Project 2025: Overview and Impact on American Society





Overview of Project 2025:

Project 2025 is an initiative led by The Heritage Foundation, aimed at preparing a comprehensive conservative policy agenda for the next Republican administration. The project is structured around four main pillars: a policy book, a personnel database, a training academy, and a 180-day playbook for transitioning federal agencies. The overarching goal is to reshape the U.S. federal government to align with conservative values and priorities​ (The Heritage Foundation)​​ (Democracy Docket)​.

How Project 2025 Will Affect American Culture, Economy, Bylaws, and Religion

1. American Culture:

Impact on Family and Social Values: Project 2025 emphasizes restoring traditional family values, protecting children, and promoting a Christian nationalist vision. This includes promoting heterosexual marriage as the only valid form of sexual expression and opposing transgender rights. Such measures could lead to increased polarization and conflict over social issues, potentially marginalizing LGBTQ+ communities and other minority groups​ (Democracy Docket)​.

Cultural Shifts: By influencing educational curricula and public discourse, Project 2025 aims to embed conservative values more deeply into American culture. This may include rewriting history to reflect conservative perspectives, which could result in a more homogenized cultural narrative that excludes diverse viewpoints and historical experiences.

2. Economy:

Economic Policy Changes: Project 2025 includes proposals to overhaul the tax system, favoring a flat tax rate and reducing regulations on businesses. These measures are intended to stimulate economic growth by making the tax code simpler and reducing government intervention in the economy. However, critics argue that such policies may disproportionately benefit the wealthy and exacerbate income inequality​ (The Heritage Foundation)​​ (Democracy Docket)​.

Labor and Workforce Impacts: The project’s plan to purge the federal workforce of employees who do not align with its conservative values and replace them with loyalists could lead to significant disruptions in federal operations. This could affect the efficiency and effectiveness of government services and potentially lead to increased unemployment and job insecurity among federal employees​ (Democracy Docket)​.

3. Bylaws and Governance:

Administrative State: Project 2025 aims to dismantle the administrative state, which it views as overreaching and unaccountable. This involves reducing the size and scope of federal agencies and returning power to state and local governments. While this could increase local control and reduce federal bureaucracy, it might also lead to inconsistencies in policy implementation and weaken the enforcement of federal regulations​ (Democracy Docket)​.

Legal and Constitutional Changes: The project’s focus on defending sovereignty, borders, and individual rights includes a strong emphasis on Second Amendment rights, anti-abortion measures, and religious liberty. These priorities could lead to significant legal battles and changes in constitutional interpretation, particularly around issues of reproductive rights, gun control, and the separation of church and state​ (Democracy Docket)​.

4. Religion:

Promotion of Christian Nationalism: Project 2025 seeks to integrate Christian nationalist principles into government policy, potentially blurring the lines between church and state. This could result in policies that favor Christian beliefs and practices, potentially at the expense of religious pluralism and the rights of non-Christian citizens​ (Democracy Docket)​.

Religious Liberty: While promoting religious liberty for Christians, the project’s policies might limit the rights of other religious groups. This could lead to legal challenges and societal tensions as different groups vie for recognition and protection under the law.


Project 2025 represents a significant shift toward conservative governance, with broad implications for American culture, economy, bylaws, and religion. Its implementation could lead to profound changes in social norms, economic policies, administrative structures, and the balance between church and state. These changes would likely be met with both strong support and opposition, reflecting the deeply divided nature of contemporary American society.


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Certainly! Here's a detailed outline for "Project 2025":

Project 2025 Outline

1. Introduction

  • 1.1. Project Overview

    • Brief description of Project 2025.

    • Objectives and goals.

  • 1.2. Background and Rationale

    • Historical context.

    • Importance and necessity of the project.

  • 1.3. Scope and Limitations

    • Project boundaries.

    • What will and won't be covered.

2. Objectives

  • 2.1. Primary Objectives

    • Main goals to achieve.

  • 2.2. Secondary Objectives

    • Additional targets.

