Raw Materials: The Lifeblood of any Business

Raw Materials: The Lifeblood of any Business

Image result for pictures of raw materials and their finished products  Image result for pictures of raw materials and their finished products

Farmers and agriculture giants such as ADM, Cargill, and Monsanto need seeds for their crops

Exxon/Mobile, Shell, and BP, need oil

Debeers, The diamond brokers need diamonds

McDonald's need cows.

Any business that hopes to survive well into the future , be it manufacturers, agri-biusiness, bio tech etc. all need  a consistent and steady supply chain of  raw materials.

Private for profit prison systems are no different. They need raw materials as well. CCA, Wackenhut The Geo Group and other fledgling prisons for profits need the souls and bodies of men and women especially black men and women. And their main source of  raw material is the Black Baby Mama  

Image result for pictures of for profit prisonsImage result for pictures of hoodrats

and her continued ability to breed bastard children whose path in life is most likely to lead them to one of these corporations prison system where they will become literal slaves, with their rights and liberty taken away.

Every corporation does the necessary work to cultivate and enhance their source of income. Diamonds dig mines, Oil drillers invest tons of money building and designing wells with the best technology available

Monsanto has invested billions in Genetically Modified seeds in an attempt to boost their profits . So it is not a stretch to say that private prisons have a financial stake in black women remaining corrupt, whorish, rebellious against their husbands and dependent on the government or their careers so as to keep the supply of slaves breeding well into the future. 

Corporations that want to please stockholders make long range goals so as to encourage investors. Any company that relies on their raw materials does what is necessary to make sure they get the greatest yield possible. Farmers use fertilizer, oil drillers use water pressure to flush out the crude. Prisons need a debased culture so as to keep their beds full. Thus the need to prop up the black woman and women in general on one end and demonize, feminize and criminalize the black man on the other. This is what has occurred today. When I first wrote this piece on September 19, 2014  there was continued uproar over alleged domestic violence incidents of NFL players. So far all the faces of the offenders are black ones.  World opinion against black men is slowly reaching an all time high due to mass media propaganda however the demonization of our women is increasing on the airwaves as well. 

That however doesn't stop the breeding. Black men and women will continue to have sex and sub sequentially have children out of wedlock and although the welfare system is being slowly reduced. It will not be totally cut off until the environment for a totalitarian police state system has been erected. Then the support for black women will be pulled completely and she will be defenseless that is when she will be forced to seek her God or noble husband , but for many it will be too late. 


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