Thug Utility

Thug Utility

Image result for pictures of thugs working in prison

Thugs may feel that they are God's gift to women that they are desired for their fierce corporeality and inherit " swagger" . They are however deceived , they are desired for their " depraved utility"
Women are self serving, hedonistic , and because of a gynocentric , narcissistic culture . She has subtly been corrupted  therefore her desires are corrupted as well.

The thug fulfills those corrupted desires. He is the ultimate slave. He is utilized for the following:

1) sexual performance:

Image result for pictures of thugs working in prison The thug has to produce erections, orgasms and babies . His sperm must be the active agent. The hood rat only has to lay their and wait for the sperm to fertilize the egg. Not only does the thug have to produce an orgasm , he has to produce multiple orgasms, his body has to be taught and muscular, his penis has to be large and erect and must be enduring . Therefore the thug is not desired for his sexual corporeality but for his sexual performance and or utility.and he must always be on the lookout for someone who can perform better than him. This breeds insecurity in many thugs and in many cases violence against the woman in order to control her hypergomous nature .  Thugs of course don't discern the snare he has been trapped in. He is like Samson in the bosom of Delilah . His masculinity is being used to destroy him. The woman offers him sex. He of course takes it over and over. He therefore does not develop his more noble spiritual qualities. Qualities and talents that God would have him to use to glorify His( God's) kingdom. Instead the thug indulges constantly in his base passions. His strength is also siphoned off as he continues to indulge. This is what Satan and the western white supremacy apparatus desires. He also adapts to a degenerate hip-hop , ghetto praising culture and this further reduces his threat to the elites who are seeking control of the world.

2) Social deviancy :

 The reprobate woman loves the world and all the wickedness it offers, sex, drugs, fame, money, power, leisure, gluttony, and false privilege . Thugs represent the foot soldiers of  social rebellion he is against what she is against on her subconscious level. Which is GOD, His righteousness , and men who strive to live their lives. For God's glorification. The reprobate woman does not have the power on her own to destroy righteous men, so she needs men who are willing to subjugate and prostrate themselves to the reprobate woman and her nihilistic desires of power over men and society even if it leads to her own destruction. She has a Jezebel spirit and she wants an Ahab for a lover.

The thug is a performer. He hits the streets and commits crimes, of theft, robbery, hustling, drug dealing etc. And he brings the spoils back home to her. She in many cases is aware of his activities although she may not directly participate in his endeavors and therefore can claim plausible deniability if and when her thug is caught by law enforcement. If he is caught she can also  claim to be a victim and in many cases will be exonerated if charged. Once he is incarcerated she seeks a replacement and she usually finds another willing suppliant who is all to eager to sacrifice his liberty, life ,and soul just to have access to her vagina.

3) You thug are her weapon of choice. 

Image result for pictures of thugs with weapons

The thug is the reprobate woman's weapon. She longs to wield power as a man. In many cases this power is on a primitive level. She longs to bully, intimidate, assault, or even murder other people who she may deem as problematic in her life. She however lacks the physical prowess to carry out these endeavors. However her thug can. She trains him as if he was a pit bulldog. And she goes about town with him riding shotgun in many cases in her car. She is an angry woman and she wants to hurt someone , thus the need for the thug. If he is man enough . Than she will reward him with pussy. The downside to this arrangement is the thug will be asked to risk his life or liberty to prove he is no punk. When that occurs he may be locked up , hurt or even killed. She will seek out the next one when that occurs.

4) Entertainer

Thugs are notorious for their so called extroverted demeanor, They tend to have a  drama seeking, ultra intense "turnt up" nature. that seems to come naturally. The reprobate female finds this charming, fun, and entertaining, She longs to escape the humdrum existence which is her life. Many of these reprobate women have the grandiose delusion that they are some sort of ghetto queen or project princess. She feels that she is royalty, so she needs a court jester. Thus the pussy begging thug is more than willing to be the clown. He will jump through many hoops, act a fool in public , whatever it takes to keep his hood girl from becoming bored with him and dump him for another. The thug doesn't seem to realize that he needs to be sober minded and that a woman who needs to be constantly entertained is high maintenance and in many cases will never be satisfied. He will be required to jump higher, run faster, laugh longer, or else she will tire of him. He is forced to attempt superhuman endeavors that lead him to incarceration, injury, or even death.    

5) A willing suppliant

Image result for pictures of thugs working in prisonThe thug in many cases is subservient, both socially, and spiritually to his hood queen and she deep down knows this which is why she picked him in the first place. She knows that he cannot tell her what to do because he has no inner nobility in which she has to submit to. She loves this. She can claim the moral high ground and utilize her debased "feminine morality" in order to control and browbeat him into submission. and if that doesn't work she can then use the state to reign him in. This she does often which is a primary reason the prisons are full. Many thugs become dependent on their reprobate women for sustenance. He stays in her home, eats her food, drives her car etc. He may think he is running things but in actuality he has no power, She wields the power and sub consciously she loathes him, but that is alright as long as he is able to be UTILIZED. 


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