  • 2.3. Measurable Outcomes

    • Key performance indicators (KPIs).

3. Stakeholder Analysis

  • 3.1. Identification of Stakeholders

    • Key individuals and groups involved.

  • 3.2. Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities

    • Specific roles and responsibilities.

  • 3.3. Communication Plan

    • Strategies for effective communication.

4. Project Phases and Timeline

  • 4.1. Phase 1: Initiation

    • Project proposal.

    • Feasibility study.

  • 4.2. Phase 2: Planning

    • Detailed project plan.

    • Resource allocation.

  • 4.3. Phase 3: Execution

    • Implementation steps.

    • Progress monitoring.

  • 4.4. Phase 4: Monitoring and Control

    • Performance tracking.

    • Risk management.

  • 4.5. Phase 5: Closure

    • Project completion.

    • Final evaluation.

5. Resource Management

  • 5.1. Human Resources

    • Team structure.

    • Roles and expertise required.

  • 5.2. Financial Resources

    • Budget estimation.

    • Funding sources.

  • 5.3. Material Resources

    • Equipment and materials needed.

6. Risk Management

  • 6.1. Risk Identification

    • Potential risks.

  • 6.2. Risk Assessment

    • Impact and likelihood analysis.

  • 6.3. Risk Mitigation Strategies

    • Plans to minimize risks.

7. Quality Management

  • 7.1. Quality Planning

    • Standards and benchmarks.

  • 7.2. Quality Assurance

    • Processes to ensure quality.

  • 7.3. Quality Control

    • Monitoring and measurement techniques.

8. Communication Strategy

  • 8.1. Internal Communication

    • Methods for team communication.

  • 8.2. External Communication

    • Public relations.

    • Stakeholder updates.

9. Project Evaluation and Feedback

  • 9.1. Evaluation Methods

    • Tools and techniques for evaluation.

  • 9.2. Feedback Collection

    • Methods for gathering feedback.

  • 9.3. Continuous Improvement

    • Strategies for ongoing improvements.

10. Conclusion

  • 10.1. Summary of Key Points

    • Recap of main objectives and strategies.

  • 10.2. Future Recommendations

    • Suggestions for future projects or improvements.


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Iran Planned to Assassinate Pres. Trump


Iran Planned to Assassinate Pres. Trump


1,098 have prayed

Father, we pray that You would protect Trump from any and all attempts on his life. In the wake of Saturday's attack, we ask You to strengthen the Secret Service to protect politicians from all future assassination attempts.

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The U.S. reportedly learned about an Iranian plan to assassinate Trump ahead of Saturday’s rally in Pennsylvania.

From Daily Caller. U.S. authorities reportedly received intelligence ahead of an assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump over the weekend that Iran was reportedly plotting to kill him, CNN reported on Tuesday.


Get involved in state-level prayer with IFA.


The intelligence, provided to U.S. authorities by a human source, prompted the Secret Service to ramp up protections for the former president in the weeks leading up to the shooting, several people briefed on the matter told CNN. White House National Security spokeswoman Adrienne Watson told The New York Times that there is no known connection between the alleged Iranian plot and the assassination attempt against Trump by Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old gunman who was killed by U.S. forces swiftly after he began opening fire on Trump and the crowd on Saturday.

Trump was shot and injured by a gunman at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday in an assassination attempt that has been decried by critics as a failure by the Secret Service to ensure security at the event. …

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle told ABC News on Monday that it was “unacceptable” that the shooter was able to fire on Trump and accepted responsibility for the agency’s failure to ensure security. She does not plan to resign from her role.

Iran has been vocal that it seeks revenge against Trump and members of his former administration for the death of Qasem Soleimani, a popular figure in Iran and the former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp, who was killed in a drone strike in 2020. 



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Intercessors for America (IFA) is a Christian ministry focused on mobilizing intercessory prayer for the United States. Founded in 1973, IFA aims to inform, connect, and mobilize Christians to pray for the nation's leaders and issues affecting the country. Their mission involves producing prayer materials and organizing events to unite believers in prayer and fasting.

