used by other nations as a standard of trading goods and services to one another. This is the pride of American hegemony and power. We live the lifestyle we live today because it is currently the standard currency around the world. However there are forces at work around the world that are threatening to change that paradigm.


Sissified gospel

Weak and feeble witnessing for generations have empowered the wicked. Soft feminine messages of salvation has darkened the consciousness of those who would have been vessels of honor. Their visage is grown dim. This is the fault of the preachers and organized religion. Jesus is portrayed as white soft, with feminine features such as long hair and genteel dispositions. They emphasize his sufferings, they celebrate his death as if he didn't rise from it. Very little is discussed about what Christ is doing in the present, which is ministering on our behalf in the heavenly sanctuary. The vast majority  of sermons talk about The Son of God in past tense regarding his suffering on the cross or the future regarding his return and rapturing his redeemed, these subjects are not in and of themselves bad, however by neglecting to emphasize what Christ is doing for us right now leaves out a big requirement and that is our SANCTIFICATION.

 Sanctification is our fitness for heaven, it is the purging of evil habits and thought processes that offend God and would incur His wrath. There is no emphasis on the requirement of developing GODLY CHARACTER in the here and now through God's power and grace, it is just assumed that men and women can remain indulgent and enslaved to their base inclinations and manifold sins and wait on a miraculous transformation of character at the second coming.  The subtle lie is sent out that God is dead. The unconverted operates his life based on this false assimilation that was incarnated in his or her subconscious.

God intends to wake up his sleeping sheep when he pours out his latter rain in these last days. Satan desperately wants to prevent that , because he knows that is the beginning of HIS end. So he wants to use modern technology in the form if microchips to control the conscious and subconscious process and attempt to deflect the Godly frequencies of the Holy Spirit from  inseminating into the hearts and minds of Gods children. It will not succeed.

The sissyfied gospel is emotional, feminine that is why many " REAL " men shun away from it. The power , and authority that God endowed man with is eroded. He is no longer the high priest of his family. He is not allowed to project God's will in his household. In fact many of his enemies are in his own home. In a sissyfied gospel the world and the battle for it is seen through feminine eyes. It is passive. Especially in the black church. It puts an emphasis on personal sufferings as if it is a badge of honor, not realizing that all sufferings are not necessarily an attack from Satan but recompense from disobedience. This however is not emphasized in a sissy gospel. The best example of a sissy gospel is the tacit acceptance of unwed motherhood. Many black churches do not address this assault on the seventh commandment for fear of offending their female congregants. They dance around the issue and lay the blame on the man only. They then tell the women to " Be strong in the lord " . He will work it out sister. They don't censure the woman anymore for bringing reproach on the church. Instead of being dis-fellow shipped , she is celebrated. And given baby showers. I have personally witnessed baby's of unwed mothers being christened in the church. This creates a female oriented spirit in the black churches and white ones as well. Now everything is compromised. Salvation is seen as an easy, just wait on the lord endeavor. Somehow God will work this mess out. Meanwhile I'll just sit back and indulge my base passions and shout the name of Jesus in the church services, cry out, shed tears, moan and groan, have gospel seizures when the spirit overwhelms me and just be center of the church world

This laissez- faire attitude toward everything evil puts the church to sleep.  Righteousness , holiness, and Salvation is no longer something STRIVED for. It is something you wait for. Like sleeping beauty waited for prince charming to a show up and kiss her to wake her up from her slumber and they supposedly lived happy ever after. This is the bewitching spirit that exists in today's Christian churches. It is a devilish incarnation that has infiltrated what God had designed to be a movement , a bulwark against the evils of the world.  The church was supposed to show God's power and reflect his righteousness. It was suppose to be the light in a dark world. It is not and as a result it strengthens the hand of the wicked. Our world is suffering because GOD'S true message has been watered down and it's transforming power denied by the SISSIFIED GOSPEL.

Love of the world

The sissified church loves the world and everything it represents, money, sex, materialism, lust for power, vanity etc. Black churches are fashion shows, the women dress provocatively the men are prowlers for sex and money. All while feigning love for God. Yet the evidence of their unconverted hearts are seen throughout the black community in America.  We love fame and entertainment. Shows like " BET's " Sunday's Best" , preachers wives, and other religious reality shows are popping up like weeds on the airwaves. Spreading further the sissyfied gospel movement in black America. Fancy houses. And cars, sex and big screen TVs instead of righteousness and virtue are featured. All in the name of Jesus . Blacks are deceived into thinking that God's ways are like their ways. That they and God are of one accord. Material possessions are seen as evidence of God's favor. The license plate on my Benz says " BLESSED". Yeah you are blessed brother and sister but the question you should ponder is by whom. Remember Satan can bless you as well. He offered Christ the riches and glory of the world if he would only bow down and worship him. Christ refused but sissified Christians kneel down and reach out their hand for another bite of the forbidden fruit.


