Don't Date the State!!

Don't Date the State!!

Uncle Sam - We're getting married nad to be thereMy personal experiences in relationships and marriage has taught me a bitter yet valuable lesson. Men in America today no matter what race,  color or creed, or income level must be wary of the women in their lives because whether he realizes it or not she has an invisible umbilical cord connection to the state government. Thru her the fascists can enslave men of all socio- economic groups. either monetarily with family court decrees such as child support or alimony or direct criminal incarceration thru domestic violence laws VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT. or civil proceedings such as sexual harassment.

When a man takes on any type of romantic or even in many cases non romantic relationship such as co worker or employer employee relationship. The woman has the upper hand and the man must walk a fine line between happiness and comfort or poverty, distress, incarceration or worst death.

Knowing this the advice I am giving to my sons is as follows:

1. Don't marry ( Not legally at least)

The state is too involved in marriages today, they look to profit, exploit and enslave men who endeavor to do what God has ordained as a Holy Union. However the state is an instrument of Satan and it has it's abominable claws around the throat of the institution of marriage today and although it is not a sin to marry. We must be cognizant of the times we live in. The women are being corrupted by the power injected into her spirit via her connection with the state. Power tends to corrupt and this is why many men end up divorced because the women are seduced by the prospect of power that was not ordained to her from God, but has been usurped from the husband by the corrupt fascist government. So if you marry, you do so at your own risk. I will be at your wedding, if it is GOD'S will. I won't be smiling though.

2. Don't get her pregnant. 

This piece of advice can be legitimize by two words. "CHILD SUPPORT" Nuff ' said here. 18 or more years of indentured servitude. I know because I went through it myself.

3. Have YOUR OWN space.

Image result for picture of black man in nice houseDon't move into HER APARTMENT OR HOUSE. You can spend the night or the weekend but don't get overly comfortable in her space. Always leave and have somewhere else to go . Familiarity breeds contempt and today's women get bored and frustrated very easily over minor and trivial things . She is spoiled and must not be allowed to have unlimited access to your time and space.  If you move in her space, there WILL BE ARGUMENTS and these conflicts could escalate and she WILL ask, no not ask demand you leave her space. You will be out on the street and  , homeless if you put all your trust in her good will toward you. This is what creates the most abusive fights, because it's not just losing your girl, it's losing your shelter from the cold and a man will fight like hell to stay warm .SO HAVE YOUR OWN PLACE DAMMIT AND DO NOT LIVE WITH HER. Some states have common law marriages so this a damn good reason not to move in with her. Don't fall for the argument that you have 2 separate rents or mortgages and it would be better to combine your income into one. No if you can comfortably afford it keep the expenses separate than do so. YOU SON, NEED YOUR OWN SPACE!!

4. Have your own interest.

A woman should NOT be a man's primary interest or pursuit. That status belongs to YAHWEH AND HIS SON YESHUA. After them you should have some sort of vocation, activity, or hobby that peaks your physical interests and garners the majority of your time and energy. She if she wishes can be a part of that interest if she is genuine, if not leave her to her own devices and pursue your passion. It could be hunting, fishing, detailing cars, art, writing, sports, exercise, your work, anything that does not cause you or anyone needless pain or sorrow is a good endeavor.just don't make HER, your endeavor.

5. Be a man that garners respect.

You don't have to be tough , or rich, or a stud , or have swag. None of those things garner true respect. What garners real respect is integrity, dignity, and honor. This is what true manhood is about. A true man " MUST " have his woman's respect. I wrote an article once called " Treat me like your pastor". Because many women especially black ones absolutely revere their pastor, simply because of his title. If women can submit to him. Than she should be willing to submit to your vision of life. Just so long it is a god fearing vision.

6. Work.

If you are fortunate enough in this fascist, oligarchical economy to earn a decent living , than continue to do so. Work is essential for male independence, self respect, and freedom to explore different dating options. The man who earns a good living has his pick of the litter when it comes to women. He can date a variety of honeys if he chooses, just as long as he does not get financially strapped in the process and so long as he doesn't succumb to the pressure of being monogamous as it is sanctioned by the state and our culture. If that one woman brings you true love and delight, by all means choose HER. But leave the state out. The only way can this be done successfully is if we.......

7. Learn not to fear Love.

SCARED BLACK MAN - haunted house?? Hell noooooooAmerican culture has been constructed in ways that induce fear of genuine loving relationships. This has been a progressive construct. In other words our parents did not suffer from this fear of love as bad as we do today, and our grand parents suffered even less than our parents. In order to cover up for our fear of the pain and vulnerability that love creates, we become hardened in our hearts and souls. We need to combat this ubiquitous and invasive psychological projection from the corrupt American culture. We MUST resist lest we lose our humanity and eventually our souls. We are going to have to cultivate the higher more noble qualities in ourselves with help from our God. We have to get to the point where men and women can form bonds and raise families properly and leave the state OUT OF THE EQUATION. The only way this can be done is we cultivate our ability to LOVE without fear. We have to strive to obey the commandment stated by Yeshua (Jesus) in Matthew.

Matthew 22:37-40 (KJV)
37[Jesus said unto him, ] Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 

38This is the first and great commandment. 

39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 

40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

If we can do what these commandments state, there would be no need for government intervention in the affairs of man and his woman. There would be an understanding between both parties that the government is an enemy and every effort would be made to keep them out. But this can only occur if there is true love and trust in one another which reduces the fear factor and thus the desire for state and federal government intervention.


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