IFA's vision is to see God's purposes for America fulfilled through sustained prayer and Spirit-led obedience. They emphasize the importance of praying for those in authority, as instructed in 1 Timothy 2:1-4, and believe that effective intercession requires a prophetic perspective and reliance on strategic, vetted information. Key to their activities are monthly prayer letters, weekly prayer alerts, and organized fasting on the first Friday of each month​ (IFAPray)​​ (IFAPray)​.


November 22, 2015



America: Your Government Hates You. (Updated )

Job 12:21-25 (KJV)

21[He poureth contempt upon princes, and weakeneth the strength of the mighty.] 

22[He discovereth deep things out of darkness, and bringeth out to light the shadow of death.] 

23[He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them ] again[.] 

24He taketh away the heart of the chief of the people of the earth, and causeth them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way. 

25[They grope in the dark without light, and he maketh them to stagger like ] a[ drunken ] man[.] 

This is an urgent message to all the citizens of the United States of America. The entity that occupies the offices in what you and I call the United States government, especially congress, hates your guts. Whether you want to accept this truth or not is irrelevant. The proof has now been forced in your face as of 3/3/15. Do you remember what happened that day? This, as far as I 'm concerned, is a day that should live in infamy for the citizens of what we know is now an occupied nation.

March 3, 2015, the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a fiery speech before a joint session of congress protesting a nuclear arms deal that America is forging with Iran. He made this speech without consulting with our President Barack Obama. He was invited by the speaker of the house John Boehner, who in my opinion should have been PUBLICLY REMOVED from his office immediately for this blatant and open act of treason. However, this did not happen, he was allowed to retire instead. If there was any doubt that America is controlled by a foreign power, those doubts were put to rest on March 3, 2015. The country many of you know as the United States of America is dead and gone and has been dying for a long time now. America was and has been on life support. The life support plug has now been pulled. The political gloves are now off. The pretending and hiding are over. What was in the dark is now brought to the light of day





                 IT’S NOT FASCISM 

Outline and Elaboration of the Article: Agenda 47

                WHEN “WE” DO IT!!


Agenda 47 is a package of proposals by Republican candidate Donald Trump, detailing his plans if elected as the 47th president of the United States. This article provides a comprehensive overview of these proposals, addressing various policy areas and their implications.

Main Critiques

  • Feasibility: Concerns about the practicality of implementing the proposals.

  • Impact on Inflation: Potential economic consequences, especially inflation.

  • Authoritarianism: Worries about the expansion of presidential powers and authoritarian tendencies.


The article categorizes the proposed policies into various themes:


  • Chinese Ownership Restrictions: Banning and reversing Chinese ownership of key U.S. assets.

  • Energy Independence: Removing regulations to boost domestic production and withdrawing from the Paris Agreement.

  • Universal Baseline Tariffs: Introducing tariffs on most foreign products to protect American jobs and reduce dependence on China.

  • Economic Boom: Initiatives to return jobs and wealth to the U.S., including the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act.

  • Auto Industry: Rescinding Biden’s emission regulations and supporting North American auto production.

  • Energy Costs: Developing various energy sources to lower energy costs and attract manufacturing to the U.S.


  • Federal Funding Cuts: Cutting funding for schools teaching Critical Race Theory and gender ideology.

  • College Accreditation: Reforming the accreditation system to promote traditional values and free speech.

  • Great Schools Principles: Ten principles focusing on parental rights, teacher quality, and practical education.

  • Homeschooling Support: Allowing homeschooling families to use education savings accounts and access public school benefits.

  • American Academy: Establishing a free, world-class online education system funded by taxing large private university endowments.

Expansion of Presidential Powers

  • Dismantling the Deep State: Firing government employees and reforming the FISA courts.

  • Regulatory Cuts: Reducing federal regulations and restoring executive order powers.

  • Impoundment: Challenging the Impoundment Control Act to control unnecessary government spending.