The 5th area of power is the ability to bend and shape the minds and opinions of masses of people through the use of media outlets, such as radio, television, Internet blogs, periodicals, etc. Wars and crimes of Genocide are birthed in the womb of mass propaganda. prejudices stoked, hatreds kindled, conflicts provoked through media. Images and words combine to invoke the primal urges, be it sex, gluttony, rage, vice, envy. wrath and murder. Propaganda changes our nature. 

Black body / white soul

White supremacy propaganda and power has permeated the spirit of many black men and women. The wholesale acceptance of white American values and social identification has morphed many black men and women into a hybrid transformation, sort of like the movie Transformers where they look like one type of machine but can transform into there true shape for battle.

There is ample evidence to confirm this.
Here are some examples

You are a black man and you seek a relationship with a black woman, you are not a perfect guy but you are decent looking , smart, hardworking, and have a strong self worth. Yet you are constantly shunned, rejected, and misused by African American women, why is that? You keep asking yourself.

The answer is words and images that penetrate our senses change us over time. That old saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me is a lie. Words and the corresponding images associated with those words shape the internal psyche of those who observed them.

2 Corinthians 3:18 (KJV)
18But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
We without realizing it change into what we behold. The constant barrage of negative black male images on TV, newspapers, and the Internet , the vile images of saggy pants, long nappy dreads, uneducated dialect, criminal mischievousness , thievery and wanton disregard for universal family values such as work and taking care of family  has put a negative stigma to ALL black men in the eyes of the world population even and especially to other black women.

Black men are now assumed guilty by nature. We start out the game 10 points down when we try to date, or find a job, or make a deal. We are assumed incompetent and unwilling to do what it takes to build a just society by all those we encounter. Thus we are always on the defense, we are in many cases prey for others and our lives has the least value as compared to the rest of society. Treyvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner was proof of that.

This social devaluation of black male humanity covers all areas of life especially love and romance. White propaganda and social engineering has succeeded in taking the natural affinity between black men and women away from each other and causing destabilization.Many black women don't like, nor trust noble black men, and because of welfare, feminism, and her career she is not willing to submit to his leadership nor align herself with HIS vision for the world he wants to create for a potential family and community. The black woman does not feel the black man is capable of having a vision that is worth joining forces to create simply because we are immersed in white Anglo Saxon hegemony and she has accepted it's philosophy in her spirit. This is easily proven by her willingness to degrade her own natural hair and replace it with an unnatural artificial synthetic and pass herself off as Anglo  Saxon as well. White supremacy propaganda has cause the majority of black women TO RENOUNCE THEIR BIRTHRIGHT. The same way Esau renounced and despised his and this of course made God hate him.

Romans 9:13-14 (KJV)
13As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

Now we must look closer at this renouncing and we will see the results are desolation and desecration and eventual destruction of the vast majority of the black American community, this is the result of this renouncement that the sister has been tricked into doing by her white captors. This occurred because she has been changed internally in her spirit. She has a black body but a white man's spirit has incarnated her soul and the result is a malformed dysfunctional hybrid woman that now spawns a reprobate seed in the black nation. She is a terminatrix, she has become a genetically modified entity that is subconsciously operating on her new spiritual program of destroying the black race even though physically she is part of the black race. However her natural spiritual SUBROUTINE has been infected by the white supremacy computer virus and many of our sisters are crashing. It is vital for brothers who seek righteous wives and noble families to be aware of this and shun women who display contempt for them and their philosophy. If you align yourself with this type of woman and she refuses to repent she will sabotage your goals of happiness and prosperity in this life and may imperil your own soul as well. You brother will have to be vigilant in selecting your woman. I know this personally.


Now I would be remiss to say that it is only the black  woman that has renounced her birthright. Too many so called BLACK MEN have also renounced theirs . This is also becoming more evident by their hair as well. They are wearing fake braids that are long in length as if this is something noble but it is not especially today when it is not grown naturally but sewn in for vanity

1 Corinthians 11:14 (KJV)
14Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

The reprobate black male shuns everything that is manly on the spiritual level, such as virtue, righteousness, honor , and the building up of his family and nation. He is a destroyer a destabilizer, a provocateur , a thief, an infidel. By constantly envying and aspiring for wicked white Anglo Saxon power, he has changed his once glorious image into a bestial, primal vile visage that operates on a selfish animalistic plane. He is truly transformed himself into a beast

He is the ideal husband for the black reprobate Jezebel. He will do her and their white bastard fathers bidding in wiping out the holy image of God on earth. Because in the end this is what it is all about destroying God's handiwork in the earth. This cannot be done without destroying his heritage these are the tares that were planted in our vineyard by Satan while we were sleeping, while our preachers were selling out for riches. They are among us now and they will be allowed to grow too maturity. We will not be able to pluck them out. This will be done by the angels of God. What we Will have to do is separate ourselves from them and be able to recognize them when they come our way. Because they love to gravitate toward those who possess righteousness or what THEY perceive as righteousness.

All of us are influenced to some degree by any of these 5 forces. To deny it is to lie to ourselves. If we want to overcome the world we must began to identify and as much as possible resist these forces when they seek to due us harm.


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