Foreign Affairs

  • Ending Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Negotiating an end within 24 hours.

  • Military Strength: Overhauling the defense bureaucracy and increasing military funding.

  • Peace Efforts: Removing warmongers from key positions and reevaluating NATO’s purpose.

Healthcare and Social Security

  • Medicare and Social Security: Keeping them intact by cutting other federal expenses.

  • Chronic Illnesses: Investigating the rise in chronic health issues among children.

  • Drug Costs: Reducing drug prices by negotiating better deals with Big Pharma.

Immigration Reforms

  • Ban on Taxpayer-Funded Release of Illegal Aliens: Implementing strict penalties for administrative noncompliance.

  • Ending Birthright Citizenship: Signing an executive order to redefine citizenship rules.

  • Welfare Restrictions: Ending welfare benefits for illegal immigrants.

Infrastructure and Urban Planning

  • Freedom Cities: Developing new cities on federal land and promoting flying car technology.

  • Urban Beautification: Modernizing cities and building monuments to American heroes.

  • Anniversary Celebrations: Planning extensive celebrations for the 250th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

Transgender and LGBT Rights

  • Gender-Affirming Care: Ending federal support for gender transition programs and creating legal avenues to sue providers.

  • Recognition of Genders: Establishing that only male and female genders, assigned at birth, are recognized by the government.

Journalism and Information

  • Censorship Regime: Banning federal agencies from labeling information as misinformation and prosecuting those involved in censorship.

Law Enforcement

  • Investment in Police: Increasing funding and protections for police, enforcing gun laws, and using the National Guard in high-crime cities.

  • Criminal Organizations: Dismantling criminal organizations and imposing the death penalty for drug dealers and human traffickers.

  • Radical Prosecutors: Investigating and prosecuting local prosecutors for race-based law enforcement.

National Security

  • Missile Defense Shield: Developing a state-of-the-art missile defense system similar to Israel’s Iron Dome.

  • Chinese Espionage: Reinstating initiatives to combat Chinese espionage and investigating the University of Pennsylvania’s Chinese donors.

Social Issues

  • Equity Policies: Revoking Biden’s Executive Order 13985 and investigating related civil rights abuses.

  • Homelessness and Drug Addiction: Creating rehabilitation programs and tent cities for the homeless and fighting drug addiction with severe penalties for traffickers.

  • Veteran Homelessness: Eradicating veteran homelessness by reallocating funds from immigrant support programs.


  • Critiques: Critics argue that Trump’s plans lack coherence and feasibility, with some describing them as authoritarian or fascist.

  • Economic Concerns: Economists warn that some proposals, such as universal tariffs, could be inflationary.

Notes and References

  • Sources: References to articles, speeches, and videos where Trump’s policies are detailed.

  • Additional Information: Notes on related topics and previous Trump administration actions.

External Links

  • Campaign Website: Links to Agenda 47 and related materials.

This elaboration provides a detailed overview of Donald Trump’s Agenda 47, highlighting the main policy areas, proposed actions, and the critiques they have received.


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Project 2025 and Agenda 2030 are two significant frameworks that outline visions for the future, though they come from very different ideological perspectives and propose contrasting pathways.

Project 2025:

  • Overview: Project 2025 is a conservative initiative spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation. It aims to prepare for a conservative presidency in the U.S. by 2025. This initiative includes a detailed policy agenda, a personnel database, training programs, and a 180-day playbook for the incoming administration.

  • Key Goals: The project seeks to reshape the federal government, emphasizing deregulation, reducing the size of the federal workforce, and promoting conservative social policies. This includes a strong focus on rolling back reproductive rights, reducing environmental regulations, and restructuring federal agencies to align with conservative values​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Media Matters)​.

  • Policy Proposals: Significant proposals include reclassifying federal employees to increase political control, dismantling agencies like the Department of Education, and implementing strict anti-abortion measures. It also aims to infuse the government with Christian values and reduce the influence of what it views as a liberal bureaucracy​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Media Matters)​.

Agenda 2030:

  • Overview: The United Nations' Agenda 2030 is a global initiative adopted by all UN member states in 2015. It outlines 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aimed at ending poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring prosperity for all by 2030.

  • Key Goals: The SDGs cover a broad range of social, economic, and environmental objectives. These include eradicating poverty and hunger, ensuring quality education and healthcare, achieving gender equality, promoting sustainable economic growth, and taking urgent action to combat climate change.

  • Policy Proposals: Agenda 2030 emphasizes inclusive development and sustainability. It advocates for reducing inequalities, fostering innovation, building resilient infrastructure, and ensuring sustainable management of natural resources. The goals are interconnected and designed to be achieved in a balanced and integrated manner.

Comparison and Conflict:

  • Ideological Differences: Project 2025 is rooted in conservative ideology, focusing on deregulation, reducing federal oversight, and promoting traditional values. In contrast, Agenda 2030 is grounded in inclusive and sustainable development, with a strong emphasis on global cooperation and environmental protection.

  • Policy Conflicts:

    • Environmental Policies: Project 2025 seeks to reduce environmental regulations to favor fossil fuel production, while Agenda 2030 prioritizes urgent action on climate change and sustainable management of natural resources.

    • Social Policies: Project 2025 proposes rolling back reproductive rights and embedding Christian values in governance. Agenda 2030 emphasizes gender equality and access to reproductive health services as fundamental goals.

    • Government Role: Project 2025 advocates for a smaller federal government with more political control over federal employees. In contrast, Agenda 2030 envisions strong institutional frameworks at both national and international levels to achieve its goals.


While both initiatives aim to shape the future, they propose vastly different pathways based on their underlying values and priorities. Project 2025 focuses on conservative governance and deregulation within the U.S., whereas Agenda 2030 promotes sustainable and inclusive development on a global scale.




Project 2025 could significantly impact the principle of separation of church and state in the United States, potentially undermining this constitutional doctrine. Here are some key ways it could do so:

  1. Promotion of Christian Values in Government:

    • Project 2025 includes proposals to infuse the federal government and its policies with Christian values. This could lead to policies and practices that favor Christian beliefs over other religious or secular perspectives, thereby blurring the line between church and state​ (Wikipedia)​.

  2. Education and Social Policies:

    • The initiative suggests abolishing the Department of Education and transferring its responsibilities to other agencies or states, potentially allowing for more religious influence in public education. This might include promoting religious curricula or permitting religious activities in public schools, which could conflict with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment​ (Wikipedia)​.

  3. Reproductive Rights and Healthcare:

    • Project 2025 proposes strict anti-abortion measures and policies that could be influenced by religious beliefs. This includes removing the term “abortion” from federal laws and restricting access to reproductive healthcare services. Such policies may be seen as aligning government actions with specific religious doctrines, challenging the secular nature of government institutions​ (Media Matters)​.

  4. Federal Funding and Religious Exemptions:

    • The initiative advocates for expanding religious and moral exemptions to federal mandates, such as those related to contraception coverage under the Affordable Care Act. By allowing broader exemptions based on religious beliefs, the government might be perceived as endorsing specific religious views, which could undermine the neutrality required by the separation of church and state​ (Media Matters)​.

  5. Judicial and Executive Actions:

    • Project 2025 supports the appointment of judges and executive officials who are aligned with its conservative, Christian-oriented policy goals. This could lead to judicial decisions and executive actions that favor religiously motivated policies, further eroding the separation between church and state​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Media Matters)​.

Overall, Project 2025's focus on integrating Christian values into government policies and institutions represents a significant shift towards reducing the separation of church and state, potentially leading to legal and constitutional challenges. Critics argue that such measures could undermine the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion” or “prohibiting the free exercise thereof”​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Media Matters)​.


How would the United Nation's Agenda 2030 affect American culture, laws, and religion?


The United Nations' Agenda 2030, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is a comprehensive plan adopted by all United Nations member states in 2015. It includes 17 goals aimed at ending poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring prosperity for all by 2030. Here's a breakdown of how Agenda 2030 could potentially affect American culture, laws, and religion:

American Culture

  1. Sustainability Awareness: There would likely be an increased cultural emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility. This could manifest in various aspects of life, including education, business practices, and consumer behavior.

  2. Inclusivity and Equality: With goals focusing on reducing inequality (Goal 10) and promoting gender equality (Goal 5), there may be a cultural shift towards greater inclusivity and social justice.

  3. Health and Well-being: Initiatives to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being (Goal 3) could lead to a greater cultural emphasis on health, wellness, and preventative care.

American Laws

  1. Environmental Regulations: To achieve goals related to clean water (Goal 6), affordable and clean energy (Goal 7), and climate action (Goal 13), there might be stricter environmental regulations and laws promoting renewable energy and conservation.

  2. Social Policies: Laws aimed at reducing poverty (Goal 1), ensuring quality education (Goal 4), and achieving gender equality could lead to more robust social policies, including increased funding for education, social services, and equal opportunity legislation.

  3. Economic Reforms: Policies promoting decent work and economic growth (Goal 8) could result in reforms that encourage fair wages, improved working conditions, and support for small businesses and innovation.

American Religion

  1. Interfaith Cooperation: The emphasis on peace, justice, and strong institutions (Goal 16) could foster greater interfaith dialogue and cooperation, as religious groups work together towards common goals of social justice and peace.

  2. Moral and Ethical Advocacy: Religious organizations might play a more active role in advocating for the ethical dimensions of the SDGs, such as caring for the environment, reducing poverty, and promoting human dignity.

  3. Community Engagement: Many religious groups already engage in community service and humanitarian efforts. The SDGs might encourage even greater involvement in these areas, aligning their missions with global sustainability and development goals.

Potential Challenges

  • Cultural Resistance: Some aspects of Agenda 2030 might face resistance from groups that perceive them as conflicting with American cultural values or economic interests.

  • Legal Conflicts: Implementing certain SDGs could require significant changes to existing laws, potentially leading to legal and political battles.

  • Religious Tensions: While many religious groups may embrace the SDGs, there could be tensions if certain goals are perceived to conflict with religious doctrines or values.

Overall, while Agenda 2030 could lead to significant positive changes in American culture, laws, and religion, it would also require careful navigation of the diverse and sometimes conflicting interests within the country.

I disagree with the conclusion that agenda 2030 will be a positive change. Agenda 2030 will lead to a one world religion that violates YAH’S first commandment of..  


The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship that play a fundamental role in Judaism and Christianity. They are found in two places in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament: Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:4-21. Here are the Ten Commandments according to these scriptures:

Exodus 20:1-17

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.

  2. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them.

  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name.

  4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.

  5. Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

  6. You shall not murder.

  7. You shall not commit adultery.

  8. You shall not steal.

  9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

  10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Deuteronomy 5:4-21

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.

  2. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them.

  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name.

  4. Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.

  5. Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

  6. You shall not murder.

  7. You shall not commit adultery.

  8. You shall not steal.

  9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

  10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. You shall not set your desire on your neighbor’s house or land, his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Both versions are very similar, with some slight differences in wording and emphasis. These commandments serve as fundamental guidelines for moral behavior and worship practices in Judaism and Christianity.

K.L. Stubblefield is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University in 1983. He is the author of American Reprobate: God’s Curse and Restoration of the African American that was published in 2012. He and his wife Sandria co-founded Big Stub Creations in 2018. Its mission is to encourage individuals to utilize their artistic expression through the performing arts. This is his second publication of Staying Human: A Biblical, Spiritual, and Social Analysis and Solutions to Black Americans and Mainstream Americans Dysgenics, Narcissistic Self Indulgence, and the Current Politics of Self Annihilation. Amidst the dawning of Artificial General Intelligence and Trans-Humanity.




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